to whose immortal eyes
The sufferings of mortality,
Seen in their sad reality,
Were not as things that gods despise;
What was thy pity's recompense?
A silent suffering, and intense;
The rock, the vulture, and the chain;
All that the proud can feel of pain;
The agony they do not show;
The suffocating sense of woe.
"Thy godlike crime was to be kind;
To render with thy precepts less
The sum of human wretchedness,
And strengthen man with his own mind.
And, baffled as thou wert from high,
Still, in thy patient energy
In the endurance and repulse
Of thine impenetrable spirit,
Which earth and heaven could not convulse,
A mighty lesson we inherit."
Lord Byron)
Daimon Hellstrom returned to his father’s quarters. The Lord of Lies looked up. Daimon gloated.
“Father! She has rejected her absolute allegiance to Hell and resumed her life in the world of men.” (Elf note: The Guardian Gambit – Chapter 13).
The Lord of Lies smiled.
“As it should be.”
Daimon balked. His father continued.
“Linda Danvers is a child of fire. She was always meant to be the child of fire. That is why it was her destiny to follow the call of the flame.” He smiled. “Did it not seem odd to you that she would seem so self destructive, yet rise to the occasion to fight a battle for the living? Any other creature in this domain would not have cared about the living. They only care for their rank and position in Hell.”
Daimon questioned him.
“But Father, she simply realized the obvious. An end to life means an end to Hell.”
The Lord of Lies laughed.
“But that is my problem – not hers and not the problem of any other denizen of this realm. No, Daimon. She had to be immersed in the purest flame of all before she could be reborn. She had to walk through the Flame of the Gods.”
Daimon Hellstrom stepped back.
“Father, I do not understand what you are saying. I also have no reason to believe you.”
The Lord of Lies sighed.
“Daimon, I twist the truth and I misdirect, but I never directly lie. Otherwise, Mortals would be much more wary when dealing with me.” He tamped his trident. “Never the less, I will neither twist the truth or misdirect you during this conversation. I have a story to tell and I wish you to listen. The story is as true as I know to make it.”
“I will listen.”
“Daimon, there have been other Gods in this universe. The Judeo-Christian concept of God and the Devil is fairly recent. Our rules do not apply to all, especially those who existed before we did.”
“But Linda Danvers is not that old.”
“This incarnation is not.” The Lord of Lies counseled his son. “But understand, she is a female aspect of a male deity. Linda Danvers is the spirit of the immortal bird, who upon reaching a time of death must be immersed in fire. Only in that way can the Phoenix be reborn.”
“But why was she in Hell?”
“My son, she was seeking the fire she required for rebirth.” The Lord of Lies smiled. “But of course, the flames of Hell were not enough. She had to be immersed in the Flames of the Gods. I would have guided her to the Starheart, but this is a much better solution. She was reborn the second his flame hit her. His flame is the perfect fire – the most pure in all creation. As pure as when he gave it to mankind so many Eons ago.”
“Father, you are confusing me.”
“Am I? Or perhaps you do not see the obvious.”
The Rock of Eternity
Wonder Woman entered Kent Nelson’s study.
“Diana, I’ve found some very interesting things in the Book of Eternity.”
“What have you found, Kent?”
“First, I need to ask you a question. Did you ever meet the Goddess Athena?”
“No, Kent. It does seem unusual that I would not have caught a glimpse of her. Why do you ask?”
“If I remember correctly, Athena was the Goddess of War. She was also the only other Olympian that Zeus allowed to carry the lightning.”
“Kent, you’re off on a tangent I don’t understand. Please explain!”
“I will, shortly. What do you know about Hecate, the Goddess of Darkness?”
“She was Persephone’s handmaiden in Hades.” Diana stretched her memory. “She had power over the dead. She was also the Goddess of Sorcery and Witchcraft.”
“Kent, you’re starting to annoy me!”
“Sorry, Sweetheart.” He smiled. “Let me try to explain.”
“Do I truly confuse you, son?” The Lord of Lies snickered. “I’ve barely begun. Keep this question in mind. What existed before I did? Does that something still have a stake in the battle for the universe? Remember, Judaic tradition is measured in the thousands of years. The universe has existed for billions of years. Perhaps there are beings from an earlier age that even I must respect.” He snickered again. “Perhaps not. After all, I’m only interested in mortal souls, am I not?”
“Father, there are sides to you I have not yet begun to fathom. Sometimes it almost sounds as if you care about the mortals.”
“Perhaps. Perhaps even I remember those who were more than mortal. Perhaps I and all of us are indebted to them.”
“Father, tell me about the perfect fire.”
The Lord of Lies smiled.
“It is the Fire of the Gods. Much like the lightning that belonged to Zeus, it could only be handled by those chosen to wield it. By the time of the Olympian’s deaths, none of them could wield it. Zeus could not even control his own lightning. Only Athena could, and she had vanished long before the arrival of the Kayzik.”
The Rock of Eternity
“Ah, here it is, Diana: more of the legend of the Starheart. Here’s where my confusion comes in. The mystic flame is the perfect fire. There was only supposed to be only one being who could handle it directly. That is Alan Scott. Yet, in the past there appears to be an ancient being who channeled the perfect fire.”
“Yes – a Titan.” Diana confirmed. “The Titan who dared. One of the few immortals who would put the lives of his fellow creatures first.” She remembered the legends. “It was rumored that Athena learned her wisdom from his example. Even the creatures of Hades, down to Persephone’s handmaiden Hecate, respected his choices.”
Kent pursed his lips.
“Wasn’t Hecate the Goddess of Darkness and the black arts?”
“Yes, Kent.”
“I do not understand, Father.”
The Lord of Lies smiled.
“Perhaps I have other names. Perhaps I’m the God of the Dead. Perhaps Alanna Scott is really the handmaiden of my frequently absent wife, Persephone. Perhaps I have a three headed dog around here somewhere.” He chuckled. “Perhaps I am simply Hades, or Pluto?”
Daimon refused to accept the notion.
The Lord of Lies grinned.
“Perhaps most of humanity exists because one Titan stood against the wrath of the Gods and gave mankind a chance. Perhaps Athena and I manipulated Hercules to free mankind’s benefactor, so long ago. Perhaps that Titan has returned to stand between mankind and the Kayzik. Perhaps a Goddess stands beside him – nay, more than one Goddess! Perhaps Hercules has returned as the child of Krypton and aids them as well.” He watched Daimon snicker. “Why do you find that so outrageous?”
“All of the Gods were killed by the Kayzik!” Daimon leered. “I remember the history.”
The Lord of Lies laughed.
“So confident. What if I told you that some of the Gods do remain to defend the home of mankind? What if they just weren’t very popular with the rest of the Gods? What if they don’t realize who they are?”
The Rock of Eternity
“Kent, that theory is outrageous.” Diana continued to shake her head ‘no’. “They are just people. They carry incredible burdens. All three of them do. Alanna Scott is Hecate, Goddess of Darkness? I just don’t think so.”
“Think, Diana. This universe is desperate. If this is our last chance, the universe has to put its best on the front lines. That’s what it’s done. It’s called out the ‘A’ Team. And you must admit they are the best, bar none. It all makes sense.”
“I don’t know, Kent. Prometheus and Athena, assisted by Hecate? It’s just too bizarre.”
Thousands of years ago, in a place lost to time.
The caveman whimpered. His fur helped to keep him warm, but he was so desperately cold! He heard voices, but he was too tired. He had no strength left to run. He heard a woman speak.
“Prometheus, you know what my father will do to you if you do this!”
“Athena, I know. But these creatures are my responsibility. It would be easy to do nothing. But how many more of them will die just because I did not act?” The caveman watched a young, healthy male come into view. The male was large, blonde, and had no beard. His eyes glowed green. A smaller dark haired female followed him. She wore armor. Electricity crackled from her belt.
She pleaded with him.
“You can’t do everything for them.”
“I can do THIS. I can be here where I’m needed the most. I can teach them to use this tool.” His hands glowed green. “Athena, look at him. Look at how miserable he is. They are our children. Is this the kind of parents we are? What if the Gods had to live like this?”
Athena looked at the caveman. She watched the poor creature shiver in fear and cold. For the first time, she realized the full horror of the caveman’s plight. She felt ashamed. She walked to Prometheus and held his hands.
“Cousin, I understand now why you are going to do this. They are so fragile and we treat them as toys! Instead of embracing our responsibilities for our creations, we treat them as objects of scorn.” She hesitated. “Prometheus, I have learned a lesson today that I will never forget. I just wish I could protect you, too. I will defend you to my Father. You can believe that. I just don’t have the power to keep his followers from carrying out his wishes.”
Prometheus smiled sadly.
“I know. Don’t risk yourself for me. It means so much to know that you do care.”
“Prometheus, I will protect them when you can’t. Even Zeus can’t hold you forever. These creatures will be ours to watch over.” She smiled ruefully. “In their brightest days and their darkest nights we’ll be there. We’ll protect them from their own evil. Evil can’t stand against the purity of your flame. Not even the darkness in my father’s heart can stand against it forever.”
He nodded and smiled knowingly.
“Thank you. I know that you will look after them.”
She nodded ‘yes’.
“Someday, we will watch over them together. I swear it.”
She stepped out of his way. He walked over to the shivering caveman. He put a stack of sticks in front of the caveman and lit it. The caveman slowly warmed up. Prometheus spoke to him gently. Prometheus explained what fire was and how to use it. The caveman understood his words – words that could be shared with others who inhabited the caves.
Neither of them heard her words nor saw her tears.
“My cousin, as long as I live you will never be alone. I have learned so much from you. It is your lesson I inherit. No one else could have taught me the responsibility we share for the power we possess. Even when the Gods above keep us apart, I will always be proud to believe in you and share your cause. In the darkest of your nights, I swear that I will stand beside you. All I ask is that you let me.”
Present Day, the Sentinel’s Lair
“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” The Sentinel waved to the Command Center staff. (Elf note: The Guardian Gambit – Chapter 1).
Captain Marvel flew into the Command Center.
“I heard that the power rings have gone out? What happened?”
“Mary, I don’t know. I’m going to try to track down the GLE. Those folks are in real danger.”
“Alan, I’m going with you.”
He smiled confidently.
“Mary, I appreciate the offer, but I’m at full power. I’ll be fine. I can handle this alone.”
Mary seemed lost in thought for a moment. She turned to speak to him. She hesitated. Then she found her words – words that sounded oddly familiar and seemed so right.
“My cousin, as long as I live you will never be alone. I have learned so much from you. It is your lesson I inherit. No one else could have taught me the responsibility we share for the power we possess. Even when the Gods above keep us apart, I will always be proud to believe in you and share your cause. In the darkest of your nights, I swear that I will stand beside you. All I ask is that you let me.”
He felt a cold chill, then intense pride. He reached for her and held her close. She held him tightly. He smiled warmly at her.
“It means so much to know that you do care.”
Moments later, the Lightning followed the Mystic Flame into Hyperspace.
Daimon Hellstrom had left his father’s quarters. The Lord of Lies spoke.
“You can come in now!” He heard a dog’s toenails click against the floor of the cave. The dog whimpered. He scratched its ears: all six of them.
Daimon, you’re still
an idiot. You do not see beyond your
current reality. That will change. He sighed. Prometheus and Athena – the only two of the Olympians who were
worth a damn. He taught us
responsibility and she taught us loyalty.
Their lessons have not been lost to time or to each other. He idly traced his fingers around his
dog’s muzzles.