The Guardian Gambit

© The Elves of Alterverse

Chapter 3:  A Shadow of Rage



Leesburg, Virginia

She flew over the falling October leaves.  The Appalachian Mountains offered up their brilliant autumn display.  She barely noticed the beauty.

She flew silently until she found the small farm.  I can feel mystic forces at work here.  Alanna Scott maintained her invisibility as she flowed into the walls of the farmhouse.  Pentagram?  They did this to her?

A man walked into the living room.  A woman and a small boy followed her. 

“Fred Danvers, can we dump this disgusting pentagram?  We got rid of her and we got what we wanted.  She won’t come back.”

He laughed.

“Best deal we ever made.  We got protection for our farm and we got rid of that worthless child.  It’s not like another mystic force would act to reclaim her.”  He laughed as they broke the pentagram.  “No loss!”

The shadow had begun to silently solidify behind them.  The man spoke again.

“She was weak.  She didn’t have what it takes to survive in this world!  Good riddance!”

The Shade had almost returned to human form.


Alanna Scott had a gift of two parts.  An ancient race of the Kayzik home universe had granted her the gift of shadows.  That gift gave her the ability to act as an invisible shadow anywhere.  She was the perfect spy.  As a shadow, she could transit hyperspace effortlessly.  Her power granted her the ability to scout enemies who never knew she was there.

But Alanna Scott was more than a shadow.  Alanna Scott was the genetic clone of Alan Scott, the Sentinel.  The crushing willpower had another effect on the powers of shadow.  Alanna Scott was a Dark Force conduit.  Her rage focused a power beyond death.


“What did you do to her?”  Dark Force shielded and enflamed her blue skin.  “What did you do to Linda Danvers?  I shall have my answers!”

“Get away from me!”  Fred Danvers screamed.  “Before I call your master!”

“I have no master, fool!”  The Dark Force increased in intensity.  The tall woman walked towards him.

He aimed his gun at her.

“I have had enough!”  Dark Force slammed the gun into the next room. 

“If you want to feel the cold touch of death, be my guests!”   She flooded the room with Dark Force.  They screamed.


The Sentinel’s Lair Command Center, an hour later

“Alan, I’ve never seen your daughter act like this before.”  Elise looked up to him.  “She’s obsessed with the girl.”  They looked over to the young girl sleeping on a small couch in the corner.  She slept peacefully.

Alan smiled.

“She wasn’t the one who filed an adoption certificate with Shantar High Command.”

Elise smiled back.

“I wasn’t the one who incinerated the Kayzik on Oa.  Your point?”  (Elf note:  The Guardian Gambit – Chapter 2).

“I don’t know, Elise.  I believed in her, but I didn’t expect this.  I’ve tried to see too many things in terms of Good and Evil.” He sighed.  “She taught me something.  It’s not the ideals.  It’s the people behind them.  I’ve been spouting a lot of wonderful ideals, but I haven’t taken into account the people who have to live with them.  I wonder if I know how.”

Before Elise could answer, the Shade solidified in the Command Center.

“Fifteen years old!”  Alanna raged.  “Our Demon from Hell, Earth’s first Oan Green Lantern, and the savior of hundreds of worlds is only fifteen years old!”

Stunned, Alan Scott walked to the railing.  He remembered another Linda Danvers from another universe and another time.  He recalled her last words.

Thank heaven  . . .The worlds have a chance to live.  You’re crying. . . Please don’t.  You taught me to be brave . . . and I was . . .  I love you so much for what you are.  For how . . . good you are.  (Elf note: Crisis on Infinite Earths.  Chapter 7:  Beyond the Silent Night.  Go buy a copy!)

He raged to himself.

We have so much power, we sometimes think we are gods.  We view everything from our vantage point on our private mountain.  I’ve lost touch.

He looked back across his shoulder.

Good is supposed to come from Heaven and Evil comes from Hell.  He looked over to the sleeping form.  How do I explain this?  I don’t understand!  How can I?

All of the Demoness’s powers!  All of Kara Zor-El’s powers.  And when it really counted, the only thing that mattered was the humanity of Linda Lee Danvers.  Kal-El, we taught them nothing!  We can only hope to learn from what they are.  Kara, wherever you are, I think I finally understand.  He wondered if he felt a gentle touch.

We who have the power dismiss the hopes and fears of the billions of others on our worlds.  We forget what makes them afraid.  And we forget what makes them rise above that fear: what makes them more than we could ever hope to be.

He gazed at the sleeping girl.

Such a tiny little girl, and we all stand in your shadow.  I hope I’ve learned from you.

He looked over to Elise.  She understood what was in his eyes.  She nodded.  He flew into the October night. 


Terran Resistance Headquarters – Mammoth Cave Kentucky

The mystic flame blazed into the cave.

“The Sentinel is here?”  Alexander Luthor asked.  “What could he want from us?  We, who are but the ants of the cosmos?  Well, show him down here.”

Alan Scott walked towards Alexander. 

“Come to rub my nose in it again, Sentinel?”  Alexander glared.


What?  Alexander pondered.  Where the Hell is the ego and the vision?  Something must have happened.  I wonder what his game is?

“Can we talk somewhere without an audience?”  The Sentinel requested.

“Sure.”  Alexander waved off his bodyguards and guided the Sentinel to a small cavern.  He pulled a makeshift door closed.

The Sentinel let his uniform fade.

“My birth name is Alan Wellington Scott.  Call me Alan.”

“All right, why the friendliness, Alan.  The last time we talked, we didn’t do very well.”  (Elf note:  Terra’s Revenge – Way back in Chapter 4.)

“True.  I think I’ve misjudged you and what you do.  I’ve tried to impose ideals where it’s not time for them to fit.  Not yet anyway.”

“What brought you to that stunning conclusion, Alan?  Someone steal your atomic powered tricycle?”

Alan’s eyes narrowed.

“Don’t take cheap shots.  This isn’t the time for it.”

“Ah!  The Sentinel we know and love.”  Alexander laughed.  “Now if we had a jug of wine, we could have a down-home conversation.”

Alan dropped a large bottle on the table.

“Katarian brandy.  One of my favorites.  Happy Housewarming!”

“Haw!  At least you haven’t lost your sense of humor!”

“You know Alexander, I’ve always thought you were a paranoid control freak.  It’s recently dawned on me that you have to be.”  Alan produced two glasses and opened the bottle.  He poured brandy.

“Alan, that’s true.  That’s the only way I can keep this movement going.  We’ve been infiltrated more times than I can count.  I’ve killed more than a few J’Dinn spies who have found this place.  I have to know everything and anything that comes out of here.  This world is not a friendly place.  I’m grateful for the allies I can trust, as much as I trust anyone.”

“Alexander, what happened between you and the Shantar?  I’d like to hear your side.”

Alexander sighed.

“Not one of our shining moments.  One of my lieutenants betrayed a Shantar position to buy his troops time to escape.  That lieutenant is no longer with us, but it’s permanently soiled our relationship.”

“What about your relationships with mutants?”

“That will cost you another glass of this fine brandy.”

Alan smiled and filled his glass.  Alexander continued.

“Simple.  We have the same problem the Shantar have.  Charles Xavier is one of the best I’ve got.  Warren Worthington isn’t bad either.  I listen to both of them.  Problem is that most of the others are ego bound, uncontrollable, unstable, and impossible to discipline.  They also have a tendency to get caught.  My senior folks stay here, where they can be defended.  Your next question is about the microphones.  I don’t care about people’s private business, but I’ve caught several spies.  By the way, there was a better set of caves a mile closer to where the rocket landed, and I had six microphones in the room.”  Alexander laughed.  (Elf note:  Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 1).

“Alan, I want you to know that I’m grateful to you for taking Selina and Helena in.  She’s a distant cousin. I ached to put her to work here.  She’s brilliant and methodical.”  (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 6).

“But you couldn’t afford Bruce Wayne’s attentions?”

“No, Alan.  I have no way to keep the Bat away.  You do.  By the way, I love this brandy.  Shame that Green Flame won’t let you get drunk.”

Alan laughed.  “Afterlife’s a bitch.  But I don’t get hangovers either.  And it does have a wonderful aroma.  You’re being very open with me.  I’m surprised.”

“I wouldn’t be as open with most of your staff.  But you are a disciplined warrior.  I know what you won’t do.  I have the same trust for most of the Shantar.  Now, why the bottle of excellent brandy?  Some Angel take a tumble?”

Alan shook his head.

“No.  Something even more incredible.  One of Hell’s worst demons sacrificed everything for us.  I still can’t deal with it.”



Sentinel’s Lair, the next day

Alanna carried Linda into the conference room.  She put her on a couch and brought her a warm cup of tea.  Linda seemed at peace.

The senior command team and the Green Lanterns entered the room.

“Status report, Garja?”  The Sentinel asked.

“Supergirl and the Star Sapphire are still out there with Krista the Green Lantern.  They’ve been running into some interesting interference.  Some of it’s just the remaining demons from the Kayzik hive’s aborted invasion.  Some of it is heavy interference.  They’re still trying to track down the Zamarons.  The Star Sapphire is trying to triangulate their locations.”

Alan sighed.

“Well, finding the Zamarons is half the problem.  Do we have any tie to the Guardians?  The Central Power Battery works fine for tracking rings.  Doesn’t do much for the Guardians themselves.”

“I don’t know where to start, Dad.”  Alanna shook her head, frustrated.  Linda started to squirm in the corner.  She spoke softly.  Alanna walked over to her.  Linda had gotten trapped in the blanket, trying to move her arm.  She whispered something to Alanna.  Alanna patted her on the head, rearranged the blanket, and took the empty teacup.  Linda fell asleep again.

“What did she say?”  K’ryssma asked.

“She said she knows how to find the Guardians.  She just has to get a little stronger first.  She’s sorry she can’t do it now.”


Alan smiled.

“Of course.  The Guardian called her.  She can follow the link through the Portals of Hell.”

“Dad!  How can you think of letting her do that?”

He sighed.

“Alanna, we can’t stop her.  She’s going to do what she thinks is right.  She’s a teleport demon.  The only thing we can do is to limit her exposure and try to keep her safe. That, and try to figure out how to live with ourselves afterwards.”

Captain Marvel spoke up.

“All she has to do is to leave a marker.  We’ll take it from there.  Alan and I can do the on-planet work and her fellow Green Lanterns can move them just as soon as we’ve snatched them.”

Dr. Fate spoke up.

“I’ve talked to my Grandfather, Kent Nelson.  He says that she can probably only transit the portals of Hell in demonic form, but she can teleport on planet in either form.  Nothing mortal can transit the Portals.  He said it’s also going to take a while for her to return to full strength.  Something is happening in her soul.  It’s altering itself.  It’s almost as if her soul is burning itself clean.  He couldn’t put it any other way.”

“All right,” Alan Scott decided, “We’ll concentrate on the Zamarons and give her a chance to recover.  Any other items?  Can we dismiss?”  He lifted up his hand.

“Going, going?”

“Hold, sir!”  Selina popped up.  “We’re getting a send from Supergirl.  They found the Zamarons.  They need help before they can execute a rescue.  They’ll send again in a few minutes.”

He nodded. 

“I’ll call you back when we’ve got more.  Dismissed.”

The staff filed out.  K’ryssma looked over to her newest charge.  She was surprised to see Ch’p hover above Linda.   She slowly walked over to them.  She heard the H’lven whisper.

“Please get well.  I need someone to call me a Chipmunk.  Keeps me humble.”  He touched her and departed.

K’ryssma stood in front of the sleeping girl.  It’s still so hard to think of you as one of mine.  I don’t understand you at all.  I know you honor the Corps.  Perhaps that is enough, for now.

Alanna Scott came back into the room and picked Linda up.  She carried her back to the Command Center.


The Conference Center

Alan Scott stood in front of a projection.

“Well, Supergirl, the Star Sapphire, and Krista did find the Zamarons.  Big problem is where they are.  They’re on a blue sun world.  It’s heavily defended with everything the Kayzik and the J’Dinn have.”

Elise asked.

“Why did they pick a blue sun world?”

“Simple – because of the effect it has on Daxamites and Kryptonians.  It drops their power levels and kills their vision powers.  A Kryptonian only has the invulnerability there that Elise and the Assassins have here.  Their strength is reduced significantly.  It’s very difficult to get to.  On top of that, the entire world is yellow.  They think they’ve pretty well cut off the Green Lantern/Kryptonian threat.”

Captain Marvel laughed.

“And who are we to tell them any different?”  Her eyes sparkled.  “So, who’s going?  I assume you and the six Oan Green Lanterns will sleep in shifts until we get there?”

Alan smiled. 

“Yep.  It’s four days out, even at our speed.  We’ll have to drop out of hyperspace for updates.”


Two days later

“Well Selina, at least the picture is getting a little clearer.”  Elise stood by Batgirl’s console.  “We do have the basic architecture of the fortifications.  That had been one of our worlds.”

Selina nodded.

“Alanna thinks she can do a pretty good job of scouting once they get there.  They’re still two days away.  Supergirl’s team has withdrawn until the rest of them do get there.  What she can’t scout, Jay will.”

Selina looked across the room.  She smiled.

“Oh, look!”

Helena Wayne had walked with her puppy to the bundle in the corner.  Tired, but alert eyes peered out.

“My name is Helena and this is my dog Krypto.  Mommy said we shouldn’t wake you, but I think it’s okay to talk to you, now.”

The face in the bundle smiled.

“I’m Linda.  Sorry if I’m still a little groggy.”

“Linda, how come they keep you wherever they have one of their meetings?”

Elise walked over.

“Because she’s my daughter and she has the right to know what her family is up to!”

Linda startled.


“Little one, if you’re not going to watch out for yourself, the rest of us are going to do it for you.”  She kissed the startled girl on the forehead and walked away.


Two days later – outside the prison planet

“Welcome to the minefield, Alan!”  Supergirl, the Star Sapphire, and Krista came into view.  The Shade rushed past them.  “The Star Sapphire is the only one of us who had a chance in there.  She had to pull out when she got to close to the mind control.”

“Sentinel!”  Hallie Jordan piped up.  “I can tell where they are, but I don’t have a chance of getting to them.  There are eight of them and two of them are pregnant.”

“Oh, great!”

Captain Marvel laughed.

“Alan, I’ve mid-wifed before, I’ll do it again.”

Supergirl turned to her and took a long look.

“Nice, Mary.  I approve.”

“Thought you would!”


Two hours later

“I wish there were a better way” Mary frowned.

“This area is riddled with antimatter and space time distortions.  The only way in is straight in.  It’s time for us to do our part.”  Alan slowly drew in a deep breath and let it out.

“Let’s do this.”

“For Oa.  For Krypton.”

The J’Dinn commander watched the Kayzik prepare.  He saw the two symbols he hated the most coming at his facility:  the uniform of the Green Lantern Corps and the pentagram that had appeared on so many worlds with its enclosed ‘S’ symbol.  They charged towards the facility.

The Kayzik responded immediately.  Their yellow weapons targeted the Green Lantern.  Antimatter and fission devices aimed at the wearer of the ‘S’.  They fired.  As expected, the attack ceased.  The Kayzik returned to normal operations.  The J’Dinn commander wondered why their enemies had been so foolish.


Five minutes later

“Beautiful idea.  You put a lot of work went into that costume.”

She smiled.

“Thanks, Alan.  I think it looked good on Kira, but it made me look fat!”

He laughed.


Ten minutes later

“Dad, I found some of them.  I can’t move them in shadow form – they’re too big and their life forces are too strong.  I don’t think the rest of them are near here.”

“I don’t like this!  I smell a trap.  Well, can’t be helped.  Here, Mary.  Let’s fix that costume.  You’ll need the wig again, too.”


“Alanna, get everyone to assemble on the other side of the planet.  We’ll need the GLs to transport the Zamarons we can rescue.  We’ll have to come back for the rest.  You’ve got five minutes.  Go, sweetheart!”

“I’m gone, Dad!”  The Shadow blended into the wall.


Sentinel’s Lair, Twenty Minutes Later

“This is not good, Elise.”  Selina gestured to her.  “They got six of the eight Zamarons out.  Then they got trapped.  Cyber demons have surrounded their assembly area.  They’ll have to abandon the remaining Zamarons to make their escape.  Star Sapphire has her psychic link, but they can’t use it to get close to the other Zamarons.”

“Damn!  If we leave the Zamarons, they’ll move them to an even harder place to reach.”

“Mommy!”  Helena called.  “Linda’s eyes are funny!”

Elise turned to where Linda lay propped up on the couch.  She was rewarded with empty blankets and a scent of Brimstone.


The Prison Planet

Six Zamarons awoke free of the Kayzik mind control.

“Who are you Mortals?  How dare you handle us!”  The Zamaron screamed with rage.

“I’m Captain Marvel and these are my allies.  We’re trying to get your immortal asses out of here!” 

The Zamaron prepared to curse at her.

“Shut up!”  Mary slapped the Zamaron.  The Zamaron staggered.  “You’ll get your answers when we have time to give them to you!”

Shocked, the Zamaron retreated.

“No one has ever dared . .”

Across the room, the Star Sapphire collapsed against the cavern wall.

“Something is touching my mind.  It’s awful, but I know it’s trying to help.”  She slumped.  Alanna caught her.

Bamf!  A startled Zamaron appeared.

Bamf!  Brimstone filled the air again.

Bamf! Another startled Zamaron appeared.  Linda appeared beside her.

“I’m sorry I took so long.”  She wavered.

Captain Marvel moved.

“Sorry, rude. Have to sleep . . .” Linda’s unconscious form found itself in Mary’s arms. 

Mary shook her head in disbelief.

“Alan, you were right.  The hardest part of this is going to be living with ourselves.  Let’s take our little girl home!”

Invincible Green Flame accelerated into hyperspace.