“What would he have told us to do?” Alanna Scott grabbed Mary Marvel’s hands. “We won’t give up. He’s lived through too much to be stopped by a little lightning!” She turned to the spirits of the Wizard and Billy Batson. “What did you mean by the person closest to him? Is there a chance? And what happened to Jay Garrick?”
“I do not know, young Shadow.” The wizard hovered. “I do not sense the evil that had infested the lightning, but I do not sense the lightning. Wherever he is, the lightning has followed. That is all I know.”
Our Earth, San Francisco
The Doctor walked out of surgery. The patient’s wife stood facing the window. The Doctor approached her.
“Mrs. Jordan?” The older woman turned to the Doctor. “I have good news. His heart is fine. We got to him quickly enough. He’s already conscious. He’s asking for you.”
The older woman grabbed her.
“Thank God!” She hugged the Doctor. “I’ve heard there was magic in your hands. Now I believe it’s true.”
The Doctor smiled while she held her.
“Mary, we made a bad assumption. I have an idea. What if neither one of us is the person he’s closest to?”
“Alanna, if it’s not us or Elise, who could it be?”
“I don’t know, but I feel like I should. I know he has not passed beyond, but he is not here.” She narrowed her eyes. “Now I see the thread that binds you to him. We will follow.” She smiled. “Ah! Now I see it. How arrogant we were. It couldn’t be any more obvious!”
San Francisco
She had moved to San Fransisco to join her friends and escape a memory. Her work at the hospital drove her twelve hours a day. Her surgical skills saved lives. She was one of the best young cardiac surgeons in the country. But she had an odd obsession.
Comic Book Convention this weekend: Great, I’ve got the day off! The Doctor loved to read the old Golden Age comic books. She had her eye on a few drawn by the great Gil Kane. They warmed her soul. The old comics anchored her to her memories. She smiled at the thought.
The Doctor found the convention. She had to park fairly far away - near the wharf. It was a long walk, but it was daytime and she wouldn’t be long. She walked inside. She slowly passed among the booths. She passed by a younger woman lost in wonder. The young woman seemed a little out of place. She was clean and neat, but her clothing was not quite right. It was a mid December day and she wore a coat, but her boots did not seem to be very warm.
“Excuse me,” the doctor said as she passed by the young woman. The woman looked up at her and smiled as if she recognized a kindred spirit.
“No problem. Don’t mind me, I’ve gotten myself a little lost. This is a wondrous place. I never dreamed that I’d be in a place like this!”
The Doctor felt her heart warm.
“These places bring comfort to me, too.” The Doctor smiled back at her. “They remind me of someone I loved. Someone who meant the world to me.” She gazed at the young woman. “Do you think that such heroes could ever exist?”
The young woman relaxed a little.
“I believe heroes exist everywhere and every day. In their way, they give us the hope to carry on. I’m Madge, by the way.”
“My friends call me Dr. Heart. I’m a cardiac surgeon.” She saw the young woman’s look of confusion. “I’m a heart surgeon.” Odd she did not know that.
“Amazing! The medical technology you work with must be incredible. I know someone who might know something about that, but that’s as close as I can come. I’m out here trying to find him. He’s been one of my guiding lights for quite some time.”
“I know what you mean. I had one of those rare individuals in my life. They are hard to forget. There was almost a magic to him. These old comics were important to him. I like this kind when I can find them. This character reminds me of him.”
Madge saw the character and beamed.
“I like your tastes. I also like the old Captain Marvel comics, too. Maybe next time I’ll have the cash to buy a few. Just seeing them has brightened my day. Well, I guess I’d best be going. I don’t want to wear out my welcome.”
The Doctor did not want to see her go. There’s something about her. I just can’t put my finger on it. I feel like I should know her. I feel like I’m bound to her. Odd.
“Madge, if you have a little more time I’d love to buy you a cup of coffee and a donut. Will you join me?”
Madge smiled.
“Thank you! I can’t tell you how long it’s been since I’ve had a donut. I’d be thrilled.” She walked with Dr. Heart across the street.
I really do like her, but she seems spooked by the strangest things. Men don’t scare her, but the auditorium speaker does. She looks as though she’s never seen an automatic door. Really odd! But I do like her.
She told Madge about her life: about the one man who’d truly cared about her and about her friends who had convinced her to move. Madge related a tragic life. Her family had been lost, but she had friends who stood by her. She talked about the friend she hoped to find.
“You know, in a way it almost sounds like we’re taking about the same man.” Dr. Heart smiled.
“Maybe we are. There is a glow that surrounds him. I think he’s out here looking for his niece. Once we spend a little time with her, we plan to go home.”
“And where’s home?”
Madge scrunched her face.
“It’s just a little hard to explain. We spend a lot of time in the mountains. The woman who loves him feels comfortable there.” Madge looked outside. “Dr. Heart, it’s getting late. Let me walk you to your car.”
Dr. Heart looked at the young woman. She had the odd impression that the woman could take care of herself. Grateful for the company, Dr. Heart quibbled and gracefully gave in.
The Wharf
Night had fallen. Dr. Heart did not want to leave her friend on the street once they got to her car. It was not parked on a secure street. Maybe I can drop her off. I hope she finds what she’s looking for.
A gang surprised them from the shadows. They pulled knives. Startled, Dr. Heart stepped backwards. She spotted a comic book sticking out of a pocket. Maybe he’s not the brightest star in the sky. Let me try something. Dr. Heart gambled.
“You jerks better get away! My uncle is a Green Lantern!” The gang started laughing at her. Dr. Heart tried again. “I’m the niece of Alan Scott! He’ll come to my rescue!”
Madge startled. A look of confirmed recognition came into her eyes. She stepped closer to the doctor.
Dr. Heart reassessed the situation. Nope, didn’t work. Those odd boots: I wonder if she’s wearing what I think. I bet she dressed up for the comic convention. Maybe I can still bluff them!
“Try better, girlie!”
“My friend is Mary Marvel! She’s going to take off her coat and thrash you!” Madge smiled and wordlessly handed her the coat.
“She looks cute, especially with that getup, but you’ve got the money. We’ll toss her in the ocean, then we’ll have our way with you!”
Two thugs grabbed Madge. They hauled her to the edge of a pier.
“Any last words?”
“I’ve already said the last one I need to.” Madge smiled sweetly at them.
Dr. Heart watched in horror. How can she seem so fearless? Is she insane? That would account for the story. No! I refuse to believe that!
The thugs tossed Madge off the pier and laughed.
“Stupid bitch! Who did she think she was? The real Mary Marvel?”
Madge! Oh no! Wait. Shouldn’t I have heard a splash?
They converged on the Doctor.
“Last words, cutie?”
She knew. She felt the power freeing itself to protect her. She stopped backing away.
“My last words.” She leered. “Run while you can.” She started to glow. She stood awash in green fire.
The gang leader screamed.
“Oh, no! It can’t be! Get out of here!”
She growled at the ones in front of her. Everything seemed to take on a sickly green cast. She heard the leader scream in terror.
“They’re supposed to be comic book characters!” The thugs tried to run. Then they seemed to rise into the air of their own accord.
You filth! Go for a swim. An eerie green force pushed them over the edge of the wharf. They tumbled into the water. The few remaining thugs backed up to the pier. Too late, they realized something else was rising from the water. It grabbed the thugs. It carried them back over the water. They rose higher and higher. Then they dropped. The Doctor heard the comforting splash. The airborne figure landed in front of her: Madge.
“Please don’t be afraid, Sandra Scott. I need your help.”
“Did I do that? You really are Mary Marvel! How can you be here? You don’t exist!”
Mary looked into the darkness.
“You can come out, now Alanna. We’re alone.”
A shadow shimmered off a wall. A blue skinned woman coalesced. She approached them.
“I’m Alanna Scott. My father has told me so much about you.”
Sandy Scott reached the end of her patience. She grew angry. The street glowed bright green.
“What’s going on? Who are you, really? Am I causing this?”
Mary looked around.
“We’ve got to get you out of here. Sandra, we’ll get you home, but his spirit must be freed first.”
“Whose spirit?”
How do I explain this one? Mary puzzled.
“I think you know. Look at her.” She pointed to Alanna. “She is his child. Whom does she resemble?”
Sandy considered. She sure looks like me. Come to think of it, Mary looks like me, too. Where do they want me to go?
“Where did ‘Madge’ come from?”
Alanna answered for Mary.
“The magic of Shazam.” She smiled.
“This is too bizarre.”
Tomales Bay State Park, North of San Francisco
They stood out of sight. Dark winds began to blow from off shore. Sandy felt the cold wind chill her.
“All right. What’s all this about?”
Mary answered.
“It’s about a hero who is tied to you first of all. The Green Lantern: Alan Scott. He had to battle Shazam’s corrupted lightning to purify it. To do it, he needed the strength of the spirit he was closest to: yours. When he began to draw on his connection to that spirit, he was drawn to it. I can sense his power. He is here.”
“Mary, you impress the Hell out of me.” Sandy’s anger grew. The wind blew harder. “But I’m tired, I’m cold, and I’m standing in a dark forest with people I barely know.”
“Cousin Sandra, forgive us.” The Shadow approached her. “We’ve come from another universe to seek your help. We do not take this lightly.”
“I have had enough!” Sandy yelled. “I just want to go home!” The sky exploded. Lightning creased a nearby tree. “Please take me home!”
Mary nodded. He’s here, and so is the power of Shazam. She’s dangerous to herself and everyone around her. If we don’t succeed, this world is in grave danger.
“It’s time. Please trust us for just a few minutes more.” She held out a hand to Alanna. They both held out hands to Sandy. “Repeat the Oath.”
Sandy growled, then complied.
“In Brightest Day,
In Blackest Night,
No Evil Shall Escape My Sight!
Let Those Who Worship Evil’s Might,
Beware My Power!”
Mary screamed.
Mary’s costume faded. The wind raged. The Pacific waves raged across the shore. Rain, lightning, and thunder bombarded them. Sandy screamed again.
The lightning struck at them again and again. It grew in intensity and charged for a killing blow. They watched the sky burn white. Lightning struck the ground near them. The voltage shocked them into unconsciousness. Their bodies slumped to the ground. The lightning fired again.
Blazing green fire blocked the lightning strike. The frustrated lightning raged in the sky. Elemental forces attacked Alan Scott. He stood his ground. The Mystic Flame angered, expanded, and consumed the burning electricity. The lightning attacked the flame. The mystic firestorm grew. The fire blanketed the lightning. Violent attack gave way to vain struggle. The lightning grew dimmer and dimmer. Soon, all was quiet outside the mystic flame. It faded. Alan Scott floated down to where the four were laying. He gently gathered them up and vanished.
A mile down the peninsula
“Dude! Jake, I don’t know what they’re filming, but I wanna go see it!”
“Dude! Eldric, I’m going with you!”
San Francisco, the next morning
Alan sat on the deck. He savored his coffee. How do I explain this to her? How do I explain that I can’t stay? He heard movement inside the apartment.
He passed the three sleeping on couches on his way to Sandra’s bedroom. It’s so good to be home again with her. I remember almost everything she has here. Alan sat on the edge of her bed. She opened her eyes.
“Uncle Len?” She spooked. ‘You can’t exist! I buried you!” She trembled. “You look so young!”
He chuckled and comforted her.
“I’m very hard to kill, it seems.” Frantically, she grabbed for him. He held her tightly. “Oh my little girl! I’ve missed you so much.” She held him with all her strength. “Oh, how I’ve missed you!”
The Living Room
Their words woke Alanna. She watched the two people still sleeping. What do you know? He did it. He really did it! She flexed her Dark Force and felt herself heal. Must have been one hell of a lightning blast. I smell coffee. Dad won’t mind. I’d like to give him a little more privacy, any way. She wandered into the kitchen. How do I do this? Ah! She found a coffee cup. She poured coffee and walked to the balcony. I wish I could go out. There’s no way I could pass for a native of this world. She laughed to herself: So many people.
Something rustled behind her.
“HELLSPAWN!” Jay Garrick screamed. “What have you done to my Mary? Do you serve the Wizard? Where have you taken me? I will find a way out!” He disappeared.
“Mayday, Dad! Garrick freaked!” She ran for the bedroom.
“I’ll be back, sweetheart.” Alan told Sandy. “I promise.” He disappeared in a flash of Green Flame.
Los Angeles
Who are all these people? Jay Garrick wondered. I’ve never seen the world so crowded. He slowed down.
“Oh look, Mom!” A child pointed at him. “See the man in the funny hat?”
“He looks a little funny, but he’s probably harmless, Ronnie. Just another harmless crank living in the 21st Century!”
The twenty first century? When am I? How did Mary and I get here? He walked over to a newsstand. December 11th in the year 2001? What’s an Afghanistan and who cares?
“Hey Mac! You gonna buy that paper?”
“How much?”
“Two bucks! Cheap!”
Jay put the paper back.
San Francisco
“So, he’s really been two different people?” Sandy asked Alanna. “That explains a lot.” Sandy took Mary’s pulse. “How did he wind up back here?”
“We fought a tremendously powerful spell. It had imprisoned poor Jay Garrick for sixty-five years. Dad needed an anchor: the person he was closest to. Mary and I did not realize it was neither of us. We underestimated you.”
Sandy smiled sympathetically.
“I’ll always treasure that. He can’t stay in this world; I know that. But at least I know how much he cares for me. I am glad that he’s going where he can do the most good. I hope I’ll see him again.”
Alanna brightened.
“You will. I have no doubt. His tie to you was strong enough to bring him here.” She passed by a picture on the wall. “This must be him as an older man. What a funny dark green suit! What are those stars on his shoulders? Was he a superhero here, too?”
Sandy grinned.
Los Angeles
“Jay, this isn’t our world.” Jay Garrick turned towards the voice. “It isn’t our place. We have to go back.”
Alan Scott floated down.
“Yes, Jay. It’s really me and it’s really Mary. Everything else is a little hard to explain.”
“Did we win, Alan?” Jay asked. “Did we defeat the Kayzik?”
“No, Jay.” Alan Scott grimaced. “We didn’t. Our world is infested with them. Not only our world, but most of our universe.”
San Francisco
“Sandy, I have to admit I envy you. I’m his child, but I barely know him.” Alanna gently cradled Mary’s head in her lap.
“Sometimes even I wondered if he was two people.” Sandy smiled. “I remembered the stories Aunt Maggie told. She had married him because he was so kind to her. That was enough. Then he went from being just one in the crowd to something more. And then there was the other little change.”
Alanna waited.
“Okay Sandy, spill it.” She emphasized, “Patience is a virtue, it’s just not one of mine!”
Sandy chuckled.
“Oh, that brings back memories! That’s a classic Len Scott line. You truly are his child!”
“Sandy, please.”
“His eyes changed color. He was born with blue eyes and they turned green. It drove the doctors nuts!” She could tell Alanna did not understand. “Alanna, eyes lose pigment as they age. They don’t gain it.”
Mary stirred.
“I feel awful. What hit me? What happened?” She leaned back. “Geez, my head hurts. Alan was born with blue eyes in our world too. They’re sure not blue now.” Her eyes widened. “Alan? Where is he? Is he here?”
Alanna comforted her.
“The Champion of the Green Flame is chasing an errant flash of lightning.”
Mary was too woozy to understand.
“Mary, I didn’t get the full story. I woke up here this morning. Dad and Sandy were in the other room. Jay Garrick woke up, looked at me and freaked. Dad went to track him down.” She helped Mary sit upright. “Jay did demand to know what I did to you. Sigh. I have the oddest effects on men!”
Mary laughed. She grabbed her head.
“Ouch. Aftereffects suck.”
The Yucatan Peninsula
The ocean roared beneath them.
“Explain this again, Alan.” Jay looked at him with disbelief.
Alan laughed.
“It’s quite simple really. We’re going to fight a war to win back our universe. If we lose, our universe dies.”
“That’s impossible. No one could fight those kinds of battles.”
Alan smiled.
“We stand a good chance. You’ll change your mind soon enough. You’ll meet a young woman who showers in the sun. You’ll meet a race of beings that can fight the Kayzik. You’ll fight alongside the resistance movements of many worlds.”
“How do we win every impossible battle?” Jay asked skeptically.
“A good General picks his battles. And Jay?”
“Yes, Alan?”
Alan fired a blast of mystic flame into a small nearby tree stump. It exploded.
“Nothing is impossible!”
Jay shook his head.
“I’ve been out of circulation far too long!”
San Francisco, later in the evening
Alan Scott relaxed on the deck. He sipped a Pina Colada and watched the stars shine in the night sky. His two children sat across the table.
“Dad, until now I’ve never realized how much of an inspiration Mary really is.”
“She surprises even me. It’s the power of her faith I find so inspiring.” He winked at his niece. “What do you think of your family, Sandy?
“I’m just glad to know I’ve got one. Plays havoc with my religious beliefs. How do you deal with reincarnation across universes?” She chuckled.
Alan and Alanna laughed.
“You don’t, Cousin.” Alanna smiled. “You just learn to believe in magic. Speaking of which, are you free on Christmas?”
“I can arrange it. What did you have in mind?”
“Pack a bag and you’ll get to meet the rest of the family. We’re the normal ones!” They laughed.
Alan looked at Alanna thoughtfully.
“Don’t forget. Our Christmas is in their March. Time doesn’t track exactly.” He smiled. “But by then, who knows? We may even have little blue men at the table.”
Limbo, the next day
“I thank you, Wizard.” Mary addressed the spirits. “We freed the lightning and our friend.”
“I have now undone what can be undone.” The wizard brightened. “Thank you, my child. I have found my peace. Only one duty remains. We must confess our arrogance.”
“Mary, I hope you can forgive me someday.” Billy’s spirit darkened. “I hurt you. Alan, I hurt you most of all, oh so many times.”
“Billy,” Alan said gently, “You weren’t ready for the power you were granted. You were just a young boy. You did a lot of good. You just weren’t ready to be Captain Marvel. There is no shame in that.”
“Billy,” the Wizard added, “it’s as I’ve told you. We were both wrong. You weren’t Captain Marvel and you were never meant to be. That was meant for the strongest member of the Marvel family: the member of the family whose faith can’t be broken: the member of the family who inspires hope. You were a wonderful child, but we both have to accept that you were just a child.”
“I understand that, now.” Billy grew close to his sister. “I feel your forgiveness. Thank you. I am so sorry I took your name. Worse, I could not live up to what it meant. That is my tragedy. Please restore the name.”
“Billy, what do you mean?”
Billy Batson brightened.
“I’ve made mistakes, but it means so much to know that you will redeem the name. Farewell, Captain Marvel!”
“Billy?” The spirits disappeared. “Billy!”
“They’re gone, Mary.” Alan reached for her. “You gave them their peace.”
Alterverse, the Sentinel’s Lair, several days later
Amazing. And I thought I was the leading edge scientist. Jay Garrick watched the activity in the Command Center. Alan’s got me beat. I remember all he wanted to do was to build railroads. Now look at him.
“Sir,” Kalen the warrior called from the console, “we’ve spotted what looks like another burst of Kayzik activity around Oa.”
“Damn.” Alan cursed. “Wish I knew what they were planning. Ok, Shady Lady, what have you seen?”
“Dad, how did you know?”
“Because I would have gone,” he noted, “and did. We still owe those Green Lanterns a decent burial.”
“Yes. I saw activity but no Guardians. I’ll go back later this week.”
“Sir! Incoming call from High Command. They’re receiving a distress call not far from Daxam. They’re passing it to us for action. It’s not Kayzik and it’s not Shantar.”
“Kalen, ask K’ryssma to send a Green Lantern out with the Star Sapphire. Tell them not to engage if there’s any doubt. The Star Sapphire won’t listen, but maybe she will the next time.” Alan eyed Jay Garrick. “I’d send Starfire with the Green Lantern, but Hallie Jordan needs the experience.” He sighed. “I’ve had as much fun as I can stand. I’m taking a break. Care to join me?”
The Flash regarded him. You weren’t kidding about the war. This is all so incredible! He mused. Well, as Mary would say: we will stand with you for as long as it takes.
“Jay?” Alan inquired with a smile. “I know this is hard on you. Let’s get away for a while. Care to join me?”
Jay Garrick grinned.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way!” He charged out of the command center and down Outlook Mountain.
Alan Scott shook his head and laughed. Mystic green flame followed the scarlet and blue whirlwind.
Tomales Bay
“Mary, are you ready for this?” Kira Jor-El stood with her friend.
“Kira, in the last several days my life has been turned upside down: Again! Poor Jay. He’s starting all over again in a world he doesn’t know. I’ve experienced a full lifetime without him. We’re both trying to start over, but our lives have been so different. It ain’t easy.” She smiled appreciatively at Kira. “Thank you for putting up with me while I sort through this mess.”
“It’s the least I can do.” Supergirl flashed a grin. “It’s time. Go for it!”
Mary nodded.
The purified lightning poured into the sole heir of the Power of Shazam. Mary Batson vanished. Captain Marvel stood in her place.
“Last one around the sun pulls an extra shift on watch!” Mary charged through the atmosphere.
Kira grinned. She watched Captain Marvel accelerate into open space. That’s enough of a head start. She charged the heavens.