December 2006, Above the Planet Gingee
Jade floated above the planet. I hope you keep your home. I’ve done the best I could. I just hope it was good enough.
She felt a slight tickle. The Green Flame translated for her.
Thank you, Guardian of Life. Please join us for a while. You are welcome here.
She thought back warmly. I would be honored. Jade sped towards the surface.
Four hours later
What a wonderful culture! Jade sped back up through the atmosphere. They deserve to have their chance. Sometimes I forget why I do what I do. It’s nice to be reminded. She prepared to enter Hyperspace.
“Mayday! Mayday!” Her comms crackled. Damn, I thought I shut off my comms. ‘course I didn’t remember to shut off the emergency channels. “Mayday! This is fighter squadron Gamma Five. Space is breaking up around us and we can’t get out!”
“Gamma Five, this is Sector Control. We’re losing your signal. We can’t send anything else into that space until we know what’s going on.”
Jade sighed. She clipped her comms.
“Sector Control, this is Jade Zoldar. I got it.”
“Aye, Ma’am. Thank you.”
She entered Hyperspace.
Five solar systems away
This must be another one of the residual problems from merging with those other probabilities into the new Continuum. Space/time is still a little fragile. She spotted the Shantar craft.
“You boys ok out there?”
“Ma’am, we’d be a lot more ok out of this space.”
“I can see that. You’re stuck between probabilities. I’ll see if I can get you out.”
“We’re what?”
“Kinda hard to explain. Sector Control, I got ‘em. I might wind up taking the long way home. We’ll see.” She flew into the rift. Damn, it’s closing! Gotta move, now! She felt her left hand. I love ya baby, let’s do this and get home! She forced the ships out into regular space. The rift closed around her. She lost consciousness.
Five minutes later
Where the Hell am I? Jade shook herself awake. I know I’m still alive. I can feel the Starheart throb. She opened her eyes. Seems like normal space. Better head home. She jumped into Hyperspace.
Above Earth
“Sentinel’s Lair, this is Jade. I’m on my way in. Tell Jay I’m ready to renew our snowball fight!”
I’m not getting an answer. That’s weird. Dad’s not mad at me. He sure wouldn’t have the Lair ignore me!
Jade sped to the Lair.
It’s deader’n a doornail. What the Hell happened? She floated in the air. What is going on? Well, let’s go find the Resistance. She headed north to Mammoth Cave. What’s going on? This cave doesn’t look like it was ever bombed. Yikes! I don’t think I’m in Kansas any more. She landed.
“Hey! I didn’t know the J’Dinn were so stupid!” Jade saw a gun pointed at her. “They don’t even bother to get the skin tone right any more!”
Alexander Luthor walked out the front opening of the cave.
“Do you have anything to say before we kill you?”
Jade nodded.
“Yep. I’m in the wrong universe. I’m gonna have to get to the Portal to get home. I better get going.”
“Ha, Ha, little J’Dinn. Who are you really?”
Jade burst into flame.
“I’m the Champion of the Green Flame. Where else would I pick up the skin color?” She hoisted the guns away from the Resistance. “If you’ll promise not to shoot, I’ll give them back.”
They gaped. Then they slowly nodded. She released the weapons.
“Call me Jade, or call me Green Lantern. I don’t care.”
She heard their voices.
“She does look like the Green Lantern when the Green Lantern is human.”
“Her skin looks like the Kryptonian’s.”
Crap! This is our world without the return of Alan Scott. Bet the Green Lantern is me as a Demoness. This Elise wouldn’t have my Grandmother’s soul to temper her. I oughta get home. She sighed. Wait. Life is life and these folks have no chance. Let’s see what I can do. Think I’ll sort stuff out a little before I go. (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 5 for most of it.)
“Tell me about Supergirl.”
Alexander answered grudgingly.
“Kira Kor-El and the second Green Lantern travel with the Shantar. We retrieved Kira from the Kayzik, but she’s just another Hyper-Class meta.”
She snorted. Damn. Well, Dad, you made your choice. Now I’m gonna make it count for something here, too.
“Alexander, you don’t know me, but I’m about to change the face of your world. I’m a Galaxy Class Meta from another universe.” She knocked over a tree with her flame. “Get my drift?”
“You are not the Green Lantern.” Alexander nodded. “No weakness to wood.”
“I gotta go, but I’ll be back.”
New York City
There’s Diana! Jade flew low. Looks like a deathwatch. Well, she’s wasting her time mourning. Jade flew to the Amazon.
“Yep, I can see you hiding there. You’ll always be Mary’s friend. If you’ll come with me, we’ll add a few years to your friendship.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I’m not always all that bright either. Just trust me. I need to know where Mary is. I can help.”
“She’s dying. I’ll take you to her.”
Diana took her to a hideaway. Jade listened to the unconscious woman breathe.
“Need your help. I gotta fight the lightning. Help me.” Jade picked up the unconscious woman with her flame.
The Statue of Liberty
“What are you going to do?” Diana asked.
Jade gestured to towards the torch.
“Her flame is the imprisoned lightening. I gotta call it and I gotta fix it. I need you to do two things.” (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 2 and Funeral for a Friend – Part 1).
“Name it!”
“Keep her safe and watch for the Flash!”
“Who?” Diana stepped back.
“Jay Garrick. Promise me!”
“I will! But, why did we have to take Mary from her deathbed? And why bring her here?”
“’cause only a blood relative can do this. That’s me!” Jade looked up at the torch. “And I can only do this here!”
“Do what?”
Jade smiled. She slowly rose into the air. Her glow increased and spread into the torch. Diana watched Freedom’s torch come alive with fire. Its green glow burned skyward. Diana heard the thunder. Green Lightning crackled through the sky. Jade shouted.
“In brightest day,
In blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil’s might.
Beware my power, Green Lantern’s Light!”
She leaned her head back and screamed.
The lightning attacked her. It fought to kill her. She felt the lightning surge against her flame. She felt the sheer power of her protection flow through her. Starheart, I’m counting on that prime directive. Her will drove the power: her more than human will.
The lightning struck again and again. It struck as a wounded animal: deadly, unrepentant. Her flame burned skyward. It bounded the lightning. The lightning screamed. It attacked with all its primal force. It screamed vengeance.
Spellbound, Princess Diana watched the battle. I am watching two forces of nature at war. I do not know what she is, but not even the Green Lantern carried that kind of power.
The Power of the Starheart streamed through the New York sky. The Torch burned with cosmic fire. Its brilliance consumed the light of the lightning. Diana had to shield her eyes.
The lightning attacked with its full force. Jade growled. She surrounded the lightning with flame. Trapped, the lightning fought with all of its remaining strength. She tightened her grip on it. Slowly, slowly, she saturated the lightning with green fire. Jade knew she had won. With a thought, she claimed its essence.
The old woman coughed up blood.
Mary Marvel sat up: shocked to be alive.
“How did I?”
“Mary!” Diana yelled. “That must be…”
“I’m Jay Garrick, yes Ma’am! This world seems a little strange. Why is New York so quiet?” He looked up at green fire. “And what is that?”
“What?” Jade dimmed her flame. “Haven’t you folks ever seen a Green Lantern before?” She landed.
Thirty minutes later
Time to clean up another mess. There they are!
Jade dropped in front of a brunette Kira Kor-El.
“Kira? Can we…”
Kira Kor-El attacked. She knocked Jade skyward.
“Not bad.” Jade grinned as she stopped her ascent. “Just not very good for a Kryptonian.” She flew down and landed in front of Kira Kor-El. Kira fired a volley of heat vision towards her. All of the power of Krypton’s last daughter burned at the girl.
Jade smiled. Then she yawned. Then a fist of Green Flame rocketed Kira Kor-El skyward towards the Atlantic Ocean.
Jade grinned at the Shantar.
“I’m one of the good guys, I promise. Head towards Mammoth Cave & I’ll explain.” She flew towards the Atlantic Ocean and Kira Kor-El.
Kira floated to the surface. She stirred. Jade’s Green Flame hauled her out of the water.
“See, we can do this one of two ways. You can try to beat the Hell out of me, or you can accept that I’m a Galaxy Class Meta and all I want to do is clean the Kryptonite out of you.”
“Why would you?”
“’cause I’m the Champion of Life and the Kayzik aren’t!” She fired flame into Kira Kor-El. Kira felt herself grow weaker, then stronger. Much stronger. Much, much stronger.
“Here’s the deal.” Jade grinned. “If it’s Green and glows, don’t eat it. There might be red and gold glowing things you want to avoid, too, but I don’t know the rules here. My Kira has only seen Green.”
“Your Kira?”
Thirty minutes later
The shadow flowed through the Virginia woods. I miss my Mom, but I’ll survive. Doesn’t matter what the Kayzik do to the rest of this world. What the Hell is that?
Green Flame flared. Alanna Scott felt herself forced out of shadow.
An hour later
The Demoness landed.
Wish this ring had more power. It worked a lot better for the first Green Lantern. Guess it’s because I’m not quite human. What’s that?
A small human stood in front of her. The coloration was wrong. It spoke.
“I know who you are. Bet you don’t know what I am or what I’m about to do to you!”
“Who are you?”
“I’m a real live Champion of the Green Flame. I’m going to save your soul! It’s Alan Scott’s last gift to you.”
“Alan Scott. The Green Lantern. Your real Grandfather. You’ll meet your sister Alanna soon.”
“Miss, I’m…”
“Linda Lee Danvers or Evil Anne Saddler. Been there, done that. I’m also the real live Champion of the Green flame of the Kayzik home universe, which means I can do this!”
The Demoness felt herself held firmly.
Jade quoted the Starheart’s Oath.
“And I shall shed my light over dark evil,
Because the dark, evil things cannot stand the light,
The light of the Green Lantern!”
She shot fire into the Demoness. The Demoness screamed.
An hour later – Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
Linda Danvers shook herself awake. She looked down at her Caucasian skin. Kira Kor-El, the Flash, and Mary Marvel watched her.
Jade crossed the room.
“Pick up this piece of wood.”
“My power doesn’t work against wood.”
“It does now.”
Linda picked up the object. She concentrated. It caved in on itself.
Jade grinned.
“You channel the Starheart’s power anywhere in this universe. You lose some of that power when you leave this universe.” She faced them all.
“Here’s the deal. You ladies are all Galaxy Class Metas. Find the Shantar Commander. Work with her. She’ll guide you. Linda, your sister Alanna Scott is with her.”
“Nope, you’re the Granddaughter of Alan Scott, the Green Lantern. Otherwise you couldn’t carry the power. The Danvers aren’t your real family. You come from real good stock. Believe me, I know. I’m Linda Danvers, too.” Jade smiled.
Twenty Four Hours later
Nice to know I’ve still got it! Jade called the Portal. It opened in front of her. She passed through. One advantage to being the Champion of the Green Flame of the Kayzik home universe! Once through, she realigned the Portal to her home universe.
San Francisco
They sat on an overlook above the bay.
“Thanks for coming with me, Jeremy!” Linda smiled. “I’d forgotten what it felt like to feel the sun.”
He felt the sun on his face.
“It’s a lot nicer here than under two feet of snow. Thank you.” He breathed in. “Do you really think they’ll let you stay here?”
She put her head on her knees.
“I screwed up pretty bad. I got myself thrown out of the Empire Senate.” She sighed. “You know Jeremy, I’m tired of not being good enough for a universe full of people. My family loves me. That’s really enough. Thanks for being my friend.”
“You’re thanking me?” Jeremy laughed.
She grew quiet.
“Do you know how long it’s been since I could just be me? I’m just a girl!”
He smiled wryly.
“Then stop saving the universe. Stay here with me.”
She sighed.
“I can’t do that. I wish I could. But I can’t walk away from who I am.”
He nodded.
“I know. I can see that in you. I can see it from here. And I can’t see anything.”
She smiled.
“Maybe a different type of vision?”
He chuckled.
“No, just a little second sight. Runs in the Lane family. I understand my cousin got most of it.”
Linda laughed.
“Wish that’s how I got it. It’s nice to pretend, but it came from my father’s experiment.”
“They’re not through with you. We can pretend for a while that they are, but they’re not. You know what’s really funny?”
She smiled gently.
“What? I could use a laugh.”
“The joke is on all of us. They’ll try to take you apart and analyze you and figure you out, but the joke is still on all of us.”
Linda giggled.
“How so?”
“I’ve finally figured it out. In each universe, there is one hero that inspires everyone to do and be better. There is one hero that’s the guiding light above all others: the one that everyone turns to when it all falls apart. The one that always comes through, no matter how bad things get.”
He chuckled.
“I’ve heard of the search for Kal-El. Even if you find him, he won’t be what you expect. He’s not the one. Not here.”
“What?” She turned towards him. “I don’t understand.”
“See, it’s really obvious when you think about it.” He smiled peacefully. “This universe is magical. There’s science, but magic is what runs this place. The Kryptonians don’t have all that much power here. In some other universe, Linda Lee Danvers might be a Kryptonian, but not here.”
“My Dad admitted he spied on us that night. That’s ok, he didn’t mean any harm.” He smiled. “But he said something that surprised me.”
She giggled.
“So spill it!” She teased. “I stand in awe of your knowledge!”
“Awe. That’s what my Dad said. Awe. Alexander Luthor, who never fears or truly respects anyone: that’s what he feels about you.”
“You must be kidding!”
“No, Linda, I’m not. Don’t you hear it? Sure you scare people. They see themselves and they know what they’re not. Champion from Hell. Champion of the Green Flame. Champion of the Seltan. Champion of the Green Lantern Corps. Champion of the Imperial Senate. The Champion. And every time the legend just grows.”
“Jeremy, quit teasing me.” She frowned. “I’m just a farm girl who tries to do her best. There are people out there who are a lot smarter and braver than me. My Dad does a lot better than me. He smarter and he always knows what to do.”
“Does he? I keep hearing rumors. I heard one about a girl who killed the mother queen of the Kayzik. I heard one about the girl who kept the Green Lantern Corps from falling apart. I heard the one about the girl who stopped a Kayzik invasion by pulling the plug on their power source. She barely survived. I just heard another ugly rumor: the one about the girl who walked away from the Imperial Senate rather than let people die. People she didn’t even know.”
“But what else could I do?”
“That’s why it’s you. That’s why you’re the Champion. You didn’t even consider the easy way out. You never do. Because you’re the candle and we’re all moths to the flame.”
“You’re being silly!” She grinned.
He smiled at her.
“And you’ll never see it. I might be smarter than you, but I’m not the Champion. I’m just happy to be your friend.”
She laughed.
“Thanks for making me feel good about myself.”
He grew serious.
“You don’t see it, because you can’t. That’s part of your miracle. You’ll always think that other people are smarter or braver. At the same time, you’ll be the one who walks with the gods and makes them feel humble. You’ll be the one who makes a difference.”
“Stop that, Jeremy. This isn’t funny.”
“No, it’s not.” He listened to the sea. “But mark my words. They will come for you. The Guardians, the Senate, the Resistance, the Sentinel’s team: they’ll come for you, because they need you. They need you a whole lot more than you need them. Because you’re the Champion and that’s all there is to it.”
She sighed.
“On the whole, I’d rather have an ice cream cone.”
He laughed.
The Sentinel’s Lair
“I don’t give a damn who you are!” Selina Kyle roared. “The Sentinel left me to watch over his people and I’m going to do just that. You people have picked and prodded her. You’ve laughed at her. You have made her walk away in shame. You might do that on your world, but not here! This is her home. I’ll be damned if I’ll disturb her peace just to let you dump your problems on her again. You can either go back on the GLE or you can mind your manners and stay the Hell out of the way!”
“Madam, we are…”
“I don’t care who you are! You’re the people who screwed up! You come begging forgiveness while trying to salvage your own worthless egos.” Selina snarled. “I know that she’ll forgive you, because that’s the way she is. But I’m going to make sure she has a little time to recover from what you’ve done to her!”
Selina went back to her console. They heard her curse. They stayed out of her way.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Liberty Bell. Linda floated in front of it. It hasn’t rung in years. I wish it could ring for me. I’m still so confused. I hope I’m on the right track. She sat down on the steps. I hope I can help. I hope I’ve lived up to their ideals.
She felt a wind, but saw nothing.
She heard it. Sweet, crisp, clear. The broken bell. Sweet, crisp, clear. It didn’t move, but she heard it. Sweet, crisp, clear. Linda smiled. She stayed to listen. Sweet, crisp, clear. She let it flow over her. She listened for an hour. Finally, she knew she had to leave.
Come back any time, little one, and we’ll play for you. A transparent man tipped his three-pointed hat towards her. He faded away.
The Sentinel’s Lair
Linda landed in the Command Center. She glared up to the crowd.
“You’ve exiled me from Nalyd. You’ve thrown me out of the Senate. Now you’ve come to harass me in my own home. Go away.” She marched through the Command Center and back to her quarters. She picked up Helena Wayne and Krypto on the way.
Selina watched her go. They’re just beginning to realize what she is. I wonder what will happen when they really figure it out? She stifled her laughter.
Thirty-Six hours prior - Senate Subcommittee on Territorial Claims
“You will delete her speech from the record.” Senator Tarnet leered at the Warlord. “I demand it.”
“No sir, I won’t.” The Warlord growled. “You don’t have any idea what you just did. You can laugh at anyone else. You can cow anyone else. But she has earned our respect. She is one of ours. We will not tolerate your ego or your behavior! Not this time.” The Warlord stormed out. All of the military escorts followed.
Across the Senate, the lights went out. The military aides to every Senator and Ambassador simply disappeared. The power went out. The doors locked.
Two Hours later – New Oa
K’ryssma finished her explanation.
“And that’s all I know.” K’ryssma looked up to the Guardians and Zamarons. The seats were empty.
Four Hours later – Senate Leader Karzan’s Chambers
“Tarnet, I’ve known you to be many things. I’ve known you to be brilliant. I’ve known you to be a bully. I’ve known you to be a coward. But I’ve never known you to be so stupid.”
“Karzan, what are you talking about? I threw out a meaningless junior Senator. No one will miss her.”
“You still have no clue! You have brought the entire government down, and you have no clue!”
“Karzan, you are being silly. She’s just a stupid little shit with an ego.”
Karzan turned red. He growled.
“In the last six hours I have had to answer to the Emperor. I have had the Guardians of the Universe in my office. I have had the leadership of the Military demanding my resignation. You have no idea! I can’t believe you are so stupid. Don’t you know who she is? Don’t you know what she represents?” He snarled. “This government, that we have built and crafted: this government that we have all supported through thick and thin: this government is about to fall. And she’s the only thing that can stop it.” Karzan glared. “You threw her out! How stupid could you be?”
Tarnet laughed.
“Silly provincial. She can go to Hell. We’ll survive.”
Karzan growled.
“No, we won’t. For the record, she’s already been to Hell. You should pay more attention to the legends. And that’s what she is. Jade Zoldar is the real thing. A walking, talking legend who just wants to help people. And they know it. And they trust her. Across our worlds, they believe she’ll do what’s best for them.”
“So what?” Tarnet laughed. “We’re the Senate!”
“You’re not listening.” Karzan frowned. “But I would expect that from anyone who would do something so stupid.”
“Karzan, it’s my right as a Senate Leader to discipline the unruly.”
“Tarnet! For the first time the Guardians actually took us seriously! That ‘silly provincial’ is anything but. She’s the best the Guardians have to offer.” Karzan sighed. “We expect the Guardians to watch over us. We weren’t disappointed – she defied you because she had to. We’ve investigated her claims. You lied, you cheated. You did everything you thought you could for a commercial transaction.”
“I supported my constituents.”
“But I’ve never seen a more despicable act. You’d kill an entire race for a few credits.”
“How was I to know that?”
“Why didn’t you care enough to find out? Instead, you obstructed anyone who even wanted to try. Then you really screwed up. You tried to silence the Champion of the Green Flame. The Green Lantern’s Green Lantern: someone who never lies. I’ve seen the tape, Tarnet. There is nothing to attack. The evidence is clear, concise, and to the point. The legend stands. You lose.”
“Only for now. I’ll get even.” Tarnet laughed confidently.
“Tarnet, you still don’t get it. Remember the invasion that got cut off so quickly?”
“Stupid Kayzik got overconfident.”
“No, Tarnet. There was nothing to stop them. Nothing but her. Nothing. And she almost died a miserable death for the privilege. You should know that. High Command doesn’t treat her with kid gloves because they have to. They treat her with kid gloves because they know what she is.”
Karzan growled.
“The people know who she is. The people who we govern. The people on so many worlds who are calling for our heads. I have more recalls of Senators and Ambassadors than I know how to handle. This idiocy of yours isn’t going away. Not this time.”
Tarnet growled back.
“You make her sound like some kind of God. She’s still only some silly bitch. We can survive this.”
Karzan laughed.
“You really are stupid. She is a God. Or haven’t you noticed? That’s a Galaxy Class Meta. Not only that, but she’s probably the most powerful of the lot. And if you really missed it, she’s the most human face the Guardians could have possibly put forward. Now the only face the Guardians put forth is pure rage. They will leave the Empire Government if they’re not satisfied. They’ve made that very clear. They believe in her. They have no reason to believe in us.”
Karzan’s face burned red with anger.
“Let me put it another way. If the universe were collapsing around me, I would pray that she and those like her would come to my aid. I’d pray for help from the Green Lantern Corps. I’d pray for help from the Sentinel’s Lair. But frankly, Tarnet, I wouldn’t give you a second thought.” His eyes burned red. “I will believe in that little girl until my dying day. I will never believe in you.”
Kanzan’s eyes narrowed.
“It’s really your choice. You can take poison or resign in disgrace. Take more than two hours and I’ll solve the problem for you. I’ll simply remove your Senatorial protection and High Command will gladly take out the trash. In pieces.”
Tarnet spit at him.
“You make it all sound so easy.”
Karzan slapped him.
“It’s not, you bastard. I’ll have to beg the Guardians to find the girl. Then I’ll have to beg her to come back. She has no reason to. We certainly didn’t live up to her expectations!” He shook his head. “Otherwise, this government falls. Then the Emperor has to figure out what kind of government he can form to keep the Empire together.” Karzan stood back. “We both know the Emperor does not rule. That would be the end of this Empire. The Kayzik win by default.”
Karzan sneered.
“Goodbye, Tarnet. I would pray for your soul, but I can’t find the pity.”
Thirty hours later
K’ryssma approached Selina. She sat down beside the Oracle’s console.
“Selina, as much as I might wish otherwise, we must talk to her. I know she did not intend it, but her forced departure set loose an Empire-wide maelstrom of anger and indignation. The Imperial Senate can’t control it. They can’t even slow it down.”
“Screw them, K’ryssma. They hurt her.”
K’ryssma looked over to the delegation.
“Yes, they did. And they had no right. But the Empire government is experiencing a crisis in confidence. Worlds and Federations have announced their intention to withdraw. Linda’s evidence was clear, concise, and left no room for doubt. The Senator who dismissed her is no longer alive. I will not tell you why. I will tell you that the Guardians had no pity for him.”
“You can talk to her. They will have to wait.”
“Thank you, Selina. She is our shared responsibility. I do remember.”
“See that you do.”
K’ryssma walked to Linda’s quarters. She knocked.
“Come in, K’ryssma.” The door opened in front of her.
She saw them huddled together on the bed. Linda hugged Krypto. Helena leaned against her. Helena’s hands circled Linda’s left arm.
“K’ryssma?” Linda looked up. “Why can’t they leave me alone? Haven’t I done enough? Don’t they have enough reasons to laugh at me?” She looked down at Krypto. “I’m not good enough. I’ve admitted that. All I want is to be left alone with my family and friends.”
And who are we to hurt you again? How dare we place all our hopes and dreams on the shoulders of a child!
K’ryssma sat to Linda’s right side.
Because we know what she is.
“The Guardians want you to know how they feel.” K’ryssma tried to smile. “They wish you to represent them at Senate. They have asked me to provide your ring, battery, and smock. They are very proud of you, little one. Very proud.”
Surprised, Linda looked up.
“But I was thrown out in disgrace. I dishonored the Guardians and the Corps. I can’t accept this!”
And so the legend grows, little sister, and so the legend grows.
“The Guardians want you to know that you do represent them. They stand behind you. So do most of the Empire worlds.”
Linda gazed at the ring, battery, and smock.
“Whether you ever choose to set foot in the Senate again, you will always belong to us.” K’ryssma spoke kindly. “You will always have a home with us. You have earned it.”
Krypto whimpered.
K’ryssma kneeled in front of them.
“Linda, the Military aides walked out of the Senate in protest when you were forced to leave. The Military claims you, too. There are Worlds and Federations who have lost confidence in the government over this.”
Helena looked at Linda, puzzled. Linda put her arm around the girl.
“But I only dishonored me. I don’t understand.”
K’ryssma tried to explain. She stood up. Her eyes lost focus.
“Sometimes we strike at our strongest only to find they have feet of clay. Sometimes we strike at those who claim to be nothing, only to find that they are so much more. And we strike again because we cannot believe what we’ve found. And we strike and we strike and we strike. And finally we learn. And the legends that last are born.”
K’ryssma touched Linda on the shoulder. She brushed Linda’s hair.
“Stop by New Oa on your way. Kilowog misses you. Be sure to take your time with him. Let the Senate worry for a while.” K’ryssma stopped at the door. “Burn bright, little one. Burn bright. I will be waiting for you.”
“I know. Thank you for being my friend.”
K’ryssma smiled. She left Linda’s quarters and approached the crowd in the Command Center.
“We are leaving. She will come when she is ready.”
Karzan turned to speak.
K’ryssma cut him off.
“When she is ready, and not before!” K’ryssma vanished with the dignitaries.
Selina stuck her tongue out at the empty air. And don’t come back! She looked down to her display.
A few minutes later, she heard Helena run into the Command Center.
“Mommy, Linda is crying! She started crying when she looked at this.” Helena held up a smock with the Green Lantern symbol: a green symbol in a white circle on a red smock.
Two days later – The Coliseum
Jade Zoldar walked up to the podium. Too short to see over it, she looked up at it in disgust. Warlord Zoldar chuckled and motioned to a junior officer. They brought steps for her to stand on. She smiled and walked up the steps to the podium. She looked out to a full house.
“Honored Emperor, fellow members of the Senate, fellow citizens of the Empire, thank you so much for your belief in me. I must admit how very surprised I am to be here today. I stand in awe of your faith.”
“My Dad tells me that he’s proud of me. He tells me that it doesn’t matter how smart I am. What matters is that I try to do the right thing. The Guardians think my Dad’s a pretty bright guy. I like to think so, too.” She smiled brightly. “‘course he likes to think I’m smarter than I am.”
The crowded laughed gently.
“I learned a lot over the last few days. I learned that this Empire is full of good people who really care. Yes, there are a few bad apples in the barrel, but just a few. Most are good people who are just trying to get by.” She smiled kindly. “Our job as your government is to keep you safe and to make sure you have a fair chance to try to reach for your dreams. We can’t make your dreams – that’s up to you, but it’s our job to let you try to succeed in your own culture and on your own world.”
“I learned that most people in the Empire believe the same as me – that your worlds are yours and we ought to keep you on them. No one has the right to steal your home just because of what might be in it. We can’t catch every skunk that smells a credit, but we’re gonna try a lot harder. I promise you that. Otherwise, they’ll have to toss me out again!”
She laughed easily. The crowd echoed her gentle laughter.
“I learned that we got a lot of special people around here: people who cared about me when they didn’t have to. I’m just a junior Senator. It’s not like I’m a senior diplomat or anything. I can’t even get my folks to give me an allowance. They don’t want me to get spoiled!”
She heard laughter throughout the crowd.
She had a look of wonder in her eyes. They heard it in her voice.
“I am so amazed at what you’ve done for me. You believed in me and you restored my faith in you.”
She gazed at the faces in the audience.
“I’ve been told I tilt at windmills. I guess that’s what I do. And that’s ok. That’s at least something I know how to do.”
She spoke with a quiet reverence.
“I tilted at a windmill and it knocked me off the horse.” She flashed a smile. “Off the horse and off the planet.” She heard some in the crowd chuckle.
Her look of wonder returned.
“You put me back on the horse and put the lance back in my hands. Then you held the windmill still so that I couldn’t miss it. I never dreamed that you would do so much for me.”
She heard applause start to break out.
“I promise that for good or bad, I’ll be tilting at windmills for a good long time. Thank you so much for wanting me to try.”
She started to continue, but never got the chance. The crowd stood. The thunderous applause drowned out any other sound. Gracefully, she stepped back from the podium and stood beside it. She blushed. She bowed slightly. The applause only increased. Finally, she stepped off the stage.
Karzan stood off to the side with K’ryssma.
“The most important political speech of our time and she made it sound so natural. She must have struggled to write it.”
“She didn’t.”
“Did you see the script?”
“She had no script. No prepared speech. She knew better. Either they would love her or hate her for who she really was. She chose to believe in them and let them renew her faith. They did.”
“K’ryssma, I do not think I understand her.”
K’ryssma smiled.
“One does not have to understand a miracle. That takes the joy out of it.”
“One of her friends tell you that?”
“Yes, one of the Guardians.”
He stared at her in shock.
She smiled confidently. And so the legend grows. And so the legend grows.
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Eldric and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
--creations of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jake H., Jason Froikin, Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of D.C. Comics
-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics