20 October 2006, City of Tylol, Planet of Daxam
Targan Jadar ate his meal in silence. I hate this. Kiragee disappeared four months ago and all I can think about is her silly dream. (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 1). She was just a ditzy Martial Arts instructor with her head stuck in the clouds. I have to admit there was something a little special about her, though.
I’ve heard the tales of the ‘mystery Daxamite’ who seems to be causing the Kayzik so many problems. I like to pretend it’s her. But no Daxamite could survive the lead that is so common on most worlds.
Interesting. Somebody is watching me. Maybe nothing, but Kiragee taught me to be vigilant. He watched the woman across the room. Clumsy, isn’t she? Targan forced himself not to smile. Hmm, she’s coming over here. Wonder what she wants?
“Excuse me, are you Targan Jadar?” A pretty young woman stood in front of him. “I was sent by a mutual friend.”
She has a definite accent. Attractive young woman, but something isn’t quite right. I’ll talk to her, but not here.
“Say no more!” Targan smiled. “Let’s take a walk by the park and talk. This is going to be the high point of my day, and I won’t spend it surrounded by these clowns!”
He heard several boos, but saw the look of relief on her face. He walked to the door with her. She seemed to struggle to open it.
“Sorry,” she smiled, “just a little out of practice.”
“Fire retardant doors are a little heavy.” He pushed the door open for her. To most four year olds.
They walked across the street into the park. They were alone in that part of the park.
“What’s that?” She pointed to a large orb.
“That’s the Deadman’s Dare.” He smiled. “It’s simple. See how close you can get before you have to turn back.”
She shrugged. She walked towards it, touched it, and returned.
“Did I miss something?” She seemed puzzled. “Is there a trick? I don’t understand.”
He grinned fiercely.
“I do. I know what you’re not. Now all I have to do is figure out what you are.” He pulled a stun-gun out and shot her. The force of the blast knocked her off her feet, but had no other effect. She slowly fell to ground.
“Hey! What was that for?” She seemed confused. She brushed herself off. “Geez, that’s the last time I let Kira set me up with anyone.”
This woman is an alien, and not any common alien. She’s not as strong as we are, but she’s still invulnerable under a red sun. When I shot her, it took a long time for her to hit the ground. She should be unconscious. Who is Kira?
“Miss, I don’t know who you are, but I have reason to be suspicious. I know you’re not a Daxamite.”
“Rats!” She seemed almost relieved. “I’m not used to operating under such heavy gravity. I feel like I’m walking through water. Unfortunately, I’m the only one of my crew that can stand up under your gravity.” She sat on a bench. “So what was the trick with the Orb?”
The J’Dinn would have briefed her better. She seems honest. Well, why not play along.
“It’s lead.” He sighed. “Don’t you know what lead does?”
She scowled.
“Like Kryptonite to a Kryptonian, only worse. Kira told me.” He seems puzzled. Ah! “You knew her as Kiragee Tennan. I know her as Kira Jor-El.”
His eyed widened.
“Kiragee is alive?”
“And well.” She smiled. “Bless her little Kryptonian ass.”
An hour later
“Sentinel, we’re a go.” She tapped her comms and handed Targan a small device. “You can use this to contact us. I’m going to have to leave. My window of opportunity is opening up, and it’s going to take me a while to get through your atmosphere.”
“I’ll escort you to your ship.” Targan offered.
She smiled.
“That’s kind of you. Wish I had one, but my boss is too cheap!” She chuckled. “They’re also too damned easy to track.”
He took in her answer.
“Then how?” He stumbled. “I don’t even know your name.”
She smiled brilliantly.
“Marvel, Captain Marvel. Sorry, but I’ve got to go! I’ll be in touch.”
“How will you leave?”
She waved at him. She looked upwards and lifted off.
“Carefully!” She smiled at him one last time and then she was out of sight.
End Prologue
23 December 2006, The Sentinel’s Lair
“All I wanted was a quiet week before Christmas.” Linda fussed. “What do I get? A priority signal from the Guardians.”
“We’ll see you soon.” Alan Scott smiled to his youngest. “Go get ‘em. When next we meet, I’ll take you on a neat tour!”
She gave him a dirty look.
“I love you Dad, but I don’t have time to figure that one out. Gotta go! Tell everyone I’ll get back as soon as I can!” She teleported out of the Lair and into open sky. A short burst of speed later, she entered Hyperspace. She charged towards New Oa.
Alan sighed.
“Senior team to the conference room. I have to come clean.”
Ten minutes later
Selina Kyle, Alanna Scott, Jerik, Garja Jenna, Elise Zoldar, and Kira Jor-El joined him.
“Kira helped to set most of this up, so she’ll help to answer questions.” He put a space chart up on the display. “In a few hours, Elise, Alanna, and I will be heading to the High Imperium to discuss a battle plan. Mary is out doing reconnaissance. She may or may not join us.”
“Where’s the Squirt?” Alanna asked. “Shouldn’t she be here? Delude ourselves or not, she’ll be in the thick of any battle. She’s certainly proved herself.”
Alan smiled.
“We’ll meet her at the High Imperium, but she has her own set of responsibilities. She has to decide whether to commit the Green Lantern Corps to our next battle. That’s why I couldn’t brief you until she left. I had an agreement with the Guardians.”
“What kind of battle, Boss?” Selina pressed; then inspiration struck. She smiled a silly smile. She watched Kira grin. “You’ve been a tad too quiet lately, Boss. Mary sure has been absent a lot. That means you’re after a red sun, high gravity world. You’re getting even for what the Kayzik did to the Guardians. And you haven’t forgotten your promise to Lar Gand.” (Elf note: Continuum Chapter 3 – Lest Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot). “You’re about to take Daxam!”
“If we can.” Kira answered. “Daxam is like an ammunition depot to the Kayzik. We’re working with the Resistance there to plan everything out.”
“This is complicated and nasty.” Alan scowled. “With Daxam, it’s not just one planet. We also have to take out the hyperspace trails to all of the adjoining worlds and disable what we can of those worlds. This won’t be easy, it will be ugly and there will be casualties.”
“The deal with the Guardians is a little unusual.” He continued. “The Guardians will appoint a Corps Commander for the campaign. That person has to be someone the rest of the Corps will follow without question. The Corps won’t even follow the Guardians without deep suspicion. That leaves only one candidate that’s acceptable to both the Guardians and the Corps.”
Alanna chuckled.
“Little Linda, who will wonder why they didn’t pick someone smarter!”
He grinned.
“The problem is the inevitable conflict of interest. That’s why they insisted on briefing her. They’ll send her to the Imperium with an honor guard.”
“Honor guard?” Jerik asked.
Alanna spoke respectfully.
“Sometimes even I forget. Remember the day the power rings went out?” (Elf note: The Guardian Gambit - Chapter 2). “She gave everything she had for us and she didn’t even expect to be remembered. She just wanted to buy time for ‘the real heroes’.”
Alanna recoiled from the terrible memory.
“I remember that tiny little body. There was barely enough left to put her back together. And she didn’t even think twice about doing it. Even the Guardians couldn’t ignore that. That’s why she carries the Order of Oa and that’s why she rates the Honor Guard. She usually won’t accept one. This time the Guardians will insist.”
“Oh this will be hilarious!” Elise laughed. “I can see it now!”
“What?” Alan asked. “What?”
“You really should spend more time with Hal Jordan!” Elise cackled. “Remember how screwed up her status was? They tried to expel her and couldn’t? Well, after the Parallax Incident, they had to come up with something that worked – more for their sake than hers.” She tried to hide her grin and failed. “Linda is acknowledged as having the rights and privileges of being a Green Lantern. But she doesn’t have a sector designator, nor does she come under the authority of the senior Corps members. When she does one of these things for the Oans, she reports to them directly.” (Elf note: The Order of Oa – Chapter 2)
“We knew that, Mom.” Alanna asserted. “Why is that so funny?”
Elise controlled herself long enough to continue.
“Ok, we all work for the senior leadership of the Shantar Military. The Military chiefs report to the Imperial Senate. The Senate is made up of the senior representatives of the major Shantar governments and recognized alliances. It meets about a month every year. For an operation like this, we’ll eventually be briefing our strategy to a Senate subcommittee. The military is very, very respectful of the Senators.” She cracked up again. “In the very rare event that these representatives attend our internal planning sessions, we always recognize their Senate status. The military always uses honorifics to address them. They always get a prime seat at the table. Even my Grandmother doesn’t rate that!”
“Oh, no!” Alan started to laugh. “Say it ain’t so! Amanda will never live this down!”
“What?” asked Alanna.
Jerik shook his head. He joined the laughter. He tried to explain.
“Alanna, if the Green Lanterns attend, they attend as members of the Green Lantern Corps – the Guardians’ military arm. They would sit with and coordinate through the Shantar Military.”
“So?” Alanna’s confusion continued.
Jerik laughed.
“I never realized the Guardians had a sense of humor. I bet this isn’t the last time they send her, either.”
Elise held back the laughter long enough to explain.
“The Oans are a recognized alliance as well as a sovereign government in exile. They have a Senate seat allotted to them. It is a voting membership. The seat must be held by the Guardians or their personal representative. That representative speaks for them. The seat can not be held by a member of their military arm. It is by Empire Law allotted to their highest ranking non-military representative at the Imperium.”
The light dawned.
“And by the Guardians’ own rules,” Alanna grinned, “Linda will always belong to them wherever she goes. No other representative will ever hold both her rank and her seniority except the Guardians themselves. And because of her peculiar status, she isn’t considered part of the Guardian’s military arm.”
Elsie cackled.
“They have to fix their charter to change that, and they don’t have enough votes! She’s stuck!”
Jerik searched his memory.
“There are two types of Senators. The first type has a basic authority to attend as an ambassador and relate issues back to their home government for resolution. That is probably the authority the Guardians will provide to Linda. It’s what makes sense. I believe her proper title is ‘Madame High Ambassador of Oa’, or ‘Madame Ambassador’ for short. She wouldn’t need the authority of a full Senator for what she’s doing. She will have an honor guard. It will be augmented by High Command. Nobody, but nobody, screws with a member of the Imperial Senate at the Imperium. In Linda’s case, that’s probably more for the population’s protection, than hers!” He cackled.
New Oa
“You want what?”
The Sentinel’s Lair
“Incoming call from High Command, Ma’am!” Selina cackled.
Elise groaned.
“I’ll take it when Alan joins me. Heading down to the Conference Room.” She left the Command Center.
Five minutes later
High Warlord Amanda Zalar glared at her Granddaughter.
“I’ve been putting together the schedule for our initial round of briefings on the Daxam Campaign. I just received the list of dignitaries who will be attending our internal High Command briefs as well our briefings to the senior staffs of Senate committees.” She sighed. “Alan, for something like this, we brief internally and then we brief the Senate staffs. They request briefings for the Senators and we schedule them only at the staff’s request. That’s the only time we brief any member of the Senate. Now I find that an actual member of the Senate is requesting to join our planning team. That almost never happens and Elise knows it. But this is signed by the leaders of a recognized government!”
Warlord Zalar seethed.
“What is this? Some kind of joke? Jade Zoldar of Oa?”
Elise responded innocently.
“I tried Dali, but she preferred Jade. Even Kendra agreed. Surely you won’t hold that against her?” (Elf note: Interlude 3 – Winter Vacation).
“I’ve pulled off some interesting things in my time, but this is the best I’ve ever seen!” Amanda Zalar banged her hand against the screen. “Your father won’t stop laughing! How did you pull this off?”
“Simple!” Alan smiled confidently. “We didn’t. The Oans decided to show they were serious about this campaign. So they’re sending their best to represent them.”
“Grandmother,” Elise sighed, “I have to admit that I laughed as hard as my father, but consider this: you have a member of the Senate who will be personally involved in this campaign. She’s going to make sure it’s right before she commits the Corps. She’s also going to make sure that this doesn’t get blown off by any one. Usually you go into these briefings with your hands out begging for attention and resources. Nobody, but nobody will ignore Jade. The Guardians just replaced your spitball shooter with a nuclear cannon.”
“Amanda,” Alan added, “remember what has just happened to them: they just spent several months as the guests of the Kayzik. This is the second time in a century the Kayzik have severely damaged them. They want Oa back. They want the threat removed. And they plan to see to it that they do every bit of damage they can to the Kayzik.”
He remembered his private audience with the Oans and Zamarons. So atypical for them.
“Your child has a gift for putting things in such simple terms that no child or Guardian can ignore. She said it very simply: ‘If you’re going to be the Guardians of the Universe, then Guard the Universe! Do your damned job!’”
“We have been so trapped in our own bureaucracy that we have failed to do what we must. No more. We have a responsibility to life in this universe. That is our first responsibility above all others. We now understand the evil beyond the evil. We must guard our children from it and we must respect our allies in the battle. Alan, we will aid you and yours wherever we can. We will be your partners in this battle. We do ask you to share your child with us. She confronts us with the obvious. Even the Guardians find true value in that.”
“Besides, Grandmother,” Elise snickered, “think of the comic relief during Senate sessions when she gets bored. And she will get bored. She is a warrior, not a bureaucrat.”
Amanda snickered back.
“That might actually make the Senate meetings interesting. A bored Green Lantern who can make anything and everything happen. People will actually start paying more attention to the Senate!” She chuckled. “Very well. I’ll stop yelling. Member of Senate or not, I do expect to see her after hours.”
“So do we.” Elise nodded. “So do we.”
“One thing you might enjoy, Granddaughter.” Amanda smiled slyly. “The military is stuck providing escort services for the Senate. It is a boring duty for warriors. Our sole duty is to make sure the Senator members are recognized for their status and that the staffs have the resources we are required to provide. It is an unfortunate duty we assign to junior officers.”
She paused.
“Most of these people are career politicians whose egos exceed their value. We’re not happy to have to deal with them, but we recognize the necessity. It also gives us a chance to understand their concerns.” She grinned. “I understand the assignments were divvied out for this week. The Commanders groaned each time their troops were assigned a dignitary. Then they came to the final dignitary. That started a riot of volunteers.”
She suppressed a chuckle.
“Jade will have an unusual escort. There will be at least one senior officer at her side at all times. It violates protocol, but we will take care of our own!”
The High Imperium, 12 hours later
My life just gets stranger and stranger… Jade dropped out of Hyperspace. But I wouldn’t miss a minute of it! She smiled.
“Sector command, this is Jade Zoldar. Requesting entry vector to the capitol. I’ve been told you’re expecting me.”
“Jade Zoldar, this is Sector Command. This is restricted space. What is your business here?”
“Not sure, Sector Command. The Guardians of Oa gave me a blank check and a funny smock to wear. They told me I was to represent them here in some briefings and follow my instincts. There are supposed to be two Corps members on the ground to help me out. Everything else is supposed to become clear to me when I land. I just need directions to my quarters. Wish I had more information for you.”
“Hold please, Ma’am. I have instructions from High Command to transfer your call.”
Curiouser and Curiouser said Alice. She waited for a response. A minute later her comms activated.
“This is High Warlord Jatar, Headquarters Sector Commander. Welcome to Nalyd, Madame. Sorry for the delay. Your situation required a slight modification to our protocols. Please follow the following vector.” She received the coordinates.
Weird, but I thrive on weird.
“Thank you Sector Control! On my way! Have a good day!” She shot down to the planet.
Two minutes later
Jade landed in front of a large complex. She saw no obvious entrance. She looked into the complex and saw an area that appeared to be a lobby. Gee, I didn’t think the Shantar had that much senior brass. Must be expecting someone important. She phased through the wall and into the lobby. Jade walked up to the counter and peered over it.
“Hi! I was told to come here. You might have a reservation for me?”
The clerk smiled over to her.
“Well, who do we have here?” He smiled kindly. “Miss, I’m not sure you’re in the right place. This hotel only hosts very senior military and members of the Imperial Senate.”
She looked over her shoulder to the delegation.
“It looks like someone important must be coming in.”
He smiled.
“It’s the big buzz. One of the allied governments is sending a new Senator to the Imperial Senate. High Command is excited about this one. Apparently, it’s a big deal. Whoever it is comes with a big-time reputation for heroism. Not to mention some government really trusts them. I mean, this isn’t even just an Ambassador to the Senate. This is a full Senator with full authority. That’s rare.” He looked back to her. “Some Shantar hero, I guess.”
She looked earnestly at him.
“I’ll try to get out of your way as quick as I can. My family is supposed to have some rooms here, but I think I’m supposed to have one of my own. I’m Jade Zoldar.”
He checked his file of military rooms.
“There’s an Elise Zoldar as part of a military party. That party’s reservation was moved here from another hotel at the request of High Command. Their reservation starts tomorrow. Party of three, under the code name Sentinel. Commander Zoldar, the Sentinel, and the Shade.”
“Gee!” She wondered. “Maybe there’s been a mix-up. That’s a reservation for everyone in my family but me.” She put her elbows on the counter and rested her head in her palms. “A High Warlord Jatar of Sector Command told me I was supposed to land here. Didn’t see an entrance, so I phased through the wall. Maybe there was a mix-up.”
He noticed the ring on her finger.
“Sector Command! Ha, Ha! Cute story. Nice piece of Jewelry! One of the better imitations I’ve seen,” He smiled slyly.
“I’m sorry sir, but I don’t have any jewelry.”
“Then what is that?”
“Sir?” She stepped back. For the first time, he saw the Green Lantern symbol in the middle of the white smock. “The Guardians asked me to wear it. It’s the easiest way to communicate with them. They asked me to wear this smock, too. They said I should wear it to attend meetings here.”
She shrugged. Then she asked for an explanation.
“Have I done something wrong? I’ll call Sector Command back. Maybe they sent me to the wrong place.”
The clerk stared at her. She clipped her comms.
“Sector Control, this is Jade Zoldar. I flew to the coordinates and went inside. I’m standing in front of a clerk who tells me I’m not supposed to be here. He says there’s a reservation tomorrow for my family, but not for me. There’s some reception for some VIP and they want me to get out of the way. Now, the clerk is just standing here and looking at me funny. Is there another vector? I don’t want to cause a problem.”
The clerk made unintelligible noises.
She heard muffled laughter through her communications device.
“Madame, your quarters are ready. You have the promise of High Command on that! Please stay where you are. Your escort will be with you momentarily.”
“Roger, Sector Control.” Madame? Geez, they’re formal today. Must be something they do for the headquarters sector. She watched a large senior Warlord rush towards the desk. Better get out of his way! Screw it. I’m going home! Her eyes flashed red as she prepared to teleport.
The Warlord roared.
“Madame! Please wait! Don’t go!”
Her eyes faded to green. He caught up to her.
“Madame Senator Jade Zoldar of Oa, we are here to greet you. We will escort you to your chambers.”
“Me? What are you talking about?”
The Warlord smiled.
“Forgive us, Madame. Your situation is somewhat peculiar. Normally we formally receive the Imperial Senate members at the spaceport and escort them from there. We’ve never had one fly straight from Hyperspace to a lodging location before.”
“There must be some mistake.” Jade looked into the gathering crowd.
The Warlord grinned.
“No mistake, Madame Senator. I have seen your formal letter of appointment. You are the chosen representative of the Guardians. You act with their full authority under an indefinite appointment.”
“Huh? What’s a Senator?”
He laughed.
“Madame, you hold a seat on the ruling council of this Empire. You are also the sole living holder of the Order of Oa, which counts for more than you know with the Shantar military. You honor us with your presence.” She watched him bow. She realized that every other military person in the room had bowed.
“Umm, I’m honored, but are you SURE there hasn’t been a mistake?”
One day later
“Amanda, we’re so glad to finally meet you.” Alan and Alanna greeted High Warlord Zalar.
“Welcome, my friends!” Warlord Zoldar stood beside his mother. “Is she here? We had so little time with her on New Oa.”
“Of course,” Elise Zoldar entered the room. “Grandmother, it has been far too long.” She hugged High Warlord Zalar. “Far too long.”
She noticed the screen on the side of the room.
“You seem very interested in the show, Father.”
He smiled proudly.
“I am indeed. I am indeed. I had never thought that my name would even be mentioned in the Senate. Now my Granddaughter carries it for me.”
Amanda Zalar smiled.
“This is an elaborately staged production. The new members of the Senate will individually walk through the clear protected walkway in the Coliseum. Once through, they perform a gesture of some kind to show a greeting from their people to the Senate. They’re getting close to Oa. Let’s watch.”
The sound turned up. They watched an older man struggle across the Coliseum. He held up his hands in greeting, slowly sank to the ground, and rose again.
“High Ambassador Rut Kron of Nylak. Welcome.”
He bowed.
“Thank you, sir! I am here but to serve.” He struggled to the seating area for the High Ambassadors.
An aged quadruped glided across the Coliseum. It jumped into the air and touched all four feet together.
“High Ambassador Zin Klan of Nyzan. Welcome.”
It bowed.
“Thank you, sir! I am here but to serve.” It skittered off to Ambassador seating.
They saw a small figure standing at the end of the runway. She looked at the secure corridor and smiled. Instead of walking forward, she phased through the ceiling and flew into the open air. She lit the sky with green fire. She blazed so brightly that cameras could not transmit the image. Finally, she dimmed her blaze and slowly glided to earth. She phased through the ceiling and landed in front of the speaker.
“Madame Senator Jade Zoldar of Oa. You honor us.”
She stood ramrod straight with her arms crossed. She very slowly nodded acknowledgement.
“We of Oa greet you.” Jade rose from the ground and flew to the seating area for Senators.
“You know,” quipped Zoldar proudly, “the next time she tells me she’s not very bright, I will not be able to hold a straight face.”
Amanda watched the image thoughtfully.
“Indeed. We have underestimated the Guardians. We have certainly underestimated their agent. I have never seen such a clear signal. I have always considered her a brave, sweet child. I must reassess that evaluation.”
Confused, Elise questioned her.
“Grandmother? I thought she did very well. I’m very proud of her.”
Amanda’s eyes narrowed.
“And well you should be. She delivered an extremely powerful message and she did it perfectly. Even an Oan could not have done what she did. Not ‘I’m a silly diplomat and I’m thrilled to be here,’ but instead ‘we the Gods have deigned to meet with you.’”
Amanda grinned fiercely. “She put the entire Empire on notice. She did it with perfect poise and expression. And she left no doubt what role the Guardians expect to play. This will be a very interesting Senate session.” She laughed viciously.
That evening, Senator Zoldar’s apartments
“I don’t get this, Dad.” Jade sat on a table and leaned against the wall. “Why didn’t the Oans send a diplomat? I have no training for this. I don’t know the subjects. I have a couple of Green Lanterns with political expertise to guide me, and High Command is trying to help. But I don’t know how to do this stuff. I just want to go home.”
Alan chuckled.
“I think we’re going to be here for a while. This whole campaign is going to be quite a mess.”
She sighed.
“Yeah, and I’ve got to do my best for my Corps.”
He nodded.
“I loved that entrance. Sent quite a message.”
She laughed.
“Glad you liked it. I got tired of being stepped on, so I figured I’d give ‘em a reason to look where they step!” She giggled. “I just couldn’t see myself toddling along and telling them how thrilled I am to be here. Especially when I’d rate Hell as a better experience.” She lost her smile. “The Guardians should be respected. Oa deserves to be remembered.”
She had a look of pride in her eyes that Alan had not seen before.
Her Corps? No wonder they claim her. The Guardians have much stronger tie to her than I thought...
One hundred years ago
The Clindorie craft crash-landed on a small yellow world. Curious, the inhabitants inspected the craft. They were careful to do no harm.
Inside, the Clindorie pilots evaluated the situation.
“Damn. The kalath crystals in the engines have been damaged. How will we get off this planet? It’s so full of yellow crud and dust, not even the Green Lantern Corps could help us.”
His partner pointed to a gauge.
“Take a look at this!”
Senate Subcommittee on Territorial Claims, four days after the Senate induction
Why did I get stuck on this committee? Jade glowered. I realize I’m just a junior Senator, but all I do is warm a bench here. They won’t even let me have a say. No wonder no one is interested in this stuff. The chairman sets his agenda, passes legislation, builds his package, and sends it forth with what he claims is a unanimous vote. Then he asks for a confirmation vote. I’m wasting my time here. I’ll just abstain when the package gets sent through.
“Honored Chair,” a small life form pleaded, “our people evolved on our world. We do not understand why we must leave our home.”
“For the greater good, Girtel,” an elder Shantar named Tarnet responded. “The Clindorie Shantar claim that world as their religious homeland. The Gingee do not have a better claim to it.”
“But the Clindorie did not know our world existed until one hundred years ago. How could it become such a religious icon in such a short time?”
“It was the miracle of the return of the pilots.” Tarnet smiled. “Their people saw the light. Do not be concerned. Your people will be compensated. The funding is in this year’s legislation. This time next year, your people will be living in their new home.”
“But we don’t want…”
“This audience is over. You may present your final argument for the record tomorrow. I would recommend you keep it short.”
Jade watched the exchange. I smell a rat, but this isn’t my problem... Yes it is. I represent the Guardians. And like it or not, the Gingee are our responsibility.
An hour later
“Jade, that’s all I know.” K’ryssma shrugged. “We’ve tried to inspect the world, but we can’t even get close enough to see the surface.”
“Jade,” Zoldar spoke with concern. “Tarnet is a very powerful Senator. Full Senator or not, you are still a junior Senator on first term probation. Tarnet can easily have you expelled from the Senate and exiled from this world. This isn’t worth it. Pick another battlefield.”
Jade frowned. “I wish it were that easy. But I gotta know what’s going on.” She tapped her chin. She clipped her comms. “Sector Control, this is Jade Zoldar. Requesting departure vector into Hyperpace.”
“Madame Senator, this is Sector Control. You are cleared to exit on your entry vector. Have a nice trip!”
“Thank you Sector Control. Departing now.” She waved. “Outta here!” They smelled brimstone.
Above Gingee
Yep. Ugly little world. Ugly and full of life! She flew down to the surface. She kept her distance from the populace. Jade used green flame and her native abilities to sense the inhabitants. These people are tied to this world. They have an odd collective consciousness as well as an individual consciousness. A few at a time can leave, but the entire race will die if they lose their home.
So what’s so special about this ugly, yellow world? Well let’s try something a little different. I’ll phase through the planet and let the power ring do a little mineral analysis. She phased under the surface of the world. Well, little power ring, what can you tell me? Can’t believe I’m actually using this for something other than communications.
Bingo. The Clindorie certainly do have a dog in this fight. They just didn’t tell us what the breed was. Disgusted, she left the planet and headed back to the Imperium.
Senator Zoldar’s Apartments
“Linda,” Alan put his hand on her shoulder, “you’re making some very serious allegations.”
“Dad, if it smells like something you stepped in and it looks like something you stepped in, you don’t have to lick it to be sure.”
“Linda, you know what he’s going to do to you.”
“Dad, I don’t have any choice. The Guardians told me to follow my instincts. I’m going to provide a copy of my research to the Guardians and to High Command. Then, I’ll let him do his worst.” She shrugged. “I’m not a diplomat, Dad. I’m not smart or wily enough. I don’t know why the Guardians picked me. I’m just a farm girl who found some people who believe in her.” She melted into him. “Thank you for believing in me!”
He held her tightly.
“Linda, you make it so easy.” He felt her relax. “You’ll do what you have to do. Just remember you have a home where you belong.”
She smiled up at him.
“And I want to be there. I want to nail Jay Garrick with a really big, green snow ball.” She sighed. “Dad, I may stop along the way, but I will go home. I want to spend some time with my friends there. I want to be just Linda for a while.”
“I understand.”
Senate Subcommittee on Territorial Claims, the following day
“Your statement is noted, Girtel.” Senator Tarnet smiled. “Now, I will close this matter.”
“I wish to speak.” Jade stood up.
“Denied. Sit down.”
“I will speak.”
“Sit down and be quiet, or I will have you expelled and exiled.”
“Then this will be my final act as Senator.” She spoke with resigned regret, but no sign of yielding the floor. “I am disgracing myself and the Guardians by violating your etiquette. I apologize to the Guardians for what I am doing. This is my decision and mine alone.”
“Shut down the camera!” Tarnet directed the Shantar officer.
“Overruled.” A burly Warlord stood before the controls. “She has a right to her final statement. Her record must be complete for Senate review.”
She walked to face the podium.
“Mr. Chairman, you have blocked my evidence and you have prohibited my testimony. Despite your objections, I have provided my evidence and testimony to both High Command and the Guardians. For that reason alone, I know you will have me expelled. That is your choice.” She faced the other Senators and Ambassadors present.
“I know why the Clendorie want Gingee. It’s built of this stuff.” She placed a crystal on the table in front of her. “Pure, priceless Kalath. Except there’s a small problem: it’s not a world the Clendorie have a right to. There’s also another problem. Remove the Gingee from their world and you kill them all – their group mind is bound to the Kalath.” She frowned. “Of course, some might see that as divine retribution. I don’t know.”
She stepped back from the crystal.
“See, I’m just a farm girl from a backwater planet. I don’t really understand all this stuff. I like to think I know right from wrong. Everything I know says this is wrong. But that’s for people smarter than me to figure out.”
“I’d like to thank the Guardians for giving me this chance. I’m sorry I failed them. This was not their failure. It was mine alone.” She took off her smock and her power ring. She handed them both to a shocked K’ryssma. “There are other things I can do to Champion Life. I’m just sorry this wasn’t one of them. Goodbye. I wish you all well.” She clipped her comms. “Sector Control, this is Jade Zoldar. I am leaving. Thank you for your kindness while I was here.” The Senate chamber stank of brimstone.
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Eldric and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
--creations of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jake H., Jason Froikin, Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of D.C. Comics
-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics