The Guardian Gambit

© The Elves of Alterverse

Chapter 1: No Evil Shall Escape My Sight





The Demoness shook.  What was that?  Has the battle gone so badly for the world of man?  Leather wings propelled her to the inner chambers. 

He burned flames into her side.  The red scales that served as her skin deflected them harmlessly.  The large Demoness looked down on him with disgust.

“Daimon Hellstrom, what do you think you are doing?  I work for your father.  My soul has been forfeit.  Get out of here before I make you a permanent resident of Hell.”

“Never! Not until you accept your destiny!  It is not here.  You must embrace it.”

She fired soul fire from her claws.  He fired back.  He used his trident to focus in ways no demon could.  But Evil Anne Saddler was no ordinary demon.  She focused with all her will and fired back.  She staggered him and escaped.


The old solar systems, Kayzik Space

The Guardian awoke.  Only seconds until I’m out again. They’re draining us, already.  Must warn our children.  Perhaps someone can hear me.  He focused his cry for help.  I sense someone.  Help us!  Save the universe from the Evil beyond Evil!



Save the universe from evil?  Why would I want to do that?  The Demoness laughed.  I’m the embodiment of evil.  I work for the Lord of Lies himself.  She flew to the central chamber.  My whole existence has been devoted to lies.  Everything about my life has always been a lie.  The sooner the Kayzik win, the sooner we gain souls.  She landed on solid hooves.

“My Lord, I have completed my task.  Tell me, why do we not empower Alexander Luthor?  If he destroys the Metas, will that not increase the power of evil on Earth?”

Her master looked down upon her, bemused.

“Anne, you still have much to learn about our place in creation.  That is not surprising.  You are not the first of the fallen to come here.  You won’t be the last.”

“I admit that my Lord.  I do know that I am strong.  I will hold my place here.  I will see to it that Evil triumphs over Good.”

He laughed.

“Are you sure that is truly your mission?  Is Evil always the opponent of Good?  Answer that, and you will know your destiny.”

“Evil must triumph, my Lord.  That is the only way to rule this universe!”  Evil Anne Saddler smirked.  “I’m proud to be here.  Since my beginnings, Evil has been my constant companion.  I am proud to be Evil Anne Saddler!”

“You are so much more certain than my own children.  Perhaps that’s what I will do!  I’ll use you to convince my son of Evil’s place!  Your next task is to tour the universe.  When you are done, you will know your destiny.”

“Are we to use the portals of Hell to visit the distant worlds?”


“Why would Hellstrom travel with me?”

“He still believes you are salvageable: even now.  This should be an interesting task for you, my dear.  You may both discover your places in the universe.   You know the battle you face.  Engage my son and convince him of your true nature.”

“I shall!”  The Demoness departed.

He grinned.  Things are not as they seem in this Universe.  You are certainly not what you believe yourself to be.  Some days it is good to be the Lord of Lies.  Other days, it is even better.  He laughed.


The Portals

“Hellstrom, I do not know why you would be so anxious to travel with me.  You must be near the breaking point!”  She sneered at the Son of Satan. 

“Perhaps it is not I who faces the choice!”  He pointed towards the Portal.  They flew through.


Flouris Minor, the Krazen homeworld

They walked the lifeless world.

“What do you see here, Anne?”

“Nothing!  This world is devoid of life.  Obviously evil won!”  She smirked.

They flew across the world.  They stared up at the violet sun.

“You know, Daimon, if either of us were human, we’d be super-powered here.”

“I hadn’t thought of that.  I do feel a lot stronger.”

“Funny.  So do I.”


The Portals

“So, what was the purpose of that trip, Hellspawn?”  She growled.

“How many living beings did you see?”

“A few lesser beings, but no real sentient life.  Looks like the Kayzik got the goody-two shoes for us!”  She laughed.

“Anne, what’s evil?”

“The elimination of good, of course!”

“Let’s look at another world.”


Helvetica Minor, the Sanik Galaxy

“Why are we here, Daimon?  This is another lifeless world.  It no longer has even an atmosphere.”

“This world was the home of the Satta.  The Satta were incapable of evil.  They were incapable of good.  Their lives focused on other concepts.”

“We won by default.”

“Did anyone win?”

“Daimon, I’m not brilliant.  I’m just strong willed.  Skip the philosophy.”

They felt a presence pass through them. 

“Daimon, what was that?”


Half a Galaxy away, the Shade was still shaking the chill from her soul.


Levik, the World of the Old Souls

“I want you to see this, Anne.  We’re immune to the glamour, but the others aren’t.”

The populace allowed themselves to be rounded up by the Kayzik necromancers.  They walked quietly to the transport stations.  They began to rapidly disappear from the surface.

“Anne, the population of this world is being stripped.  In days, it will be almost entirely gone. Only a small portion of the population will be left.”

“I know the formula.  Hell gets another rush of souls and our Master feeds.  Can we speed it up?  I’m going to enjoy this.”

A red and blue streak dive-bombed the Kayzik necromancers.  Time after time Kayzik necromancers exploded. 

Anne noted the ‘S’ symbol contained within the pentagram.  She scowled.

“What’s the point of that?  The Kayzik really don’t have souls.  Hell does not feast when they die.”

“Yes, but she buys life for the Levik.  The Kayzik satellites may still be in place, but they are destroying the ground stations.  It will take the Kayzik a while to reclaim this world.  That buys time for these people.  They are technologically advanced.  Look – they’re shaking off the Glamour.  Now they know what’s attacking them and they can fight for this world.”

“Who was the woman?”




She felt the presence again.

“Daimon, I hate to admit this.”  Evil Anne grimaced.  “I am feeling flashes of something from some little blue creature.  It keeps asking for help for its children.  Why does it focus on me, and why would I care?”

“Maybe you aren’t as far gone as you admit, Anne.”

“He keeps talking about power that can be used to save him.”  She brightened.  “Hey, maybe I can take the power and use it to our advantage.  The flames of Hell will burn even brighter!”  She laughed.

“Will they?  Anne, what’s the opposite of life?”

“Death, isn’t it?  Daimon, stop with the philosophy.”



“What have you learned, Anne?”

“Master, I’ve learned that your child is very odd.  Perhaps once his Evil side wins out, I’ll understand him better.”

He laughed.


Still Later – the Burrow World of H’lven

“Oh look!  They are so cute.  Hard to believe they are sentient.”  Amazed, Anne watched them.  The small creatures resembled oversized chipmunks.  “A world with very little evil.  Doesn’t do us much good though.  I assume we don’t get very many of them?”

“We get our share.  Remember, evil is relative to the society that spawns it.”

“I’ll have to look them up.  Evil Chipmunks!”  The Demoness laughed again.



“Why do you hate so fervently?”  Daimon quizzed her.  “I am the spawn of both Hell and Mankind.  My nature is divided.  I do not understand you.”

“Easy enough.  Nobody cared except the evil, and I allowed it.”  She grinned viciously.  “I had a good time before I reported for duty.  I freely abandoned my soul and here I am!”  She flew off.



“Anne, even I must admit I do not understand why good and evil are such intractable opposites.  It has been so since the beginning of time.”

She pondered.  Are they really opposites?  I’m beginning to wonder if that’s all there is to it.  She looked down at him.

“Daimon, I’ve tracked the power.  It’s on Earth.  I’m going to take it.  There’s not a force in the universe that can stop me.  Not even you!”  She blasted him with soul fire.  He deflected most of it.  She kicked him hard.  He groaned.  She grabbed his trident and hit him with it.  He slumped to the ground.  She passed through the portal.


The Sentinel’s Lair – midnight

Look at those fools sleep.  All I have to do is to pass by them.  Ha!  These fools don’t even stick to their own species!  She watched a human sleep with a Shantar assassin.  There is a small bit of the power near them.  There is much more down the hall.  She passed by them. 



She must be stronger than I gave her credit for.  Daimon Hellstrom shook himself off.  So that’s where the power is!  He grinned viciously.  Two words, sweet Anne:  You lose.  We all win.


The Sentinel’s Lair

She grabbed the power battery.  A spell triggered.

She felt the battery yanked from her claw at super speed.  She saw hints of blue, red and silver as the batteries vanished.

“Fools!  That power is mine!”  She faced a small glowing green form. “You’re such a cute critter.  It’s almost a shame to do this!

She slammed Ch’p the H’lven Green Lantern with soul fire.

“I won’t let you win, creature!”  The little H’lven held his shields.

“Then feel the soulfire!”  Anne blasted the creature.

A young brunette woman snatched the H’lven from harm’s way.  A young blonde deflected the flame.

“Ouch!  Mary, this creature is impressive.  We need sorcerers, now!”

“I’m on my way, Kira.”  Mary disappeared with the H’lven.

Anne hammered Kira with hellfire.  Kira countered with heat vision.  Evil Anne could feel it burn her red leather hide. 

“Not your typical mortal, are you?  Let’s try that again!”  She flamed Kira.  She increased her flame’s intensity.  It met a mystic green shield.  She felt herself stuck by green flame.  The green flame dematerialized the facility around her and forced her into open sky.


Above Chattanooga, Tennessee

She found herself flaming through the air.  She stopped.  A man dressed in Green and Red floated in green fire in front of her.

“Mortal, you are far too powerful.  Still, I will destroy you.” 

“Try it and you’ll get another taste of the Green Flame.”

Tempted, she fired at him again.  He deflected her volley.  He blasted her.  This time, the flame swept through her.  She fell to the ground.  He followed, flaming intensely.


A Deserted Camp Site

She rose.

“I do not understand.  Your flame repels and attracts me at the same time.  Nothing should affect demonic soul fire.”

“I am the Sentinel.  My power is the Mystic Green Flame of Life.  Why have you attacked us?”

“I want the power, you fool.  I want the Green Power.  The little Blue Man asked me to use it to save his children.  No mortal orders Evil Anne Saddler.  I will claim the power and use it as I see fit.”

They heard the others arrive.  Daimon Hellstrom arrived first, followed by the Green Lanterns, Supergirl, and Captain Marvel.

“Who are you?”  Alan addressed Daimon Hellstrom.

“Daimon Hellstrom, also known as the Son of Satan, but I will do no harm.  I am not here to fight.”

Kira glared at the Demoness. 

“Dr. Fate has secured the Power Batteries.  You will have to find them before you can take them.”

“Where did you come from?”  Alan asked.  “Who are you, Anne Saddler?” 

She laughed.

“That is her demonic name.”  Hellstrom pointed with his trident.  “Evil Anne Saddler.  I do not know her real name.  It may be an anagram of her demonic name.  Then again, it may not.”  (Elf note – Ok Dear readers – fun time!  What’s the real name??  See if you can guess!)

“I don’t understand.” 

“To know a demon’s real name is to have power over it.  I do not know her name.  I only know that she fell when her place in creation was lost.”

“To whom?”  Alan asked.

“To you.  The Starheart would have chosen her to succeed you.  There are consequences to every action.”  (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge - Chapters 1 and 2).  Hellstrom explained. “The Shade was not your successor.   She has her own source of power.”

“Great!  Just what I need: my own personal demon.”

“I belong to no one, mortal fool!”  She blasted him with an aging spell. He raised his defenses, but not before the spell hit him.  “Die of old age!” She laughed.

Green flame burned through him, clearing the effects of the spell.  The shields came down.  Alan Scott stood unchanged.

“Impossible!  Are you so full of good that not even age stops you?”

She began to suspect the truth.  No, the good aspect is not the only one that balks me.  I must leave.  This does not make sense.

“There is no point to this battle.”  She disappeared.  Hellstrom followed.

Alan watched the soul fire die out where they vanished.  He folded his arms, amused.

“They’ll be back.  I saw the look in her eyes.  There’s a soul in there somewhere.”

Kira floated in the air.

“Phew.  Brimstone stinks.”  She crinkled her nose.  “So, what’s her name?”

He smiled.

“Yes, I do know.  The name has meaning to me.  I’ll explain in a few minutes.  K’ryssma, I need you to fly to my quarters.  I brought something back from New Oa.  If we don’t need it, we’ll give it to Dr. Fate for safekeeping with all the others.”

“Sentinel, I don’t understand.”

“The Guardian called her.  He made a choice.  I will honor it.”



She raged.

“This is absurd.  You are laughing at me, Hellspawn.  You wanted to watch me fail.”

Daimon gloated.

“Yes, Anne, I did.  I enjoyed every minute of it.”  His grin intensified.  “I have a silly question for you, Anne.  If your soul is everything you are, how can you abandon it?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

He smirked.

“Shouldn’t you be non-existent or in eternal torment?  Or do you still believe in something more than just evil?  Perhaps you just couldn’t defeat what you believe in most?”  He laughed.”

She growled.

“I believe in the constant battle between Evil and Good.  That is the constant battle of existence.”

He grinned.

“Exactly!  And what are the Kayzik?”

She frowned.

“Damn you Hellstrom.  You knew.  They extinguish sentient life.  They don’t replace it: they merely extinguish it.  There will be no more souls for Heaven or Hell.  The struggle that is life comes to an end.  Our purpose ends.  There is only the emptiness of non-existence.”  Her face darkened with realization.  “The extinction of all life!  That is the true Evil beyond Evil.  That is true eternal death!  The flame of life shall not be extinguished!”

She vanished.



Alan had withdrawn his teams to a safe distance.  Several groups watched nearby.  Only Supergirl and K’ryssma remained with him.

“Sentinel, I hope you know what you are doing.”  K’ryssma frowned.

“I do.  The ring will choose its holder.  That is the way it has always been.  Even I was chosen by my ring.”

Impatient, Kira interrupted.

“Not that I don’t appreciate the invitation, Alan, but why am I here?  Shouldn’t both Mary and Ch’p be here?  They fought her, too.”

Alan grinned.

“You’ve listened to my fairy tales.  We both have a tie to this one.  We are both giving a second chance to the person left in our cosmic wake.”

“You talk like she is one of us.”

Alan spoke quietly with a tender appreciation.

“More than you know.”  He smiled wistfully.

(Elf note!  Last chance!  Who is she??  J)  



Those fools are not even defending themselves.  I could destroy them where they stand.  The Demoness grimaced.  I could, but I know I never will.  She landed by the Sentinel.

“Sentinel, I have come to understand the battle you fight.  I will aid you.”

“Is that your decision, or one that your master has made for you?”

She glared.

“Do not press me.  My master has not been consulted.  I will make this choice.  I will deal with the consequences.  You may not agree with my ethics, but I believe in life first of all.  The extinction of all life is the Evil beyond Good and Evil.”

A second burst of soul fire heralded the return of Daimon Hellstrom.  Kira motioned to the distant groups.  They began to converge.  K’ryssma picked up the ring.

“Find your wielder.”

The ring rose into the air.  It spun and guided itself onto the Demoness’ hand.

Alan Scott held up a power battery.

“Repeat the Green Lantern’s oath and it’s yours.”

The Demoness laughed. 

“To believe a creature of Hell would ever take that oath.  I have one condition.  The Chipmunk must lead it.”

Ch’p flicked his tail.

“I am not a Chipmunk. I am a H’lven.”  He reconsidered, “Never the less, I think I am honored.  Join me.”

“In Brightest Day,”

“In Brightest Day,”

“In Blackest Night,”

“In Blackest Night,”

“No Evil Shall Escape My Sight.”


The Demoness laughed.  Then she repeated after him:

“No Evil Shall Escape My Sight.”

“Let Those Who Worship Evil’s Might,”

“Let Those Who Worship Evil’s Might,”

“Beware My Power, Green Lantern’s Light!”

The Demoness shifted her appearance.  A tiny young brown haired girl replaced the large Demoness.  She smiled irreverently at Alan Scott. 

“You don’t make this easy, do you?”

He smiled sympathetically.

“Linda, I never meant to.  Nothing that’s worthwhile is ever easy.”

Resigned, she looked downwards.

“Not another philosopher.  Save me!”  She smiled at Ch’p. 

“Beware My power, Green Lantern’s Light!”

The ring charged.  Linda rocketed skywards in human form.

Alan whirled towards Daimon Hellstrom.

“You owe me an explanation.”

“Yes, but not here.”


Hawksbill Peak, Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park

“All right, Hellstrom:  why the custom wrapped package from the bowels of Hell?”

“Custom wrapped?”

“Linda Lee Danvers.  One person I could never turn away.  She is the alter ego of Supergirl in so many other realms.  In this realm, she just happens to have a tie to both Hell and the Starheart.”

“I did not know that.  I suspect my father does.  To answer part of your question, she is not a true demon.  She is a very strong-willed lost soul.  She is an extremely rare creature – an in-betweener.  She is not fully dead, nor is she fully alive.  Ultimately, she will resolve that.  But until she does, she can act as her choice of human or demon.  I do not know what act created her, or how she wound up in Hell.  I just know that she did.  Her soul is blackened, but not completely so.”

“I wonder if she wound up there before my return.  That might have violated the Starheart prophecy.”

“Perhaps.  My father is very practical.  He knows that the Kayzik can only be fought on this plane of existence.  How does the Lord of Lies attack a colony of machines and Necromancers with soul fire?  They would just absorb the soul fire.”

“I don’t know.”

“A Green Lantern can fight.  Their problems are the Glamour and the color yellow.  Toss in invulnerability to the Glamour and Hell’s other powers, and the Kayzik have a problem.  If you had not reappeared, she would have had a ring with a weakness to wood.  Instead, it’s to yellow.  She lost little in the bargain.  In fact her soul stands a better chance of healing.”

“I still don’t get it.  Why is Hell sending me its best on a silver platter?”

“Because both Heaven and Hell have a vested interest in what you do.  If the Kayzik win, there is nothing more.  Even if Hell loses her soul, it still comes out ahead.  Just remember that my Father has given you this weapon for his purposes, not yours.  He is not your ally.”


The following day, Leesburg, Virgina

“Fred.  Something is out there.”

“Edna, I hear it. I’ve got my gun.  I’ll be back.”

“It’s on the porch.  It’s coming in!”

“Stranger, I don’t want to kill you, but I will.  Go back to where you came from.”


“I have no daughter.  Depart, foul demon.”

She vanished.


Sentinel’s Lair

Ch’p growled.  I want to go home.  They do not treat me as a Green Lantern.  First, the Blue-skinned woman pulls my tail.  Next, that dog thinks I’m an invulnerable cat to chase.  Now that silly demon calls me a Chipmunk.  Maybe I should start biting.

In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night, You all better beware my bite!  He chuckled to himself.

“Mr. Ch’p, would you like to come play with us?”  Helena Wayne smiled up at him.  “Mommy is taking us down to the Falls.  Krypto won’t chase you again.  I promise!”

Of course he will.  Ch’p realized.  But he’s only playing.  He doesn’t know what he is.  Better me than a real chipmunk.  And I will miss you so much when we move on.

“Sure, little one.  Those Falls are almost as beautiful as you!”  Helena laughed as he chattered.

A monk could do a lot worse.   He flew her into the daylight.


Sentinel’s Lair Command Center

The Demoness stood watching.  Command Assassin Elise Zoldar approached her.

“I do not like having a creature of Hell in my Command Center.  You are an abomination.”

Linda grinned wickedly.

“You’re one to talk.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You really don’t know, do you?”  She laughed.  “It’s not my place to tell you.  I will say you are unique and remarkably stable.  I dare say no more.”  She walked away.

Elise walked over to the Sentinel.

“Alan, if she were Shantar, I’d have her executed.”

He laughed.

“Maybe someone else already did.”

She chuckled.

“I had not thought of that.  I must admit she has done no harm since she has been here.  I have yet to catch her in a lie.”

“I don’t think you will.  I think she believes in what we’re doing.  I also think she’s still looking for her place in creation.”

She frowned.

“Very odd, Alan.  Very odd.”  She looked over to the Demoness.  “I hate to admit this, but I feel her place is here.”

“If she proves herself, yes.”

Elise looked back at the Demoness.

“Alan, she looks puzzled.”

Linda shouted.

“The power rings are dead!”  She vanished.


Overlooking Ruby Falls

Ch’p floated above the falls.

I’ve never regretted becoming a Green Lantern, even if I have to put up with all of these hairless bipeds.  At least Krypto is behaving.  Guess he’s just not too fond of Kryptonite covered H’lvens.  He chuckled.  He watched Selina and Helena chat.  Krypto lay beside his Mistress.

“What!”  Ch’p watched his ring flicker.  It faded quickly.  He found himself dropping.  Well, I’ve lived a good life.  Who claims me?  Heaven or Hell?

The air stank. 

“Hell, but only for a moment.”

He felt a demon’s claws grab him.  He vanished.


The Command Center

Garja Jenna manned the communications center.

“Commander, all of the Green Lanterns lost power at once.  Flash and Starfire were training with four.  Those four are accounted for and safe.”

The scent of Brimstone filled the Command Center.

“Six, and thanks for asking.”  Linda gently set Ch’p on the Command Console.  Frustrated, he flicked his tail.

“What happened?”

Elise Zoldar answered him.

“We don’t know, Ch’p.  Something has cut power to the batteries, even the ones we have in storage.  We’ve got two GLs out.  One is with the Star Sapphire.  They’ve been doing surveillance.  The other is doing a GLE run.”

Supergirl entered. 

“I’ll take the Star Sapphire.  I’m on it!”  She hit her comms. 

Ch’p flicked his tail again.

“Who is running the GLE?”

“Hollika Rahn.  They just left New Oa.”

Alan frowned.

“Not good.  But Hollika has a few high technology tricks up her sleeve.  I’m on it.  Have Zelek find what he can before we get back.”  Jerik read the Hyperspace coordinates to him.  Alan Scott called the mystic fire and prepared to leave.