Interlude 3

© The Elves of Alterverse

Winter Vacation



On a Typical Shantar World in Winter

“Sweetheart, I’d like to send our daughter to spend some time with my sister and her family.”  She smiled at him.

“I really don’t think that’s a good idea.  She’s been through an awful lot, lately.  I think she’s entitled to a little downtime before things heat up again.  Let her spend a little time with her family and friends here instead.”

“She’s got to learn to operate in proper society.  She doesn’t know anything about her Shantar heritage.  She’s a young lady.  She needs to be trained in decorum.”

“She wasn’t meant to be a proper young lady!  She’s my daughter.  I’m proud of her.  The rest of the universe can hang before I’ll worry about whether she knows fashion.  I sure as hell don’t.  Hasn’t stopped me yet.”

“Well, that may be true for you.  But don’t you want to hear the pitter patter of little feet around here some day?”

His face went white.

“Honestly, sweetheart, I don’t even want to think about it.”

“She can always come home early.”

“I still don’t think it’s a good idea.  You’re rushing her.”

“Maybe.  Maybe I’m just buying her some exposure to something different.  It will be an education.”

“For whom?”

She had to smile.


The next day

“Mom, why do I have to go?  Are you folks mad at me?”

“Not at all, sweetheart.  I just want you to have some exposure to a more normal part of society.  You’ll get to spend some time with your cousins.”

“You know I don’t trust people just because they’re my relatives.”

“I know, sweetheart.  But give me the benefit of the doubt, this time.”

“Mom, you’ve done so much for me and I appreciate it.  But I don’t want to go.  I will, but I don’t want to.”

She smiled.  That’s my girl!

“I know.  Just give it a chance.”


In transit

Have to admit I’m a little intimidated.  Meeting relatives always scares me.  I’ll have to trust her, though.


The spaceport, Dega Five

Janna and Zanna walked into the spaceport with their mother.

“You want us to nursemaid your niece?  Ewwww.”  Janna grimaced.

“Mom, she won’t know anything about the latest fashions.  She’ll be a troglodyte.  Bleah!”  Zanna held up her nose.

Kendra Zanik looked across the spaceport.

“There she is, girls, that’s your cousin Dali.  Let’s go collect her.”

“That’s our cousin?  Ugh!”


In transit

“We go to the Trenth School for young warriors.  We’re learning from the best.  What kind of schools does your little backwoods planet have?”

“I’ve never been to school.  My Mom and Dad teach me things.  I have a tutor who puts up with me.”  She smiled.  “I have some friends who try to teach me, too.”

“Girls,” Kendra smiled, “Take her to class with you tomorrow.  The exposure will be good for all of you.  You’ll have a good time!”



The next day

“Dad sure spent a lot of time talking to Dali last night.”

“As if.  At least he wasn’t nagging us about our homework.  And we didn’t have to listen to all her questions.”

“I bet she doesn’t even know how to dress for school!”

“Now girls, be nice.  Her mother sent some school clothes for her.  Help her out.  She’s a sweet child.  Give her a break.”


Half an hour later

“I can’t believe that’s the only piece of jewelry she owns.”

“Ewww!  It’s so out of fashion!”

“Well, not everyone has our fashion sense.  Just goes to show ours is the better bloodline.  Ewww!”


Trenth School, Security Check in

“Let me see your ID, Miss.”  He gestured to Dali.

“I’m sorry, sir.  I’ve never used one of these before.  Can you show me how to use it?”

“Just slide it over here, so I can verify your ID.”

Janna blushed.

“Ewww, I am so embarrassed.  Dali, don’t you know anything?”

Dali darkened.

“Sometimes, I like to think I do.”

The guard read her identification.  He prepared to go through his checklist.  He noticed an odd symbol in the corner of the ID.  Noting her simple jewelry, he smiled.

“Everything’s fine!  Here, let me help you with that!”  He helped her to pack her id card.  Grateful, she smiled. 

“Welcome to Trenth School!  We’re happy to have you.” He waited until they turned the corner to activate his communications device.


Weapons Class

“Zanna, have you noticed all of the teachers coming by.”

“Like they’re laughing at her.  I have never been so embarrassed.”

The instructor called the small class to attention.

“Ok, everyone, let’s try those drills. We’ve been exercising to build up our strength.  First let’s pick up those swords.”

Janna and Zanna picked up their swords.

“Nice thing about being Andromedan Shantar, Janna.  We’ve got the extra strength that comes with it.”

“Look over there, Zanna!  She can’t even pick it up.  It’s bigger than she is!  Haw!”

Dali implored the instructor.

“Sir?  Can I have some help with this?  It’s kind of heavy.”

The instructor smiled at her.

“Don’t worry about it.  I understand your father claims the reputation of the worst swordsman in the empire.  And he’s proud of it.  We all serve in our own ways.”  He patted her on the shoulder and smiled genuinely.  He put the sword away for her.

Dali smiled at the kind words.

Janna scowled.

“He never cuts us any slack.  I hate her even more!”


Student Eatery, after School

“Oh, look!  There’s Zack!   He’s a military history student.  His club just got back from that trip to New Oa.  Let’s introduce him to Dali.  This ought to be good for a laugh!”

They cornered him.

“Zack, you’ve got to meet our cousin, Dali.  She’s a real neat girl!  She knows lots about military history.  As if.  This should be a blast.

Dali stood by the cashier with a drink in her hand.

“I have credits.  Is there a problem?”

“No problem at all, Miss.  It’s taken care of.  Come back anytime!”

“Thank you.”  Strange.  Everyone else has to pay.  Why not me?

Janna watched from across the room.  She snickered.  Must think she’s a charity case.  Duh!

Puzzled, Dali walked away with her drink.  Why is everyone else so nice to me, when my cousins hate me so much?  I wish I were a little smarter.  Things like this confuse me.  Maybe Aunt Kendra will talk to me about it.

Her cousins called her.

“Oh, Dali!  We’ve got someone we’d like you to meet!”

“Like, come meet Zack!  He’s a military historian.”

What would I know about military history?  Oh well.

She walked up to them.

“I’m Zack.  I’ve been studying some of the empire’s more recent battles.”  He looked at her necklace.  “That’s an amazing piece of jewelry.”

“It is not!”  Zanna explained.  “That color went out of fashion last year.”

Zack scowled.

“That color never goes out of fashion.”  He reached out almost reverently.  “Is that what I think it is?”

She nodded.

“My friends like to keep track of me.”

“I’d like to talk to you for a while.  Do you have some time?”

Dali smiled. 


They walked out of the eatery.

Zanna looked at Janna.

“Like, the most popular boy in school wants to talk to her?”

“Like, gag me with a spoon.”

“What ever!”


An hour later

Zack walked back with Dali.

“I’d like to thank the two of you.  That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever for me.  She’s even promised to come to my classes with me tomorrow.  Wow!”

Dali blushed.

They whispered to each other.

“Janna, I’ll be so glad when she goes home.”

“Zanna, I don’t know what’s wrong with him!”



We may have lost the Guardians, but we’ve got enough energy for a few nasty surprises.  They didn’t guard Dega Five as well as they thought.  The J’Dinn pilot flew on.


After Dinner

“Aunt Kendra, they absolutely despise me.  In their eyes, I can’t do anything right.  I don’t mind new people and new places, but I don’t know how to deal with my own cousins.  No matter what I do, I can’t live up to their standards.  I can’t even figure out what their standards are.”

“Honey . . .”

“I’m used to hanging around people who are a lot smarter than I am.  I don’t know all that much, but I do try.  I do know that there are people who really love me.  My cousins aren’t two of them.  I’m sorry, Aunt Kendra, but I won’t stay where I’m not wanted.  I have too many people who care about me to waste my time on those who don’t.”

“Please, a few more days, Dali.”

“That’s not my name!  Please stop calling me that.”

“Soon, I promise.” Kendra tried to smile.  “There’s a restaurant by the seaport.  We’re going to have breakfast there tomorrow.  Zack’s promised to join us.”  She sighed.  “I’ll try to limit your time with the girls.  I’m so sorry it’s worked out this way.”


The next morning – the restaurant

The warning system blared.

“We have a hostile craft in our air space.  Our defenses have been sabotaged.  Everyone please move out of the restaurant and into the fallout shelter.  We’ll call you when it’s safe.”

Dali looked up at Kendra.  Kendra nodded no.  Dali sighed and followed her family out.  They headed for the shelter.  Reconsidering, she stopped in the transit lot. 

Kendra looked up.  The distant craft was bearing down on them.

Kendra soon realized her niece was missing.  She stopped at the edge of the shelter.  Zack stopped with her.  Kendra snagged her daughters as they ran by.

“Like, wow, Mom.  Get in the shelter.”

“She is still out there.”  Kendra caught sight of Dali.

“Like, she’s a suicidal idiot!  No loss!  We’re the important ones!  Our responsibility is to grow up to be real warriors.  Come on Mom!”

“Grow up to be?” Kendra grinned savagely.  “She’s so much younger than you are.”

Zack watched Dali, spellbound.

“We dream to be the shining knights of the Shantar Empire.  Yet, when all is said and done, we can only hope to be worthy to stand in her shadow.”

Kendra silently nodded agreement.

Janna and Zanna looked at them in horror.

“Zack! What are you babbling about?” 

Zack pointed to her cousin.

The tiny left hand blazed with power.  The power of a Starheart took to the sky.


“Just for the record, girls?” Kendra growled at her daughters.  “That tacky unfashionable piece of jewelry?  That’s the real thing.  The Corps really doesn’t like to lose track of her.”




Gotta keep that craft from hitting.  I’ve got a baaad feeling about this.  Why just one of them?

Jade shot up to meet the Kayzik attack craft.

At least I have a chance of understanding what to do about this.  Damn!  It’s expelling cargo.  Gotta get the craft first.  It’s headed into all those buildings.

She increased her speed.

Two things.  Stop it and stop the wreckage!

She sent out twin beams of power.  The first bypassed the ship and formed a protective shield around the nearest buildings.  The second exploded the yellow craft.  She collected the debris and placed it in an open lot.  Maybe the Shantar can get something out of that.  Now to find out what that cargo was.

She blazed back to the transit lot.

What the hell is that? 

It burned at her with yellow flame.  Her Starheart powered shields deflected it.  You know, yellow is a really dumb weakness.  The Guardians need to work on that one.  She dove down to the ground.

Oh, crap.  Must be the latest fashion in cyber demons.  Maybe my cousins would know.  She landed in front of it.  Don’t have a choice.  Gotta take it out.   It growled down at her.  It blasted her again.

“Temperamental, aren’t you?”  She slammed at it with an emerald club.

“I’m actually happy to see you!”  She hit it again.  “You, I can relate to.”  It fired the ground beneath her.  The force of the explosion threw her into the air.

She recovered.  She stayed in the air.

“Gee, you’re still nicer to me than my own cousins!”  She took a shot at its knees.  This is going to take a while!  If I can survive it!

“My Mom,” Jade hit it again,  “says I gotta work on my manners.”  She beat at its feet with a club.  “Says I need to learn how to be a young lady.” 

It fired on the emergency shelter.  Jade dove.  She raised her shields in front of it.  The force of its blow spun her around, but her shields held.

“Gee! Guess I’m learning stuff already.”  Slam.

“You’re rude.  You’re only supposed to dance with one partner at a time!” Wear it down.  Don’t let it recharge with a victim’s life force.  Keep the sea life away.  Close that damned shelter door! 

Jade eased the Shantar into the shelter and sealed it.

This is going to take a while.  Gotta make it waste its energy.

It fired at her again.  Bamf!  Brimstone filled the air.


Inside the shelter, fifteen minutes later

They watched through the remote monitors.

“My sister adopted her after she almost died.”  Kendra watched with pride.  “Her own parents had abandoned her.”

“I’ve heard the stories.”  Zack nodded.  “I never thought I’d actually see Jade in battle.  Absolute concentration.  She is absolutely relentless.  She’s battling a cyber demon all on her own.  Wow!” 

“She’s talking to it as she fights it.”  Kendra noticed.  “I hope we’ll be able to salvage the monologue.  That will be a treasured part of our historical archive.”


Outside, fifteen minutes later

“Come on, big boy.  Wouldn’t want my cousins to think I’m being rude to you.”  She slammed it again.  It staggered.  It fired at her.  She ducked.

“You’re probably related to one of their lost loves!”  Slam.

“I bet they’re fighting over who gets to date you next!”  Slam.

“Well, I guess we’re not meant for each other!”  She undercut its knees.  The demon staggered.

“Don’t take it so hard.  I just don’t like yellow.  I prefer Green!”  I’m doing it. It’s losing strength.  Just about where I gotta have it!

She slammed it with an uppercut.  Cool! It’s falling fast on the Magic meter.  Bub, you’re history.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I gotta cut this short.”  She blasted it with high-intensity fire.  “I gotta get my cousins to school so they can stick their noses in the air and laugh at me.”

It blasted her:  much more weakly than before.

“Hey!  The way they stick their noses up, I wonder if the air is better up there?  Let’s find out!”  She shot another round of fire.

She clipped her comms.

“This is a Green Lantern Corps priority situation.  Clear your airspace.  I’m coming through with a hostile.  I’m going straight up.  I need it clear to the Sun.”   She blasted the demon again.

“Ma’am, this is sector control.  We’re damn glad to hear from you.  Ma’am, whatever you want it, you got it!  Starting now, it’s your space for as long as you need it!”

“Thank you, sector control!”  Now, let’s put my money where my mouth is! 

“Time for our little trip.  Let’s find out if we can rise as high as the tips of their noses!”  She let loose with mystic flame.  The demon found itself hoisted into the air.  It struggled but was unable to escape.

“Still not high enough, huh?  Well, let’s gain a little altitude.  Then maybe we’ll try bowling for demons!”  She pushed the struggling demon through the atmosphere.  She skipped in and out of Hyperspace.  She intensified her shields. 

“Ready!”  She tossed the demon into the sun.  “Steeriike!”


Military History class, the following day

“Gee, I can’t believe you’re so interested in my opinion.”  Jade stood at the front of Zack’s classroom.    “I’m not all that smart.  I can’t even keep my mouth shut when I should.”  She grimaced.  “I still can’t believe they recorded my monologue.  Groan!”

The classroom broke out in laughter.

“I can’t claim all that much, except I’ve been lucky enough to use the power I’ve got well.”

A huge form darkened the doorway.

“Now, let me tell you da rest of da story!”  Kilowog had to squeeze to enter the classroom.  “Let me tell ya why my little friend is da only living holder of da Order of Oa, ever.”

Jade blushed.



“Elise, thank you for sending her.”  Kendra spoke to the hologram.  “I wish my daughters had learned the lessons we intended.”  She smiled.  “Whether they did or not, I had an education.  All that raw power!  Just looking at her, you’d never suspect what that sweet little girl is.”

“She’s really something, isn’t she?”  The hologram smiled back.  “That monologue was hilarious.”

Kendra grinned.

“I really heard it from their school when she first passed through security.  Really freaked out the poor guard.  I’d forgotten her ID identifies her as active duty Green Lantern Corps.”  She chuckled.  “Imagine those poor folks.  First they have this sweet little innocent who carries that card and that ring of power.  Having an unknown VIP of that caliber was bad enough.  Then they found out who she really was.  The Commandant almost had a heart attack.  Bless his heart.  He made sure that the weapons instructor had a heads up.  The poor little girl couldn’t even lift the sword without help.”

The hologram just shook her head.

“She really tried to be a normal little girl, Elise, but we really weren’t fair to expect that from her.  She’s not a normal little girl and she never will be.  I remember the first thing she did when she landed was to apologize for the mess she made.  They wanted to hold a parade and she wondered whom it was for.  Screw the etiquette rules, Elise.  The kid’s got class.”

The hologram howled with laughter.

“Elise, I have to tell you she really doesn’t like the Shantar name you picked for her.  I know you picked it to hide her home world and that ‘Dali’ abbreviates her real name, but I’d stick with Jade Zoldar for now.  I think Dad would approve.”

“Well, Kendra, that’s probably better than ‘First Oan Green Lantern of Earth’ Zoldar.”  The hologram laughed.  “I’ll fix it.  Did your daughters ever realize why the eatery wouldn’t take Jade’s credits?”

“That their little cousin has bravery citations on both the Oan and Shantar books?  That a grateful empire pays her living expenses from the central treasury?  You should show her the law sometime.  It’s quite a piece of work.”

“She’d wonder if someone made a mistake when they stuck her name in.”  The hologram laughed.  “That’s part of her charm.  How are my nieces?”

“Dying of terminal embarrassment.  Their schoolmates walk around behind them with fishing poles holding fake noses in the air.  It was bad enough when their schoolmates did it, but when their father did it, it was a little much.  Didn’t help when Kilowog joined in with that thirty foot long pole.  Where did you find him?”

“He was sort of an after-the-fact apology from the Guardians for something less than brilliant they did.  He was supposed to offer her some training.  Got here and decided she was too delicate to be left alone.”  The hologram smiled at the memory.  “Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe just how powerful she really is.  Someday, I’ll tell you about the Parallax incident.  Alan calls it that, I don’t know why.”  She relaxed.  “I hope my nieces will recover from their terminal embarrassment.”

“Elise, they are not the only members of the family to live in the shadow of legends.  It’s just that they don’t realize it yet.  They don’t understand the sacrifices those legends make.  It took me so very long to understand.  We really should have a family reunion someday.”

“Kendra, I don’t think our brothers are ready.  I know them.  I won’t subject Jade to that until I’m convinced it’s in her best interests.  Kilowog might decide to come along.  He’s a little over protective.

“Geez, Elise.  I get your point.  That would be a heck of a battle.  Imagine the embarrassment when she put an end to it.”  Kendra laughed.



“Dat wuz good work, Linda.  Dat wuz some of da snappiest dialogue I ever heard, too!”

“Was not, Kilowog!  I’m still embarrassed!”

“Was too, Linda!”

“Was not!”

“Was too!” . . . . . . . .