The Guardian Gambit

© The Elves of Alterverse

Chapter 4:  Balance of Power



New Oa

K’ryssma approached him.

“Sentinel, the Zamarons grow restless.  They do not understand why you choose not to retrieve the Guardians.”

He sighed.

“I am not about to start that operation until Linda has a chance to recover.  We’ve almost lost her twice now.  Remember, the last time we just went after the Zamarons.  The next time, we’re going after the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps.  I need to do this right.”

He reconsidered.

“Just tell them I’ve had it with them.  Either they wait for Linda to recover or they can try to rescue the Guardians themselves.  Better yet, tell them I’ll put them back where we found them.”  He stormed out of the room.

K’ryssma watched him go.  That and the Green Lantern Corps will follow you, not them.  Linda Danvers is our shared responsibility.  I think I will take your cousin Mary with me.  She knows how to handle them. They won’t talk back to her.  K’ryssma fondly remembered Captain Marvel’s first encounter with the Zamarons.  (Elf note: The Guardian Gambit - Chapter 3).


Earth, the Sentinel’s Lair, a week later

“Honey, are you sure you’re up to this?”   Elise watched her adopted daughter push herself out of bed.

“I think so.  Let me get a shower first.”  Elise helped her over to the shower and turned the water on for her.

Linda felt the warm water spread over her.  The ache in her bones subsided for the first time in three weeks.  She cleaned up and dried off.  She put some comfortable clothes on.  She walked towards the lantern in her quarters.  She had to smile.  She looked down at her left hand.  I wonder if I’ll ever really earn the right to wear you.  Well, at least I think I’m making a difference.  That’s what matters.  She smiled.  She held the ring to the Lantern.

In Brightest Day,

In Blackest Night,

No evil shall escape my sight

Let those who worship evil’s might

Beware my Power,

Green Lantern’s Light.


She left her quarters.  It took only moments to reach the mess.  Hard to believe I feel so wobbly.  Hope that passes.  Well, I’m looking forward to a good meal. 

“Hi, Miss Linda.  First time we’ve seen you here.”  Chilly, the Shantar chef greeted her.  “No, I’ll carry the tray.  You just pick what you want.  You can only carry the tray if it’s not bigger than you are.”

Linda had to smile.  She pointed out what she wanted.

“Thank you for your kindness.”  She smiled as Chilly put the tray down in front of her.  I’m still not used to people being so kind to me.  I don’t deserve it, but I have to admit I appreciate it.

Selina Kyle entered the mess.  Eat alone?  Not while we’re here, Sweetie!  She pointed Helena over. 


Three days later

“Are you sure you are ready?”  Alan Scott kneeled in front of her.  “We can wait a little longer.”

“I’m sure Alan.  Just give me a little room.”  She smiled. “Better yet, give me a lot of room!”  She concentrated. 

The Demoness filled the room with her presence.

“Wow.”  Alan shook his head.

“Hold your nose, Pops!”

He took her up on her warning.



Zandar III

What a hideously ugly world!   Linda peered out from a dark forest.  She exercised her wings.  I’ll explore a little more before I go back.  Glad the beacon doesn’t use emerald energy.  This place would pick it up in a heartbeat.  Broke my heart to have to leave the ring behind, but I know they’re looking for it.

Powerful leather wings propelled her.  That’s where the Guardians are.  I sense them.  The Green Lanterns are the mindless slaves who keep the place running.  Gotta be careful.  Don’t want to screw this up.

She looked up.  I see those ugly satellites.  Ugly yellow satellites, and they’re up there to catch us.  Maybe we should throw asteroids at them.  Wish I were smarter.  That’s up to people like Selina to figure out.

She dove into the compound.  Yep, I see the Green Lanterns now.  No rings, but still in the Corps uniforms.  They all look like they need a shower worse than I ever did.  Let me set the beacon here.  Alanna will be able to find it.  I’ve done the reconnaissance I can.  It’s time for the professional. 

I’m surprised. This world is only a day away for someone with Alanna’s speed.  Let me fly back to the forest.  My brimstone won’t be noticed there.



Linda walked into the conference room.  Alan held a chair for her.  The senior staff and the seven other members of the Green Lantern Corps filled the rest of the conference room.  Shantar High Command representatives appeared on a screen along the large wall.

“Linda, that was great work.  The signal is nice and strong.  Alanna is already on her way.”

“Linda,” an older Shantar woman smiled at her,  “we haven’t met.  I’m your Great Grandmother Amanda Zalar. This creature,” she patted a rather large Shantar, “is your grandfather Zoldar.  Welcome to the family!”

“Umm,” she hesitated.  “I’m pleased to meet you?  I’m sorry, but I’m not much on protocol.”

High Warlord Zalar laughed.

“You’ll do, Sweetheart, you’ll do.  Welcome!”

Linda smiled brilliantly.

Elise smiled.  Wish I could have warned you.  But you handle yourself very well. 

“So, what’s our next move?”  Zalar asked.

“Well,” Alan pondered, “we’ve got to find a way to get them out quickly.  We don’t want to give the Kayzik the chance to transport more troops through hyperspace while we are on planet.” 

“We’ve got three basic problems.  We can’t take the overhead satellites in any kind of reasonable time.  We’ve also got the ground troops to worry about and we have to deal with the effects of the mind control glamour.  Any two of the three, we can handle easily.  If we didn’t have to worry about help from hyperspace, we could take our time.  If we could get rid of the Glamour, we wouldn’t need the time. If we didn’t have the ground troops we could get to the Guardians and Green Lanterns quickly.”

Captain Marvel squirmed.

“We’ve got a lot more power than we did when we took New Oa.  Problem is we’ll never be able to keep down the casualty count.”

Selina Kyle concurred.

“I’ve run the numbers.  It’s going to be bloody no matter what we can do.  This is far worse than the planet they kept the Zamarons on, yellow sun or no.”

“Could you explain this to me again?”  Linda asked.  “I really don’t understand.  I’m sorry, but it doesn’t make sense to me.”

Elise answered.

“What don’t you understand?”

“Why can’t we take out the satellites?  I know they’ll rebuild them, but all we need is a few hours.”

“Linda, the only way to do that would be to dump a rather heavy charge inside the satellite.  Alanna can get inside and scout, but she can’t carry the charge.”

“Why would she have to?  She just has to find the place to put it.”   Linda still looked puzzled.

Alan and Mary looked at each other.  Kira nodded to them.  They nodded to Linda.

Elise knew there was an unspoken agreement.


“Linda,” Alan smiled, “I’ll get your tools there.  The GLs will keep your ring safe for you.  They’ll get it to you as you’re done.  Alanna is going to love this.  I’ll make sure she knows what to do.  As soon as you do your part, we’ll have the rest of the team move in.”

Linda smiled up at them.  She tried to explain to her adopted mother.

“Elise, I can’t teleport where I’ve never been unless I have a link to it.  If Alanna’s willing to share the memory of the inside of the satellite, I can go there.  We’re golden.”


Two days later

They stood on Zandar III’s smallest moon.

“Got the memory?”  Alanna felt mildly uncomfortable.

“Got it.”  Linda nodded.  “I know that’s not pleasant, but I don’t know a better way.”

Alanna smiled.

“I feel fine, little sister.  Let’s do this!”  The Shade faded from view.

“Linda,” Alan smiled proudly,  “I don’t think I’ll ever really understand you, but I want you to know how very proud of you I am.  What we do today will change the balance of power of this universe.”

She beamed.

“Thank you for saying that.  I just wish I were smarter.  I wouldn’t make so many mistakes.”

“You do just fine, squirt!”  He messed up her hair.  “Let’s get this done!”

Linda shifted to Demonic form.



The attack craft found themselves remodeled by two pairs of hands. 

“Gee Mary, you were right!  This is fun!”

“Told you, Kira!”  First they methodically demolished the craft on the ground.  Then red lasers and super strength destroyed the craft in the air.

Overhead, the silent satellites of the Kayzik dimmed.  The satellites lost power.

Invincible green flame, high power lasers, and mystic lightning attacked the Kayzik swarm.  A Green Lantern symbol flashed into the air.  The remainder of the team added their strength. 

Starfire and the Demoness joined the Shade at the main compound.  Starfire happily blasted the Kayzik near the Oans.  Linda fired her ring into the areas where the Green Lanterns were held.  Kayzik Necromancers screamed their last.

The Guardians began to awaken. 

Alan Scott added his flame to the fray near the Guardians. 

“Rendezvous at the small moon!  We’ll get the Corps!”

The Guardians understood.  They rose above the planet.

Green flame, red lasers, and starbolts tore into the remaining airborne craft.  Captain Marvel and the Demoness transited the areas holding the Green Lanterns.  Nine hundred members of the Corps began to waken.  K’ryssma and her team brought power rings for the rousing Green Lanterns.  Within an hour, the planet had lost its captives.  The Green Lantern Corps returned to New Oa.


One week later – New Oa

“It is an honor to meet you!”  Linda peered up to the Guardians.

“You serve honorably.”  The Guardian nodded down to her.

“Thank you!”

“What is the single most important thing to you?”

Linda pursed her lips.

“Life.  Preserving the Green Flame of Life.  I am here today because the Green Flame reclaimed my soul.  I gladly work with you to safeguard the life of our universe.”

“Thank you, Green Lantern of Earth, you are dismissed.”

She walked away.  They argued.

“Her first loyalty is to the Green Flame, not to us!”

“What does that matter?  We serve the same goals!”

“The rules state the loyalty must be to the Corps.”

“Then change the rule.  She has earned her place.”

“It is the rule and you don’t have the votes to change it.”

“We’ll see about that!”


Earth, San Francisco Bay, two days later.

“I’ve never been on a picnic before!”  Linda watched the surrounding wildlife, fascinated.

“It’s been too long since we’ve had a family outing, little sister.”  Alanna put her arm around her.

“And what a family!” Alan relished his new discovery:  the Shantar were extremely ticklish.

“You stay away from me, you evil Terran!”  Elise ran from him, laughing as she ran.  He took off after her.

“Alanna, are they always like this?”
