Terra’s Revenge

© The Elves of Alterverse

Chapter 2: Mother of Exiles

(Special Elf note – Chapters Two and Three are concurrent stories!)



Somewhere above the Shenandoah Mountains


Freedom!  He was free!  Free to be a million impossible things!  Free to forget the misery of this world and soak up the sunshine!  And why not!  It’s so beautiful up here!  He flew through the skies.  Up and down, and up again.  This is fantastic!  This is what it means to be a Green Lantern!  Higher and higher he flew, until he was space bound.  This is wonderful!  Instant environment!  He headed above the planetary plane.

This is incredible – there’s Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn! What’s it like to visit other worlds? Why not find out?   He flew towards Mars, reveling in wonder at what he could now do.  I’ll be damned.  The sky really is red!  Diemos, Phobos, and maybe on to Jupiter – this was an unbelievable trip.  What a beautiful planet!  This area looks like a man-made canal.  I’ll take a look.  He set down.  Bones?  They’re humanoid, but not human.  The number of ribs is wrong. The ears holes are not right.  It’s almost the skeleton of an elf or a pixie?  He walked a little farther.  More skeletons – I get the impression they died violently.

These weapons – these were Shantar?  How long ago?  What should I do to honor the fallen warriors?  Yes – that must be right.  I sense it. He picked up their weapons and held them clear.  He willed the skeletons into the air, and then incinerated them.  No one else would disturb their hard fought rest.  I feel a sense of peace – must have done the right thing. I have so much to learn.

He flew back to Earth, avoiding the Kayzik satellites and small off-planet shuttles.  I want to make sure they don’t catch me – they should still think I’m dead (Terra’s Revenge, Chapter 1).


Hawksbill Peak, Skyline Drive


“Ma’am, when will you tell him the whole story?”  A large male Shantar looked down at the smaller female.

“Jerik, I am explaining at the pace that I can.  I can only explain so much so quickly.  I do sense your wisdom – he does need to understand the rest, and very soon.  I know the Terrans will tell what they can to the Kryptonian, but I must tell them both more.  I am not sure when I will tell him the rest of his story – I don’t know why he can’t remember it.  I suspect he will, in time.  Why are you so curious?  You’ve asked me more questions this day than in many months?”

He hesitated.

“Commander, please forgive me.  In the eighty years we’ve served on this planet, I’ve seen you kill without a thought. I’ve seen you do anything you thought you could to stop the Kayzik, without regret.  You’ve always been the perfect warrior, and completely that.”

“And?  Do you doubt me now?”

“I am only a warrior, not an assassin.  Before this world, I had no experience with your kind.  I had always thought you the perfect killing machine – one best to avoid.  You’ve run this outpost well.  You have kept us all alive, despite ourselves – almost all of the more than fifty of us who chose to remain.”

“Your point?”

“Your one peculiarity has always been your obsession with the Champion of the Green Flame.  We overlooked it because we knew what good we were doing for our cause, here.  And Ma’am, you are the best battle commander I have ever met.  Now, I am truly afraid.  We all must know – you are as rational as always, but he distracts you. Where does that leave us?”

She glared at him for a moment, then reconsidered.

“All of you who chose to stay, stayed at my request.  I will not abandon you, or our cause.” She smiled briefly.  “I think I understand your issue. To be truthful, I share your concern.  I am an assassin, trained and bio-engineered to care about nothing but our cause.  There are only ten assassins among us – given the history of assassins, I’m surprised we are all sane. Yet, I come from a family with the old gift.  Like Garja, I see the auras.”

“You are a seer?  An assassin?”

She nodded.

“It has served me well.  I see the weakness of many opponents through it.  It tells me who and what I face.  It helps me to stay one step ahead.  It makes me dangerous.  When I saw him the first time, I saw something I had not seen in the first Champion.  This man’s existence has changed the future.  I was to die here – we all were.”  His eyebrows rose.  “I saw the scene with the Starheart – he chose to go to his grave.  Garja and I had both seen it – the Starheart would attempt to choose a lesser champion.  We and the lesser champion would come to our end saving this world.”  She looked thoughtful.

“I had expected him to walk into the camp, a shadow of a man.  I recognized the face, but not the spirit of the man that entered.  Garja had never met the first champion.  She did not know that she what had found.  Where I had expected to see the last lingering embers of a dying soul, I saw pure solar fire.  He has an unconquerable spirit – and that spirit drives the mystic flame. Something happened in that other world – something neither we, nor the Starheart expected.  There is much we do not know about him.”  She smiled.  “But someday, I will.”

“I had intended to send for the Kryptonian when the lesser champion was chosen.  That would have delayed the inevitable.  The Kryptonian alone would have done significant damage to the Kayzik.  Adding the lesser champion would have greatly added to her attack force of Terrans.”

“Ma’am, I think I understand.  Alan Scott was a good man who tried to fight the impossible, but he was not this man. He surprised us all – on his first outing, untrained, and without hesitation, he destroyed six craft?”

She nodded.

“The lesser champion would only have classed as a hyper meta.  The original Alan Scott was barely borderline Galaxy Class.  This one clearly is Galaxy class and he knows how to use the power.”  There was a fierceness to her now.  “Jerik, I admit I am no longer the perfect assassin. I have found that as much as I believe in logic and the tools this body provides, I too am a product of the Starheart’s magic.  I still believe in the Champion of the Green Flame. The difference is that once I believed in the legend.  Now I find myself believing in the man.”  She smiled wistfully.  “I admit it. Before I saw him, I was resigned to my fate.  Death does not scare me.  At the moment of his choice though, the thought of losing him terrified me.”  She stared off into the woods. “Never did I believe I would want to share my future.”  She looked at him.  “Is that so wrong?”

“Ma’am, I cannot say.  We have our answer.  We understand your choices now – that comforts us.  Thank you for your honesty.”  He nodded and prepared to leave.

Green flame flashed.

“How long?  How long have you been fighting this war?”  The Sentinel stood in front of them.  He had five swords and five aged blasters in his hands.  “I found these on Mars.  How many millions of years were they there?”

“The bodies?  What of the bodies?” Both the Shantar seemed apprehensive.

“Only Skeletons remained.  I disintegrated them in the Green Flame of Life.  It seemed the fitting end for the bones of warriors.”

“May I see the swords? I am the historian of the party.”  Alan handed one of the swords to Jerik. “Interesting.  Commander, these swords are from the Sanik Galaxy.  That would put their recency at 300 million years. When next I can send a message, I’d like to query this.  That means the battle of Turik was fought on this solar system.”

“Alan, what that means,” Elise added, “is that a major battle was fought in this solar system.  It lasted several hundred years and severely damaged most of the planets.  The fact that this world sustains life is likely due to the fact that it could not sustain life, then.”

“That means that Mars was the site of nearly the last stand of our people.” Jerik searched his memories.  “At that time, the Kayzik had quickly taken many worlds in a brilliant strategy. Our people could not hold a line. We would have lost the war then, if not for the battle of Turik.”

Alan gestured for him to continue. 

“Tell me, do you know what this symbol means?  He drew a stylized “S” enclosed in an off-center pentagram.  He looked up at Alan.

Jerik had struck paydirt. He could tell by Alan’s expression.

“It is the mark of a Kryptonian family:  the house of  ‘El’. The young lady we rescued last week is of that house.   In the fiction of my world, almost all members of that house were true heroes of many worlds, especially Earth.  It is a symbol of honor, cherished by almost all who know it.”  Alan looked up at Jerik. “Tell me the rest.  You’re barely able to contain yourself.”  Elise was looking at both of them.

“The Commander’s prophecy?  Here? This solar system?”  Her curiosity piqued.

“You.”  Jerik gestured to her. “That’s why you’ve always seemed familiar.  Sir, come look at this.” They walked towards a small cave. He pulled out a small device. “This is a reference screen. It’s not detectable by the Kayzik. Look at this.”

Jerik showed him a drawing of what appeared to be Elise.  She was awash in mystic flame and carried a sword and a shield with the ‘S’ pentagram.

“At the peak of the battle, the battle commander knew he and his people were lost. He prepared to incinerate his people, to shield them from the Kayzik. Then, he had this vision.” Jerik gestured to the image.  “He believed that his fight would make this vision possible.  Inspiration struck – he found a way to hold the world from the Kayzik and save most of his people.  He lured the Kayzik to the world and exploded a weapon that stripped most of the atmosphere.  It destroyed the biosphere of the planet, but also destroyed a significant portion of the Kayzik’s immediate offensive capabilities.  Those are the swords of heroes – we always cremate our heroes.” Jerik nodded his approval to Alan. “Thank you for suspecting our tradition.”

“I have to admit I’m surprised.”  Elise took the device.  “I’ve never seen the image.  Interesting – he was an Andromedan Shantar.  Maybe one of my distant ancestors – odd that a prophecy that old would come to play, now.”   

“Ma’am, I’d like to show these to our contingent.  May I have your leave?”  She nodded.  He walked off.

“Mars?  Not that I don’t believe you, but how did you get to Mars?”  She searched his eyes for an answer.  He smiled, gazed back into her eyes and picked her up.

“Frisky, aren’t you?”  She teased him.

“Just trying to provide comfortable transportation!”  The green phoenix streaked towards the heavens.


The Moon


Oo-kay, he did it to me again!  I’m supposed to be the font of all knowledge.  Yet here I am tripping all over myself on the moon.  He even knew enough to keep himself undetectable from the Kayzik.  Well, time to start explaining what he could not understand in the last life.

“Do you see the four huge satellites circling the Earth in a tetrahedron?”  He nodded.  “Those are their base ships.  They host their transport devices.  Those transport devices are capable of teleporting through hyperspace to other worlds.  The ones they have on Earth can only transport on Earth and to the orbiting ships– it’s part of their fail-safe system.”

“You’ll see those same four satellites circling any inhabited world the Kayzik have won. Those four satellites provide them the redundancy they need to make sure that a planet never goes off line.  With that set of four, they can monitor the entire surface of the planet and they can power hundreds of ground stations.”

Then, how have the Shantar survived up until now?  And the Resistance?

“I assume that there’s a limit to their resolution – they can see cities, but not very small camps?”

“True, there’s a limit to their sensors here.  There’s also only a certain level of repayment for their attention.  This world has already lost almost all of its population – it’s down to half a billion across the planet.  The people are primarily rural – attempting to scratch out a life in any way that they can.  That’s not by accident.  Any large settlement invites attack.  That’s why the resistance does not appear above ground in force – they’re avoiding the eyes in the sky.”

“Remember, when the Kayzik are fighting a battle, they will scour their subject worlds for souls to send to the front.  They will kill the people and use the life forces to raise the demons they need to fight their battles. It’s very effective.  We must get through their demons to get to them.  It’s never easy and they’ve learned how to maximize the demonic force they can apply.”

“I think I need to understand hyperspace.  Why can’t you just drive large ships through it?  It would seem to be the way to go.  I suspect that if I had coordinates, I could probably travel through hyperspace.”

With those power levels, sweetheart, you could probably do just that and take the moon with you. 

“Alan, it’s not that simple.  There is a power requirement to move objects through hyperspace.  Moving a single person at a time through does not require much power.  Doubling the hyperspace corridor size incurs an exponential increase in the amount of power required. The most anyone can actually push through hyperspace is a very small ship.  That’s where the gates come in.  Rather than push matter, both Shantar and Kayzik will run a small craft to a chosen hyperspace destination.  There are limits on how far we can go in a single jump.  Once we’ve opened the hyperspace corridor, we can set up point-to-point hyperspace gates.  The gates turn matter into energy and transmit the energy through hyperspace.  Are you familiar with the term ‘teleportation’?”

He nodded.

“Know it well.  It was a theory used frequently in fiction.  Turn matter into energy, trap the pattern, and reassemble the pattern at the destination.  Great in concept, but we never made it really happen.  So both sides are playing a cutthroat game of build a gate and keep the other side from building one to the same world?  I take it the Shantar Commander in the battle of Turik lured a large contingent of the Kayzik to the surface of Mars while he got his people off planet in a space ship?”

She nodded.  “It was a brilliant move.  They actually deployed an undetectable deception.  The Kayzik knew the Shantar gate was down. The Commander lured the Kayzik to the planet and shuttled off just before he destroyed the atmosphere. It took several weeks before they could return and rebuild their gate.  The timing was brilliant.  They chose to strip the atmosphere when the Kayzik gate was beaming to the planet. That’s why it took out the Kayzik station – feedback from the explosion got it.  They learned – you’ll never see just a single Kayzik gate above a planet, now.”


Luray Caverns, Virginia


“How is she, Anna?”  She had walked into the darkest part of their cave.  A few feet away, an old woman slept fitfully. 

“No change, Miss.  The babbling has changed over the last few days though.  You know how she would always claim the call would come and you had to be ready?”  Anna looked at her.  “Now she says that the call is not yours.  She also claims she will meet her father, and soon.”

“That’s absolutely absurd.  Mother is an orphan.  Does she think that people rise from the dead?  She never knew either of her parents!  Let me guess!  True love conquers all?  Bah!”

“You barely knew your own father.  Molly found a good man.  They had twenty good years together before you were born.  It is not his fault he was only mortal.”

“It’s his fault that I exist in this miserable Hellhole. If he had kept his pants zipped, I wouldn’t be here.  Now, I’m forced to hide from my own kind.”

“So was your mother.  The genes were damaged before she got them.  You must admit, they give you the power to survive.”

“But they make me a target.  And the Kayzik have been too interested in this area.  I can hold them off if they don’t know what I’m doing, but they can catch me.  I’m a Meta, but I’m still vulnerable.”

“We can’t leave.  I’m sorry we did not join the Resistance.”

“Anna, I’m sorry too.  I just can’t trust them.  I’d trust the Shantar before them.”

Anna smiled.

“I think you have reason to. They have always watched over you.”

“Anna, you’re insane.”

Anna walked back to the old woman.


The Moon


“We’ve been up here for a while, but I’d like to ask a few more questions before we go back.”  He looked down to the Earth.  “Wonderful view for a romantic getaway, don’t you think?”

“Beautiful! Ask away, sweetheart.”

“Easy questions first.  Origins. The Shantar did not originate under a yellow sun, nor did the Kayzik. That’s why you’re both so hard to kill.”

“True. When the Shantar arose, our sun was blue.  We originated on a heavier world than earth – about ten times the gravity.  The assassins tend to come from those strains of the Shantar that kept more of the strength and the invulnerability necessary to survive on that world. We assassins are bioengineered to maximize our strength and bend the light around us. The Kayzik originated under an orange sun.   They have added invulnerability under a yellow sun as well.  That’s why it took such a destructive device on Mars to kill them.” She scowled.

“That does explain your choice of weapons – Xentronium blades would kill even them.  I’d expect your blasters are used close to them, just because of the damage they’d do if they didn’t hit!”

“No kidding!  If we’re not careful, we destroy the worlds we both need to survive.  Now, let me beat you to the next question.  The Kayzik currently hold ¾ of the universe. The Shantar and our Allies hold the final ¼.   This world is within their most recently captured regions.  They’ve milked it.  They don’t devote much attention to it now because of the low threat.  It’s a depopulated yellow sun world that increases their invulnerability when they have to be here.  They’ll wait until the population returns or they’re desperate before deeply culling the population again.  They do like terrifying the population and they’ll target metas just because of the potential threat.”

“What happened to the Oans?”

She shivered. 

“That’s how they conquered the last 1/3 of their empire.  We got a few of them out, but the Oans simply weren’t prepared for the mystic threat.  Those life forces drove the last campaigns, including the ones against Earth, Daxam, and Krypton.  They milked the Oans and they milked most of the Green Lantern Corps.”

“Ok, so that leaves the few last Galaxy Class Metas.  What happens if they catch me?  I’m not an Oan, but I’m not just human.”

She quickly glanced at him, and then glanced away.  “No you’re not.  I don’t have the answer.  Most likely, it would be Endgame for a good number of their people or ours.  Alan – you are the physical extension of the Starheart.  Draining that level of power would probably destroy the fool that tried it and take out the world the station circles.  Then again, they might be able to drain some of the energy safely – I doubt it.  My job is to make sure they never get the chance – you’re much more valuable out of their hands.”


Luray Caverns


“Miss, she’s even more agitated.  You need to talk to her.”

“I can’t –they are coming closer.  We must keep her quiet.”

“Her time is coming – let’s let her pass peacefully, please?”

“I’ll try, Anna, I’ll try.”  She exited the cave and slid behind a tree.  She notched her bow.  I’ll take you bastards out!  If she goes, she won’t go alone.


The Moon


“Next question?”

The way he looked at her, she knew he was starting to remember his first life. She knew whom it was he remembered.

“She lived for ten months more.  They knew who she was.  Daria Scott did not stand a chance.  We tried our best to protect her, but in the end, there were too few of us.  One of us died in the battle.  The Kayzik did not get her life force.  She went down fighting.”

He had not expected the large knot in his stomach. 

“We had so little time together.  We had naught but each other.  All we wanted was to work the railroad and raise our family.  We never had the chance.  The Green Flame took that from me!” He hung his head and was quiet for a moment.  “Daria was a special woman.  She was willing to share me with the world. And I left her with nothing. NOTHING!”  He inhaled and regained his calm.  “I shouldn’t say that.  My memory of those years is Swiss cheese. I do know the Green Flame kept us both alive much longer than we would have survived without it.”

“And you were not without Allies.  We knew what you had given.  And we have a sacred trust.” Her eyes grew bright.  “The green flame affected your body extensively, even then. But it was not your only source of potency.  Daria’s death hid a secret. Flames incinerated her when the Kayzik bombed her stronghold.  They had no way to know the truth.”

“That she had given birth?”  She’d really surprised him.  “How? When?  I do remember she felt a little queasy the last time we were together.”

“Eight months after your death.” She scowled. “I wish I had known your memory was returning.  I would have taken you to her as soon as I knew.”

“It’s only been the last day and I don’t remember all that much.  Her?”

“Molly Scott.  We need to get to her quickly.  She is not well and she did not age as gracefully as you.  She’s also in an area we can’t protect well – but we can’t move her.  Perhaps you can.”

“I can certainly try.  I have done little else for her!”

He tucked her under one arm and raced for Earth.


Luray Caverns


Come on, you bastards!  You’ll not take her!  She could see a dozen Kayzik approach the cave.  Damn, you’re ugly!  I could fly away and you’d never find me.  But I can’t, damn you!  There are too many of you.  How the hell do I stop you?

The Kayzik had seen the opening to the cave.  They approached.  Several other forms appeared out of the forest charged the Kayzik, swords drawn. The Kayzik drew sharp instruments of their own.

“Tanik, we can’t let this slime through.” 

“No, we can’t. I sent the signal – now, we just have to slow them down! The assassins are on their way”

Damn! I can’t fire my arrows into that crowd!  I’ll help them as best I can.  They’re risking everything!  She flew down into the fray and grabbed the nearest one.  She hauled it upwards above the battle scene.

“You’ll die, silly human and I’ll claim your soul!”  She could feel the creature draining her strength.  She watched the creatures below overcoming her defenders.  She was beginning to lose altitude.  I’ll never give in. I’ll never give in!  She began to rise again. When she was high enough, she dropped the creature.  It moved, then fell back down.  She flew down to grab another, but there were too many.  That didn’t stop her from trying. 

Others arrived to join the battle.  Another warrior joined the fray. Then something else joined the warrior.

What the hell is that?  Looks human.  Doesn’t fight like it. These two are definitely effective.  Seconds later, flaming green tendrils drew the remaining Kayzik overhead.  Then they exploded from the inside out. 

Her other defenders started coming around. 


“You did well.  We got here in time.  We’ll take it from here.”

“Aye, Ma’am.”  They melted back into the woods.

“Alan, We’ve arrived.”

He seemed relieved, but tense.  The costume faded.  More normal clothing appeared.

“Good.  I’m glad we made it in time!”

Alan?  Who the hell is that?  No, it can’t be!

She landed.

“Are you joining us?”

“For the moment, but do not harm them – I warn you!”


Inside the cave


“Anna, he’s here!  He came!  My father is here!”

“Hush Molly!”  She heard footsteps.  A young man approached, followed by an exotic female she’d seen before.

“Anna,” the woman spoke quietly. “The promise was kept. The Starheart delivered and somehow the prophecy was not fulfilled.”

“I understand, Commander.  It is good to see you again.” Anna spoke more loudly now. “And sir, welcome back!”

“Thank you, Anna!”  He nodded to her.  Then, he walked over to the bed and sat on the edge.  “Molly?  You’re Molly Scott?”

“You’ve come back.  After all this time, you’ve come back!”  She grabbed his hands.  “I thought you’d never return and she’d be called!”

He cast a glance at Elise.

“Alan, you broke a prophecy.  No, you overwhelmed it!  You were to return a broken man and choose your death.”

He smiled a sweet smile.

“Almost.  Almost. There was a moment in my life when I hit rock bottom.  Then someone I had never met sat beside me.  He told me that everything we did to strive towards the light caused the light to burn brighter.  Death was not the end. Giving up was.  Giving up was the end of everything.  Somehow, his words reached me even in my darkest night. They sparked something in the desolation of my soul.”  He reflected.  “I still hurt, but I realized that quitting only mean hurting those I loved. It took a while, but I found the strength to carry on.”

“Do you remember his name?”

“No, Elise, I don’t think he ever told me.  I don’t remember his face, either.  I just have the odd impression that his face was like theirs: blue, with black hair.”  He gestured to Molly and the young fighter.

“Curiouser and curiouser.  Something acted.  It altered the balance of power in two universes.”  Elise tapped her chin in thought.

“Who the hell are you people, and what are you talking about?”

“Alan, she’s your responsibility – not mine.  You get to sort this one out!” Her eyes twinkled.

“Don’t you see it?”  The old woman spoke to the younger.  “Don’t you see the light? It shines! It shines in brightest day!  It shines in blackest night!  It shines!

He shifted to face the young fighter.

Elise stepped back. Worse case of dominant genes I’ve ever seen!  Tall woman, and strong. Not a true mutant, but she’s definitely a meta.

“You’ll have to excuse me. My story is confusing, even to me. I’m Alan Wellington Scott.  I was born on this world in 1916.  I’ve died twice and been pulled back to the world of my first birth after the second death.” 

She drew back.  Her disbelief clashed with an innate need to believe.

“I’ve lost two families and arrived almost too late to reclaim the last of my first.  But I will try.”  The woman in the bed glowed with happiness.

“Say it for me.  Please! I have little time, but I want to hear it!”

“Easy enough, I’d be honored to say it for you!”

A green train lantern appeared in front of her. Her eyes glowed with wonder.

“Look, Alanna, look!  The light!  The light!”

Alanna?  My child remembered me. I wish I could do more for her, but I will do this.


In Brightest Day,

In Blackest Night,

No evil shall escape my sight.

Let those who worship evil’s might,

Beware my power, Green Lantern’s Light!


 The old woman looked up at him.

“My work is done.  Thank you, father.”  She hugged him with all her strength.  “And good bye!”

“No! I’ve missed your whole life!  Please hold on a little longer!”

She smiled peacefully as she lay back on the bed. She exhaled her last breath.

“NO!” Alanna screamed.  “NO!”


Hawksbill Peak, Skyline Drive, three days later


What can I do for him?  He tried to help her and the girl ran.  Elise watched him stare into the distance.  He found his child, only to watch her die.  The guilt he must feel.  It wasn’t his fault. He did not choose to leave this world.  He did choose to stay to be here for all of us.

Even in his grief, I find myself awed by him. I only wish I could help him. She stood beside him and put her arm around him.  He finally spoke.

“They say that grieving is for the living.  For what we have lost in our own lives.  I know now how true that is.  I never got the chance to know her.”

“I knew her. She was a woman to be proud of.  She had a gift of shadows. She used it to divert the Kayzik time after time.  Alan, your exposure to the Starheart altered her genes and she used the power to benefit her world. The Starheart was not her sponsor, but I’ve always thought something was.”

“You know what?  She had the same silly dream that I did – the Starheart would reclaim its champion and give this world a chance to begin cleansing itself.  She held on until she saw that dream come true.” She felt his arm tighten around her.  Good! I’m helping!  “She left this world knowing the two things she wanted to know.  The first was that you would reclaim the battle – a much stronger warrior would take her place.”

“And the second?”  He was breathing easier.

“Her daughter – she wanted to know that her daughter would always have a place to go, even if she did not believe it.  Your daughter’s life was no tragedy.  It was a triumph!  She lived the way she wanted to until almost the end.  We fought beside her time and time again.  We protected her and the child until the end.  She has a Xentronium blade.  It is unique.  The family crest is a Green Lantern.”  He started. “You are surprised?”

“A little.  My example was not that good.  I was too damned innocent.  I knew that when the arrow ripped through me.  I learned more in my next life.  I hope that I’ll continue to learn – this world can’t afford my innocence.”

“Alan, you were the only real example this planet had.  Don’t forget it!  You slowed down the Kayzik – that was amazing for just a single Meta from a backwater planet.  The Resistance descends from you, not us!  They picked up where you let off.”

They spoke no more. He watched the sun set with her.  A shadow below them shifted and detached itself from a tree.  It flowed down the side of the mountain.

 Big Meadows, Skyline Drive


Kill!  Eat!  Only so much time!  Kill the enemy and life is longer!  It moved through the forest. 

A small deer crossed its path.  It trapped the deer and broke its neck. So little food.  It tossed the carcass.  More food – will find more food!

It walked north up Skyline Drive.


Hawksbill Peak


“She asked us to explain while she coordinates the troops.”  Garja Jenna and Jerik sat across from him.

More likely she’s coordinating her spies!  Alan knew Elise well.  I wonder if Kira Jor-El has had a moment of privacy.

Garja continued.

“The Kayzik capture metas as frequently as they can. When they catch one, they use the life force to summon a demon.  The demon can extend its time here by absorbing the life force of any creature it crosses.  That’s another reason the Terrans scatter – the demons weaken unless they absorb additional life force.  They can be killed – especially when they’re weak.”

“Do you suspect we’ll be seeing an outbreak of demons?” Alan looked troubled.

Jerik drummed his fingers.

“It’s almost certain.  Earth is an odd situation – there isn’t that much to be gained here, but the Kayzik have seen too many peculiar losses here.  You killed almost a dozen yesterday – I know you had no choice.  They’ll be seeding this area whenever they catch a Meta for a while.  Demons are not Kayzik – a Shantar assassin can kill most of them fairly easily. It’s much more difficult for the rest of us.”

“I take it that over time the rest of you have lost much of the strength and invulnerability you would gain on a yellow sun, low gravity world?”

“True!  The Andromedan Shantar have bred true for the most part, but most of us are from other Galaxies.  We have some of the invulnerability, but not much. The Kayzik destroyed our home world many years ago, just as we destroyed theirs.”

“How long?”

“We’ve been at it since almost the beginning of time.  We were among the first conquerors.  We stepped over the other races and built alliances by force across the Triton Galaxy.  We had our galaxy well in hand and were looking for new challenges.  Then the Kayzik invaded our Galaxy.  Compared with the Kayzik, we were saints.  We exacted booty, but killed relatively few. We also allowed the citizens of the subject worlds to rise in our hierarchy.  The Kayzik were much different.” 

Garja picked up the thought.

“The Kayzik devastated the worlds they captured.  They left no population, no nothing.  Everything went to power the war.  It wasn’t until much later they changed tactics to cull populations and let them rebound before culling them again.  The populations were devastated time and time again.  You’ll notice Earth has little industry.  It won’t really begin to recover until the Kayzik are shut out.”

Shut out?  Alan wondered.  Could we do that?

“What would we have to do to free this world?”

Jerik answered.

“This world will never be truly free until the Kayzik base stations are dismantled and their orbiting stations are permanently off-line.  Their stations are almost invulnerable – they are constructed from Red Sun world materials – Xentronium and more.  The difficulty is that simply destroying them would invite further Kayzik interest – exactly what you don’t want!”

“I’m getting a cold feeling.  What you are about to tell me is that the way to get the bastards off this planet is to shut them down on the worlds that connect to this one.  Then we have to screw around with them on the major hubs that adjoin those worlds.  How many hops till one of their major worlds?”

“From Earth – at least four or five.  This is a minor world in a minor system with few resources.  They’ve already milked it.  We’d follow a two-part strategy – attack them on other worlds and keep them from bleeding what’s left of the population here.  When pushed, the Kaylick will look for other sources.  Remember – this is just a minor world, and we want them to keep thinking that way.”

He tapped his chin.

“And in the mean time, your gate on this world could be restored.  All you need it a hyperspace jump point to tie to. I see where this is going.”

“Not quite – if we open access to this world from the empire, we can use a second gate to access a hidden base.  We’ll project power from that world, not Earth.  We have no intention of occupying Earth.  But it gets us where we have to go.”

“Now all you need is partisans who punch through hyperspace at will. I assume any Galaxy class meta will do?”

Garja beat Jerik to response.

“Not just any.  Damamites are almost worthless – too easy to kill.”  She smiled.  “On the other hand, a mystic warrior and a Kryptonian combined with their allies might be a quite bitter pill for the Kayzik.  We stand a chance.”


Two hundred yards south


This is much worse than I thought!  The shadow shifted on a tree.  What? I’m sensing something a little farther down the mountain. The shadow flowed downhill.


Hawksbill Gap


Join the empire’s army!  Save my fellow beings! And what did it get me?  I’m the cook for a partisan force on a mud ball!  Haven’t had a paycheck in decades, much less a real evening on the town.  The assassins are built for this crap.  And now our commander has taken after a local?  Barf! He scrubbed the pots and pans in the stream. Kellick, old man, this was not what you signed on for.

I shouldn’t complain – she’s been good to us – our attrition rate is almost non-existent.  She is loyal to us – lots of other commanders have no such loyalty to their troops.  Of course, we all chose to stay. I’m proud of what we do.   He didn’t hear the creature behind him.

It raised its claws to strike.  Strong life force! Food!  More time! Food! The cook was as good as dead.

“Like hell you will!”  A shadow shifted from the nearest tree.  A Xentronium sword emerged.

Stronger life force! More food! It charged the blade wielder. 

“Get the hell out of here, you idiot!  Warn them!” Kellick ran while she cut into the creature.

“What are you made of?” It healed immediately.

“Food, must have food.  You are food!”  It charged her again.

I’m fighting his battle.  No more!

She faded back into the tree. It howled and attacked the tree.  She reformed behind it and hacked at it again.  A demonic arm hit the ground.

“Food, Food!  Will eat!” The arm began to regenerate.  She sank into the ground and hacked at its legs. “Must eat now! Must eat!”

She flew from the ground to a yard above it. Then she hacked at its neck. The head rolled off and the creature disappeared.

That felt good.  At least I got to return the favor.  I know, now that they’ve always watched over me.  She looked at the crest on the blade.  Now I understand her.  In brightest day, in darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight!  Hell of a family motto.

 Mother, I will miss you. You were right about the light. Dark, evil things cannot stand the light.

“Penny for your thoughts?”  Alan startled her.

“You watched the whole thing?” She seethed with anger. “You let it attack me?”

“No, I saw the end, not the beginning.  You certainly did not need my help.”

“So you just stood there and watched?  What have you got to say for yourself?”

He reviewed his options.  An impish look crossed his face. He lightly touched her shoulder. 

“Tag! You’re it!”  He charged the heavens in a plume of green.

“You bastard!”  She took off after him, leaving her own blue trail.


Staten Island, The Torch of the Statue of Liberty


“What is this place?  Why are we here?  It’s only a statue!”

“No, it’s far more than that.  There’s an inscription on the statue.  Go down and take a look.”

Alanna read:

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles.  From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame,

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips.  "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

by Emma Lazarus, New York City, 1883


She saw the green torch flicker and burst into green flame.  I think I understand him, now.  He’s not a Shantar lackey by any means.  If the Kryptonian has the same beliefs, we have hope. She rose back to where he stood. She knew what he would say.

“Don’t ever forget what she represents and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.  We may ally ourselves with others to accomplish what we must.  But we do not belong to them:  we are her children.  We are not gods, just people with extraordinary gifts. We stand here because we have a belief we share.  This universe may seem to have forgotten her, but I haven’t – and I won’t!”

She remembered the stories her mother told.  She had blamed him for everything in her life.  Now she knew the truth:  he was many things, but most of all he was her example.  He had stood against the darkness of this world.  So had her mother.  So would she.  Lady Liberty, they will remember you!  I swear it!

“Alanna, you may be angry with me.  That is your right.  I have lifetimes of regrets.  This world happened in part because I was not here to stop it.  But I am here now.  I will do what I can to free this world from the Kayzik.” He walked a step closer to her, then he stopped.

“I hope someday you will forgive me.  I know you share my cause. I’ve heard the stories.  You’ve never failed to defend any innocent you could.  You may not believe it, but I’m very proud of you.”  He paused before speaking again. “I’m so very sorry that I was not here to guide you and to keep you safe.”  She saw the trail of the tear on his cheek.  She knew what the confession cost him.  She walked away to the railing, but turned to look at him.

“It’s not you I’m angry with.  It’s me. I’ve cursed you for years.  I believed that this was your mess and that you should have fixed it.  I know now that I was wrong, but I’m so very confused.” 

Maybe she won’t turn me away this time.  He walked to the railing, but did not touch her.  She seems so brittle. What can I do?

Alanna trembled like a leaf in an October wind. She gazed into the harbor.

“She loves you, you know.  She’d walk away from her damned empire and her people for you.  She’d never look back – I’ve seen that look in her eyes.”

“I know.  I hope she never has to make that choice.”

She shook even more.  Tears flowed over her cheeks. He was afraid for her.

“Please promise one thing!  Just one thing! Please!”

She grabbed him and held on with all of her strength.  He put his arms around her and gently whispered:

“Just tell me what I can do.”

Her tears fell freely.

“Don’t give up on me!  Please! Don’t give up on me.”

He held her while her sobbing racked her body.

“I won’t.  I promise you I won’t.”


Hawksbill Peak, several hours later


 I don’t think I’ll ever understand what passed between them.  Elise Zoldar watched them talk.  They were only gone a few hours, but she seemed to change so much. She’s so quiet.  I don’t expect that to last.  She smiled at that thought.  Hell of a family I’ve acquired!  I wouldn’t have it any other way.  She grabbed three cups of coffee and walked to join them.

“Hell of a family, we are.”  She handed them two of the cups of coffee and sat down next to them.  “Tell me more about the statue. I’ve seen pictures, but I’ve never seen it.”

Alanna smiled.

“It represents the right to choose your course.  It represents the responsibility to ensure that others have the same choice.” Elise still did not understand.  “It represents the right of a Shantar Commander to choose to walk beside the Champion of the Green Flame – as long as it does not interfere with her duty to those who depend on her.”

“That, I understand.  I think I understand what drives you both a little better.  Is it always perfect, this belief?  Do people always put it first?”

“I’m afraid we’ll have to say that’s not always true.”  Alanna saw three figures she had never seen before. The smallest was speaking.  “Sometimes you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.  Then you have to fight to get it back.”  The speaker turned to Alan. “Alan Scott, we failed you before. If you will have us now, I swear we will never fail you again!”


Several hours earlier, at the Crown of the Statue.


The old woman had been drawn to the statue.  She felt a familiar calling – one she had never expected to feel again.  She cajoled her husband’s family into carrying her up to the crown.  They had arrived, not an hour before.  She saw the flame light.  Then she saw her opportunity.  She crawled out of the crown.  She had not cleared the window before her husband’s nephew caught her.

“Let go of me!” She kicked herself loose. “The flame!  It’s my last chance!  She crawled out towards the top of the crown and prepared to jump.

“Come back, Aunt Mary, come back!”

“No!  I’ve lived my time without my boys and my power.  Dennis is long gone.  Now, I hear it calling me.  I see the green flame.  I must jump before they are too far away.” 

She could see the two figures absorbed in each other, slowly drifting away from the statue.  She knew this was her last chance.  She jumped.

“No, Mary!  You have too much to live for!  Let me take you back!”  A woman held her fast in the air.

“Damn you, Diana!  You bitch! Unhand me!  Your people had me stripped of power!  I couldn’t help him and he died.  Your mother told them how to kill him!  You bitch! I’ll die in the flame before I’ll miss my last chance!”

“Mary, I’m the last of my kind.  They wiped out the island of Thymscara.  Those creatures even wiped out the Gods.”

“Diana, your people had my brother and his friend so screwed up, they never fought back.  Hell of an end to our legacy! You high browed bitches did nothing to help him.  You laughed at him and you all paid the price.  If you seek forgiveness, seek it from the Green Flame.  Don’t look for it from me.”

“They imprisoned me for months.  I finally broke free.  I was coming back to help when he was killed.  Once he was killed, they attacked Thymscara.  I could not help them. I barely survived.  There were no allies left.  The Resistance won’t take me. I can only do what I can.”

The younger woman positioned them over the torch.

“Let me go, Diana.  Either I’m right, or I’ve bought myself a quick death.  I win either way!”

“You are not the only one to believe in the Green Flame.  I pray you are right.  I have been so wrong so many times.”  She saw the look of absolute faith in the older woman’s eyes. “Goodbye.”  She dropped the old woman and heard her say just one word as she fell. Diana hated herself even more.


Ten minutes earlier, on the ground


“Grandfather, what do you see?”

“Jeffrey, do you not see the mystic flame?  That is the call for those who would defend freedom.   You must go.”

“I do see a green flame.  I do not know what it means.”

“If you were not my child, you would not see it at all.  It’s only meant for the eyes of those with mystic power. It’s a wake up call.  Follow it – the helm will guide you.”

“How?  And why?  What is so special about the flame?”

“The Helm of Nabu is a tool of justice and order.  It took me years to return after the Kayzik knocked me out of this dimension.  By then it was too late.  We have the power of spells – the helm can do much.  But this is not a dimension where the helm is absolute.  We must have allies.”

“Grandfather, you are drifting.”

“No, I’m not.  I recognize the signature of the mystic flame.  I don’t know how he came back, but he is here.  Follow the flame to the man.  Where he is, others will gather. Now, take the helm!”


“Alan Scott.  The spawn of the Starheart.  We called him the Green Lantern.  He is back to fight for this world.  I do not know how, but I do not care.  I just know that he is here.  I am too old, but you are not.  Take the damned helm, before I take it myself!”

“I hear you.  I do not wish the helm, but I will take on the fight!”

He put it on and arose.  He waved Kent Nelson goodbye.


At the Torch


The old woman’s final word would ring in her ears forever.  She said it as she passed the flame.  Then, the old woman was gone:


The mystic green lighting blinded Diana.  Mary Batson was no more.

Few things surprised Diana.  The young woman in the red dress and white cape certainly did.

“Damn! Hard to believe I ever looked this good!  I feel great!  I’m going to kick a few Kayzik off this world!”

“How did you?” Diana sputtered.

“How did I know?  The wizard was never the source of our power – he was just a conduit.  He conceptualized the powers as gifts from the Gods.  They weren’t.  That’s why your gods never controlled him.  The mystic flame just gave me a way to tap into what has always been mine.  I’ll never let it go again.”  She saw Diana’s expression change.  “I see what you’re thinking.  That was why Billy Batson never grew up – our ages were always reset each time we invoked the power.  I was his older sister.  I reset to 18 years of age.”

“What will you do now?”

“Do?  I’m going to say goodbye to a family that no longer needs me, and then I’m going to spend the day with my best friend.  Now, you can stand there and feel sorry for yourself, or you can get off your butt, come with me, and try to make a difference!  You’re the one who’s supposed to be Wonder Woman – earn the damned title!”

She flew off to make her goodbyes – she had no intention of going back to her husband’s family. She did feel she owed them an explanation.

When she returned, Diana was not alone.

“I would join you.  My grandfather, Kent Nelson, said I should follow the Green Flame.”

“Mary Marvel.  You’re the newest Dr. Fate?”

“Jeffrey Nelson.  I think so. Sorry if I seem distracted.  I’m not used to having spells whispered to me.”

“Well, get ready for life to get real strange – and a whole lot more meaningful.”  She flew towards the distant figures, then stopped.  “Well, come on! Move it!”  They followed her.


Hawksbill Peak


“Cat got your tongue, Cousin?”  Mary Marvel grinned viciously. Haven’t seen him in 65 years and all I can do is tease!

“Cousin?  Any more surprises in your family tree I should know about?”  Elise feigned jealousy.  She’s definitely the most powerful of the three.  What the hell happened to his family?  First the Starheart, then the Shadow, and now this!

Finally, Diana understood the reason for Mary Batson’s complete faith. Diana had been conned.  No wonder the Green Flame worked – she has a blood tie to it.  She knew!

He just sat there with his chin on his hand – seriously amused and in no hurry.  His eyes sparkled.

“Mary, you are a sight for sore eyes.  You’re certainly still easy on them.” She blushed. “I take it you’ve been hiding our secret up to now?”

“Until I saw the Green Flame at the statue.  I used it to reclaim my power.  The old Wizard stripped it from me before you were killed.”

“Alan Scott and the Batsons – I never knew you were cousins!” Diana made a mistake – she’d spoken.

“Who let the trash in here?”  He was not amused.

“I did.  She’s not responsible for the actions of her people.  They’re all dead, anyway.  Just like Billy and Freddy.  They paid for their refusal to fight with their lives.  I just lost my access to power.”

“I’m truly sorry.  I liked Billy – he was a neat kid.”

“But he was a kid.  And in the end, that innocence got him killed without a fight. Now back to the other subject – Diana was rushing back to help when you got killed.  I know you died.  I buried you. Once you were gone, it was too late.  The Kayzik glamour is strong stuff, especially for those who imagine themselves immune- like the so-called Gods. I have no such illusions. I saw what it did to Billy and Freddie. I am not her friend, but I will give Diana the chance to prove herself.  I know you well enough to know that you will too.”  He slowly nodded his assent.  He stood up.

“Mary, it’s so damned good to see you!”  She flew into his arms.  He felt the crushing strength.  “Careful – you’re not just Cousin Mary!”

“Sorry!  Been a hell of a day for me. Until three hours ago, I was more than eighty years old.  I was being taken care of by my deceased husband’s family.  Believe me, I like this a lot better!”

“Cousin, our manners are atrocious.  Let’s see how well we can do.  I’m Alan Scott.  This is my first cousin, Mary Batson.  My mother and Mary’s mother were sisters.” He gestured to one side.  “This is Elise Zoldar, who puts up with me, to my great joy.” Elise smiled and bowed.  “Next is my grand-daughter, Alanna.  In battle, she’s Shade the Queen of Shadows.”

“Cool – pretty neat tag for an old man!”  Alanna bowed.  “You’ve got to give me the dirt – what was he like to grow up with?”

“I’ll have to be very careful – I’m a few years younger than he is and he knows more of my secrets!”  I’m going to like it here!  Neat kid!

“I assume you’re somehow related to Kent Nelson?  You seem familiar, somehow.  Everyone, this is Dr. Fate.”

“Just so.  My grandfather sends his greeting.  You are really the Green Lantern?”

“I use a different name now – the Sentinel, but when I needed the ring I was the Green Lantern.  Story time, I guess.  I lived a full life in another world before the Starheart pulled me back here.  The Starheart rebuilt my body.  I don’t use a ring any more.  Wood won’t get through my shields, either.”  His eyes lit with disdain as he introduced the last member of the group.

“Diana of Thymscara, sometimes called Wonder Woman.  The Amazons knew of my weakness to wood.  Was it your mother who told the Kayzik?”

“Alan, cut it out!  It wasn’t her fault.”  Mary could no longer ignore the rage in his eyes.  “Alan, we’ve got to talk!” She looked back at the rest of the group. “We’ll be back!”  They took off.


Stony Man Peak, Skyline Drive


“Alan! You’re the Champion of the Green Flame! How dare you?”

“How dare me?  Mary, I didn’t bring that filth into this camp!  What’s she going to do next?  Catalogue all of us and turn the information over to the Kayzik?”

“She knows she screwed up.  She knows her people screwed up worse.  She’s been an outcast for years for things she didn’t do!  Grow up Alan! What could be worse than being an immortal pariah? Even the Resistance won’t have her!”

“And good riddance! How much did the Amazon’s refusal to help cost this world?  How much devastation did their life forces fuel in other worlds?”

“That is not her fault!  I’ve had enough.  There is darkness in your soul and you don’t see it.  If you can say your oath and think of her while you do it, I’ll back off.  Not that fancy oath either – your first one! Repeat the one about shedding your light over dark, evil things, because dark evil things cannot stand the light. Can you say it?”

“No.” His rage began to dissipate.  “You are right.  I did not see it. After all these years, you still know me too well.”

“You’re my cousin.  You’ve ripped into me pretty well in the past for pretty much the same reason. You were right, then.”  She waited a moment.  “Hell of a family you’ve got!”

We’ve got.  I barely knew Alanna’s mother, Molly.  I got to meet her the day she died.  Three days ago.”

“Oh Alan, I’m so sorry!”

“Thank you.  It was a really nasty surprise.  I am glad I did get to meet her, even if only for a few minutes.  As hard as it was on me, it was a lot harder on Alanna. She lost the one person she could count on.  She certainly didn’t know what to make of me.  I didn’t know what to do to help her.”

“I can believe that.  I know it was hard on you, Alan.”

“It was, but I had Elise.  That really helped.  Alanna had no one.  This world’s really done a number on her.  We went to the Statue to try to work some things out.  I think we did – she read the inscription before I lit the torch. It’s been an emotional day for both of us.”

“And then I haul Diana into your camp uninvited.  I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.  I understand Steve Trevor was among the first killed.”

“Yes.  She was busy arguing our case to the other Amazons.  Then they imprisoned her.  She’s never really recovered.”

“I didn’t know.”

“I didn’t either.  I learned most of it on the way here.  That’s why we took so long to get here.  I had to drag most of it out of her.  She didn’t tell me before today – I wasn’t very fond of her.”  She pleaded.  “Alan, she tried to save me when I jumped for the flame.  She didn’t have to. She knew I was one of her harshest critics.”

“I have to admit you are right.  She did her best and we criticized her because it wasn’t enough. Some heroes, we are.”

“Heroes enough to admit when we’re wrong, Cousin.  And that’s the important thing.  As long as we keep learning, we have value to our world.”

“And to each other!  Mary, it is so damned good to see you!”

“You too!  Let’s not make the next absence so long!”

“Then don’t leave!”

“I won’t.  I don’t think I could. Until today, I had no idea how important my family was to me.  You have no idea what the Green Flame on that torch meant. Remember the poem?  Her flame is the imprisoned lightning.  I found out today just how true that is.”

“I think I understand how you feel.  You weren’t the first to choose to follow the mystic flame, or to come back to Lady Liberty.  I feel the same way.”  He smiled wistfully.  “I’m glad the Green Flame made your connection for you.  Is that why you’re wearing my Starburst, rather than Shazam’s Lightning bolt?  I wondered why you’d replaced your gold trim with green.”

“I hadn’t noticed.  This is what happened when I called the lightning.” She looked down at her costume. “You know what?  I like it.  I really, really like it. I’m going to keep it, Cousin!”

“Nothing would please me more!  We always made one hell of a team.  I bet we still do.”

“Remember how jealous Billy got when we’d go fight a villain together? He couldn’t contain himself!”

“The great Captain Marvel and his famous snits.  Mary, I hope that didn’t lead to his death.”

“I don’t even want to think about it.”  They spent a couple of minutes remembering in silence.  “Alan, why did you change your name?”

“It’s complicated.  In the other world, there was fiction about a Green Lantern character named Alan Scott. When his ring was destroyed, he began to directly channel the mystic flame.  He took the name the Sentinel.  The first time I used the power, I felt the connection to that aspect of his power.  I’ll always be a Green Lantern, but the Sentinel name reminds me of his evolution as a person.  I like to think he’d be proud of me.”

“I understand.  I feel the same way.  I’m no longer just one of the Marvel family.  Now I’m the sole sentry of the Rock of Eternity. Funny.  I don’t even feel a connection to the old Wizard any more. Billy and Freddie are just distant memories now.”

“The Sentry.  I like it! I do think you’ve outgrown Mary Marvel. Of course, you could be Mary Marvel, the Sentry.”

“Or Mary Scott.”  She’d puzzled him.  “Cousin, you do not know how much comfort your name and your flame bring me.  I may tease you mercilessly, but you always believed in me, even when no one else did.  I can see that you still do.”

“I always will.  You’ve always seen right through me.  You’ve always had absolute faith in me, even when you were so angry you couldn’t contain your rage.  I would be honored if you keep the Starburst.  Your power may express itself differently, but you have the honor of a Green Lantern.  Even the mystic Green Flame believes in you.”

“Thank you, Cousin.  I have not felt I belonged anywhere in years.  Before today, I never realized how much that feeling meant.”

“I’m so glad you’re here.  I’m glad you’ll stay.  Now I have to go clean up the mess I’ve made.” 

“Alan, you weren’t the only one.  There were so many of us who made that mess worse.  She lost everything she ever loved.  She doesn’t believe in herself.  Her close friends are all dead. She’s lost her faith in her family. She’s simply drifted for years. But she flew like a bat out of Hell to get to that torch.”


Hawksbill Peak


Diana walked off from the group.  I was a fool to come here.  What did I expect?  My family destroyed both her life and his!   They were my friends and I failed them so badly.  How dare I come here and intrude!  Am I so desperate? Yes I am – desperate enough to seek out the Green Flame today just on the off chance it might. . . .

“Diana?”  He’s come to tell me to shove off – I can’t blame him.

“Diana?  I’ve come to apologize.  I said things I shouldn’t. I didn’t know all the facts.  I’m sorry.  I didn’t know how hard you tried.”

“Alan?  You’re apologizing to me? He’s playing with me! Then he’ll cast me out, just like everyone else!

“Yes.  I’m sorry.  I know about Steve.  I know what we’ve cost you.”

He’s not going to hurt me? He’s not going to send me away?

“So long ago, but it won’t heal. Nothing heals.”

“I know, Diana.  And we who should stand by you turned the other way.  We were wrong.  I’m so sorry.”

“I, we, I,  couldn’t .. couldn’t  .. so many . .so many”  She was breaking down.  “couldn’t .. didn’t . . .  don’t know how . . . .”

“It’s ok, Diana, it’s ok!”  He laid her head on his shoulder.

“I couldn’t save them!  I couldn’t save anyone!  Couldn’t . .  Couldn’t . . .”


At the camp


“I know I had no right, but he’s the only one who can help her.  I’m not proud of myself.  My timing was not good.”    Mary confided to Elise and Alanna.  “She has no one, and none of this was her fault.”  She looked up to Alanna.  “Your father’s curse and mine is that we can’t allow ourselves petty emotions. People will follow our example – we have to be careful what example we set.”

“I think it will be difficult to live up to your example.”  Jeffrey Nelson joined them.  “You seem so good at it.”

“Not always. He wasn’t the only one to blow it this afternoon.  I have a mess to clean up too.  We’re human – we make mistakes.  We try to help each other recover from those mistakes.” Her eyes sparkled. “Someday, I’ll tell you the story of one of my less memorable boyfriends.  The one who had a great fear of oversized, green bunny rabbits!”  The memory was too much – she snickered.  She looked to Alanna.

“Kid, welcome to the family – we have one hell of a history and I’ll be happy to tell you all about it.  Elise – thank you for putting up with us!  We’re a rather strong-willed bunch.”

“So I’ve noticed. I’ve forgotten what a dull moment is. I hope never to remember. Welcome, Alan’s cousin.  Your place truly is here, with us.” Elise turned to Jeffrey Nelson.  “I have enough of the old gift to sense the power in that helm:  a power that frightens the Kayzik.  You are welcome here.  I am Elise Zoldar, the Shantar Commander of what remains here of my people. I am his guide, but I welcome those who share his cause.”  She shifted gears.  “Tell me, do any of you know how to cook?  Our cook has been somewhat stressed recently, and I’d like to give him a little time off.”


New York City, three days later


I can’t just write them out of my life.  They did care for me and they did not have to. I can at least bring them some supplies to make their lives a little easier!  The young woman walked a familiar route through deserted city streets. They shouldn’t have moved away so quickly – if they are not still here, I’ll check the other safe havens.

I’ll have to get back in time – don’t want to miss the party.  Beer and ribs and all the fixings!  Who’d have thought?  Dr. Fate, Gourmet Chef! She grinned.

Elise said I’d get to meet some interesting people. I’ve never met the Resistance before. Good thing I located the Roanoke Star before I left.  Tables and grills are still there – amazing.  We’ll even have the star lit!

She found her way to the address.  Seems empty.  I’ll try the next one.  She got back out on the street and walked another half mile.  Oh, no! Looters!  Her first impulse was to run.  No! Not any more!  She listened and walked down to the basement.

“Look Georgio! Another one! And she’s even dressed up for you!”

“Cute dress, chickee!  Come over here and give Georgio a kiss!”  She felt his miserable breath as he pawed her.

“Tie her up and toss her in the room with the others.  Once we’ve gotten all their supplies, we’ll have some fun with her and kill the rest!”

She felt them tie her hands and carry her into another room.  Her husband’s family had been badly beaten and tied up.  Most of them did not recognize her.

Another thug looked down at her.

“And what’s your name cutie?” 

“Mary.  Mary Marvel.”  She heard the older members of her husband’s family react.  This may be the last time I use that name, but it brings them hope. And hope is the Power of Shazam.  Strange I still care.

“Well, Mary, you’re a cutie.  Want to hear my motto?”

“Sure, scumbag! Let’s hear it!”

“Scumbag?” He hit her.  What, no blood? Bitch doesn’t seem afraid of me, either! I’ll cure her of that!

“My motto!” He lifted up her chin.  “Never leave a cute woman unmolested or alive! I’m going to enjoy you, sweetie.”

“Maybe. Would you like to hear my family motto? My cousin taught it to me.  Kind of neat, actually!”

“Sure, cutie – your last words before I have my way with you. Let’s hear it!”

Rage inflamed her eyes.  Pure hatred. 

In brightest day,” He watched the ropes snap off her hands and feet.

In blackest night,” She grabbed him and lifted him into the air.

No evil shall escape my sight.”  She reached between his legs and squeezed.  He fainted from the pain.

Let those who worship evil’s might,” She threw him through the closed door and followed him into the room.  She grabbed Georgio.

Beware my power,” Georgio flew into the rest of his crew. She grabbed a table and threw it into them.

Green Lantern’s light!”  She walked over to the body she’d called Scumbag.  “I didn’t finish the job, but you won’t be bothering anyone for a while.” He groaned.  She picked up the lot of them and flew to the East River. There, she dumped them in and watched them float off.

I can’t believe what we’ve let ourselves become.  Mary Marvel headed back to the basement.  There were so few of us left living off the city’s stores. We grew food any place we could, and hid from the predators.  She had arrived.  We call this civilization? She flew down and released her husband’s family. I’ve got a lot of explaining to do. And no matter how much I say, it still won’t be enough. How did we let this happen to the world?


Roanoke, Virginia – several hours later


Mary Marvel landed and quickly surprised her cousin with a strong hug.

“Cousin, are you OK?” 

“I think so, Alan. I hope so.  Going back was much harder than I thought.”  She changed the subject. “Do you have any kind of a guest list?”

He grinned.

“No, Elise wouldn’t tell me.  She likes to keep her secrets!  So does Alanna. Sometimes I wonder if Alanna is my grandchild or hers.  They both tend to be so tight lipped.”

“Maybe it’s just because we don’t let them get a word in edgewise.  You didn’t tell them why you picked today did you?  That was a master touch.”

“A Fourth of July party in honor of the Mother of Exiles. Nope, that’s one secret I’ve kept.”

“A party on her day for her children who will ensure her legacy.  I think they’ll be honored. Oh look!  Up in the sky!  Company’s coming!”

End of Chapter 2 of Terra's Revenge!