1941, Washington, D.C.
He had watched the world grow darker. He remembered the Green Lantern’s warning about the creatures in the sky. He understood. He would keep his existence a secret – the Kayzik couldn’t counter him if they didn’t know what he was.
Still, he had his hopes and dreams. Most were wrapped up in the girl he ran to meet. Gee, I hope she’s not mad at me! She has such a sweet smile. I’ve seen what happens when she gets mad, though. He grinned. Glad I’m fast enough to get out of her way.
I’m not too far away. I’ll make New York in minutes. Jay Garrick ran across the Delaware shore and turned north across the Atlantic Ocean.
New York City
“You have turned evil!” The old wizard raged. “I will kill you for your blasphemy.”
“Never!” screamed Mary Batson. “This is my world and my fight. I won’t quit while there is breath in my body! SHAZAM.” Mary called the lightning. It caught her. She spasmed and shook.
Jay Garrick saw the mystic lightning strike and ran towards it.
“Mary!” I’ve got to get her out of here! Jay ran by the gloating wizard as lightning danced around them.
“You can’t help her, you silly Mortal!” The Wizard crowed. “Now, Earth will find peace with the Kayzik.”
The lightning struck Mary again and again. She started to burn.
Her body disappeared. Furious, the wizard spun around, looking.
“You can’t have her!” The Flash stood in front of the Wizard. “Not while I stand!”
“Then face the full fury of Hell!” The Wizard saturated the area with lightning.
Jay vibrated. The lightning passed harmlessly through him.
“Uhhh,” Mary groaned in pain from behind a tree.
“There you are, my insolent child.” The wizard leered. “I’ve got a special treat for you. Have a little lightning with a little something extra! Welcome to your one way trip to Hell!”
“No! You can’t!” Jay charged the Wizard. No choice! He’ll kill her. Jay Garrick grabbed the Wizard and ran.
“Eat the lightning, Mortal!” The Wizard discharged the mystic lightning into Jay.
Jay spasmed. Can’t vibrate! Can’t defend . . . Jay Garrick disappeared.
Mary Batson struggled to her feet.
The Wizard roared with laughter.
“He’ll never return from where he is now! You have no power. The Amazons have doomed the Green Lantern! We’ve won!” The Wizard disappeared.
The pain overcame her. Mary passed out.
Present Day: The Planet Kalix
Landra Tzu knew what the glowing rock meant. The Zamarons are in trouble. In desperation, they’ve called for their queen. Frustrated, she grabbed for the stone. I am so old. They have had no use for me since they escaped with the last of the Guardians. They must be in desperate straits. What can I do? I can only pass on the sapphire to another and hope she can help them. This stone needs more than my aged body to fight the Kayzik.
She put on the costume and the stone. She found her daughter-in-law.
“Kizan, you are of the old people. Have you any words of guidance for me?”
The Seer had felt the recent shift in the Cosmos. (Elf note – See Terra’s Revenge - Chapter 5). She knew that the old prophecies had been invalidated. A new set of prophecies had taken their place. She concentrated hard to suspend her belief in all of the old prophecies. She reached out with her extended senses. She spoke.
Seek out New Oa, do not stray far,
Once there seek guidance from Warlord Zoldar.
Find the Green Lantern, not one of the Corps,
Who will lead them all and many more.
On the Green Lantern’s planet, small and blue,
You will find the young one, and your duty is through.
Help save our children, this our last request,
Find the Green Lantern, our last hope and best!
She faded into the walls. He’d be furious with me if he knew I was here. Of course, He’d do the exact same thing. Alanna Scott chuckled. Well, if I’m the Sentinel’s living shadow, I’m glad I’ve got the power that goes with it!
She flowed down the hallway. Immune or not, I can feel the glamour. I really feel for the poor souls that can’t escape it. What’s in this next chamber?
Oh my God! The Kayzik just left the Green Lanterns here, so many years ago!
New York City
“You didn’t tell Kira the other reason you come here?” Diana stood with Mary Marvel. (Elf note – Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 7). They felt the early autumn wind blow across them.
“No,” she leaned against the railing, “I didn’t tell her that. Alan knows and you know, but no one else needs to.”
“Mary, you’ve grieved for most of a century.” Diana lightened her tone. “Have you decided to bring Jay back, too?”
Mary shot Diana a hard look.
“That son of a bitch wizard took my power from me. Then he killed the light of my life. You know that!
“How well I know. I would have killed him if I could.” Diana remembered her own grief. “Don’t forget, that Wizard destroyed Steve Trevor’s plane in the air. I shed no tears when the Kayzik took him. But even I am moving on.”
“Diana,” Mary scolded her, “Why can’t you just leave me alone with my grief?”
“Because Mary, I know what you are.” Diana put her hand on Mary’s shoulder. “How much of what you feel is just what you feel? Or do your emotions drive forces beyond our understanding?” Diana smiled broadly. “Imprisoned lightning from the Green Flame? I’m still trying to figure that one out!” (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 2).
Mary simply smiled. She turned and looked off into forever.
New Oa
“Warlord, there is a Meta to see you.”
“Another one?” Zoldar frowned. “We’ve been deluged with visits from Metas and pseudo-Metas since we reclaimed New Oa. Tell him to put down his ray gun and jet pack and go home.”
“Warlord, I suggest you see this one. I choose my battles. This one is way out of my league.”
“Is it a Green Lantern? I will see him.”
“No sir. Star Sapphire. She seeks the Green Lantern not of the Corps. She says you will know what she means.”
Zoldar considered. The Zamarons always despised the Green Lanterns. Star Sapphires were their way of showing their disdain. That all ended when the Zamorans and Guardians had to leave their sectors of space. Why a Star Sapphire now? And why does she seek the Sentinel? He signaled his approval.
Landra Tzu entered.
“Thank you for seeing me. I must admit, I had never thought to wear this costume again.”
“I do admit curiosity. You have not been seen in sixty-five years. I know you were never a fan of the Green Lantern Corps. Yet you say you’ve been sent to find one?”
Landra nodded calmly.
“I bear no ill will towards the Green Lanterns. There is no point to it and probably never was.” She walked to the window. She looked out at the empty compound the Guardians and Zamarons had shared. “I know the Zamarons have been taken. All I have is a small prophecy to guide me. It makes no sense to me. Perhaps you can help.” She repeated it.
The Warlord nodded with understanding.
“The world is in Kayzik space. I can guide you there.” He smiled at the old woman. “I can do a lot better than that.” He tapped his comms. “Zoldar to the Sentinel’s Lair!”
“Sentinel’s Lair, this is Jerik.”
The Rock of Eternity
“If anyone had ever told me that I’d willingly spend my free time at the Rock of Eternity,” Diana chided Kent Nelson, “I’d have told them they were nuts!”
Kent Nelson grinned.
“You just like dirty old men.”
“That must be it.” She smiled at him. She rubbed his nose. “It’s always good to see you.”
“What troubles you, my love?” Kent hugged her. “Our little project? Guess what! I found something. Let me show you.” He walked into the Wizard’s study. “Oddest little poem I’ve ever seen!”
Smallville, Kansas
‘Move to Kansas, it’s a hell of a lot safer than Los Angeles.’ Mom, I’d rather have taken my chances at the beach. Of course, you always did think I had stars in my eyes – just like my father. She bent over to harvest her corn.
Have to admit there aren’t many people shooting at me here. We were lucky to get the old Kent farm. They were such good people. I’ll miss them. She saw a flash. What the hell is that?
She looked into the heavens and started running. Damn Kayzik must be after me. She dove for cover. No explosion? She crawled out and looked up at an old woman.
“Grandmother? You’ve lost weight.”
Landra Tzu smiled.
“I wish I were your Grandmother. I am here to ask your help for a people you’ve never met.”
“Where are they?” The young woman asked.
Landra’s eyes sparkled.
“Out there, not too many light years away. The Kayzik have captured them. They and their future children are in danger. You must join with the others who fight the Kayzik to rescue them.”
“Lady, this tale is a little far fetched.”
“Is it?” Landra grinned.” What if I told you I’m about to give you unimaginable power? What if I told you that a bed time fable would guide you? You get the tiara and a costume that will look a whole lot better on you than on me. I get to go back to my family and you get off this farm.”
“Bed time fable?” The young woman was intrigued.
“Green Lantern. The Champion of the Green Flame has returned to your world.”
The young woman startled, then leered.
“Lady, them’s the magic words. Gimme.”
“Diana,” Kent drew her attention to the text. “I don’t know what this means, but I hope you do. I was never as close to the rest of the early Superhero community as you were.”
“Kent, this one really bothers you, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, it does.” His earnest sincerity always attracted her. “I know what damage the previous wizard did to this world. If there’s a way to reverse even a little of it, I will do what I can.”
Diana put her hand on his shoulder.
“Then you know exactly how I feel.”
Kent smiled.
“Please read this passage.”
“Ah! It’s in Greek!”
“Odd, I read it in English.”
“Then read it to me, Kent.”
Only at the time of prophecy’s end
May we reverse the funeral for a friend.
Speed of lightning, he ran so fast,
Before the final lightning blast.
The child of night and the child of light
Must join the champion of our might.
They go where only a shadow may alight.
They free souls from their blackest night.
The power of brightest day guides their flight.
Yesterday’s evil fades from their might.
Let those who worship darkness in their strife.
Defer to the power of life.
“Kent, that’s not what I read.” She gazed up at him. “My version is far more specific.”
Only at the time of prophecy’s end
May the three gather and reverse the funeral for a friend.
Speed of lightning, he ran so fast,
Before Shazam’s evil lightning blast.
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night,
They free souls to find the light.
No evil shall escape their sight.
The web of darkness guides their light.
Let those who worship Evil’s might,
And many will pass within their flight,
Beware their Power,
Their Unity defines the Hour.
Green Lantern’s Light
Is joined by the Lightning and the Night.
“Diana, that interpretation leaves a lot less to the imagination. I think I need to learn Greek.”
She grinned.
“And I’d love to teach you.”
“I think that’s her, Kira. Funny, Jerik said she would look about seventy-five.” They streaked towards the Kansas farm.
“Hard to miss though, Alan.” Kira commented. “Not when she’s floating in the air like that.”
They slowed to join the Star Sapphire.
“I don’t know who you are,” the stranger pointed to Kira, then faced Alan, “but I hope I’m addressing the Green Lantern.”
“What gave it away?” He chuckled. “Green plume behind me? Glowing green aura? Green costume?”
“Don’t mind him,” Kira laughed, “we’ve had a long day and we take our breaks when we can get them. I’m Supergirl. That red streak over the Horizon is Mary Marvel.”
“I’m Hallie Jordan, the new Star Sapphire.”
Alan’s left eyebrow rose.
“I’m guessing there’s a Carol Ferris and a Hal Jordan in there somewhere.” He mused. She cast him a pointed sideways glance. “I’ll take that as a yes. I am the Green Lantern. These days most call me the Sentinel.”
“And I’m Mary Marvel.” She caught up to them. “No fair, cousin. Next time tell me when you’re taking off.”
Alan smiled. He winked at Hallie. Thinking, He crossed his arms.
“I think I know what a Star Sapphire is.” He recollected. “The Sapphire’s power is similar to a Green Lantern’s. It differs from the Corps a little. It’s more telekinetic and there is no weakness to yellow. Unlike the Corps, there’s only one of them.”
“That doesn’t make sense, Sentinel.” Kira suggested. “Why have only one?”
“I wish I knew.” He brightened. “On the other hand, if she’s hyperspace capable, invulnerable to yellow, and on a par with an Oan Green Lantern, she’s more than welcome in our little group!” He pondered. “You know, there’s one more thing I didn’t think about. Hallie, I don’t mean to scare you but I would bet you’re one of the more powerful Star Sapphires.”
“Cousin, what do you mean?”
“Star Sapphires are chosen for their appearance, not their will force. Green Lanterns are chosen for their will force and their lack of fear. What do you see in her?”
“Honestly?” Mary frowned, “I think she has a lot of blood on her hands.”
Hallie leered at them.
“I fight to survive! How can you survive in this world if you’re afraid? The Kayzik will destroy you. Alexander Luthor is right. Only the strong will survive.” She growled at them. “Make this quick. I’ve got a world to clean up and a bunch of old women to save.”
Kira inspected the Star Sapphire.
“I see what you mean, Mary.”
Mary smiled at Hallie.
“Well Dearie, you’ve just signed up to save the universe, not just this world. Get ready for a fight even you can’t handle alone.” She took up a defensive position.
“That’s Hallie Jordan: Star Sapphire to you, Miss Mary. I fight for this world first. A little trollip like you isn’t going to change my mind.”
Mary smiled sweetly.
“Why Dearie, I’m going to enjoy this!” Kira and Alan eyed each other and backed up.
“I’m going to enjoy shutting you up!” Hallie shot a bolt at Mary, knocking her to the ground.
Mary got up and growled. She wiped the dirt off her face and charged skyward.
“You’re mine!”
Hallie shot another mind blast at Mary. It hit her and knocked her off course. Then Mary moved too fast for Hallie to follow. A steel fist pounded Hallie’s jaw. She snapped backwards. Another fist pounded Hallie’s stomach. She began to lose altitude. Another fist found Hallie’s eye. She lost consciousness and plummeted to Earth.
A green catcher’s mitt appeared beneath her.
“Mary, that wasn’t very sporting.” Alan lectured. “On the other hand, it was damned good technique!”
Mary grinned remorselessly.
“My guide and inspiration in all things gentle,” Kira teased, “what kind of example are you setting for me now?”
Mary’s eyes narrowed.
“Be kind to those that deserve it. Not everyone deserves it.” She spat. “Lesson two, inexperience, arrogance, and underestimating your opponents are all fatal. Hallie Jordan just figured out how to screw up all three at once.”
“They are coming.” The spirit whispered. “I can feel it. They are coming.”
“Who are coming, Grandfather?”
“Those from whom we took so much.” The spirit grieved.
Smallville, Kansas
“Look,” The Sentinel motioned, “she’s beginning to stir. Give her a little room.”
“Not likely.” Mary Marvel grinned as she smacked a fist into an open palm.
“What?” Hallie Jordan shook her head. “Oww! What hit me?”
“Me!” Mary grinned. “And I’d love to do it again!”
Hallie shrank back.
“Gee, that’s one heck of a shiner.” Mary teased. “Would you like a matching set?” She smacked her fist into her other hand again.
“Cousin, that’s enough.” Alan grinned as he shook his head sideways. “I think you made your point.”
“Damn, this hurts!” Hallie seemed to have trouble breathing. “What did you hit me with?”
“Hold on.” Alan shot green flame into her. “You broke a couple of ribs. Just two, Mary? You’ve become more careful.”
“That feels better. Thank you!” Hallie breathed more easily. “You’re really THE Mary Marvel? It sure felt like it.”
“I’ve repaired the ribs and the jaw. Mary would kill me if I took back the shiner.” Alan laughed as Mary stuck her tongue out at him.
“I’ve learned my lesson.” Hallie stood up. “But I guess I’ve got a lot more lessons to learn.” She looked at Mary. “Ok teacher, how do I sign up?”
The Rock of Eternity
“Diana,” He called behind her, “don’t tell them the rest, not just yet!”
“I won’t! We’ll be back, soon!” She aimed for the portal.
The Sentinel’s Lair Command Center, Outlook Mountain, Tennessee
The shadow solidified and took form. Command Assassin Elise Zoldar walked over to it.
“Welcome back, my child. How was your trip?”
Alanna Scott scowled.
“They’re doing something on Oa, but I’m not sure what. The Guardians are not there. You can certainly tell the Kayzik are not sentient. They’ve left the bodies of the Green Lanterns to rot.”
Elise frowned.
Alanna understood.
“Don’t worry, Elise, I touched nothing. I know the rules – I’m a good spy only if they don’t know I’ve been there.”
“Child, I know it’s hard on you. I also know you’d push yourself to the limits of your endurance if you could.”
“I didn’t, and after doing that, I’m glad I didn’t. We can’t undo the damage, but those Green Lanterns won’t be forgotten. I wish I could have brought back their rings and batteries.” She walked over to the railing. “This is such a beautiful day! I’m glad I’m here. I needed the sunshine after that trip.” She heard unfamiliar steps behind her.
“I hope you remember me. I’m Commander Zelek of Shantar Intelligence.” (Elf note – Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 4). An older Shantar officer held out his hand.
“I do. Isn’t this a little off the beaten path?” She returned the handshake.
He smiled.
“I took the GLE.”
Elise Zoldar laughed.
“I’m sorry you missed that, my child. One of our recent innovations.”
Alanna cocked an eyebrow. She waited for an explanation. Elise’s eyes twinkled.
“GLE – Green Lantern Express. Garja Jenna was fussing about our state of supplies. Something about ‘We have all this meta power on this base, but I still can’t get a pair of boots that fit.’ She went back to what she was doing, but K’ryssma and Selina had overheard her. The next thing I knew, the Green Lanterns had scouted a secure route to New Oa. The route is well thought out and well shielded from the Kayzik. Kira and Alan made the first run with them. Now, we have regular supply runs, which means supplies, more staff, leave, and several dozen pairs of boots custom made for Garja Jenna.”
“Will I ever live that down?” Garja asked from across the room.
“Wear them proudly.” Elise smiled. “You’ve earned them. It’s not often a Warlord insists on personally approving a requisition for boots.” Elise turned back to Alanna. “It also means the residents of New Oa see the Green Lanterns. That’s a real morale booster for them.”
The Roanoke Star, Roanoke Virginia
“You little twit!” K’ryssma hissed. “How many Green Lanterns have you tortured in your life?”
“None!” Yelled Hallie. “But you’re going to be the first!” They charged at each other.
“Mary,” Alan sighed, “This is where I came in.”
Mary Marvel laughed as he vanished.
The Rock of Eternity, two hours later
“Ok folks, now I’m completely confused.” Alanna Scott grimaced at Kent Nelson. Mary Marvel and Diana stood at her sides. “You’re throwing too much at me at once.”
“This confuses even me.” Kent Nelson smiled at her. “It really has to do with Alan’s re-entry into this world. Remember the Seltan said that his return caused prophecies to be rewritten?” (Elf note – Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 5). “We’re still finding some of the revised prophecies in the Book of Shazam.”
“I remember that, Kent.” Mary recounted. “It was the ripple effect of his return that altered the prophecies.”
“Actually, Mary, that’s not quite all of it.” Kent regarded her. “It really started with Molly’s birth – that was the Seltan influence in this universe. It accelerated thirty years ago when you knew Alan Scott was returning. But for the most part, the effects were minimized by your lack of power. The impacts were felt only by those your life crossed, like Diana.”
“Kent, do you mean?” Diana questioned.
“Diana, what would you have done if Mary had died?”
“I see your point.”
“All right,” Alanna growled, “I’m trying to be patient, but I don’t have the in depth mystic background you do. What does this mean?”
“Alanna, I’m not sure.” Kent admitted. “Here’s what I do know. In 1941, Jay Garrick was lost to Shazam’s corrupted lightening. Jay Garrick was a non-mutant Meta, altered by chemicals. Those chemicals gave him the gift of super speed. Shazam took away Mary’s power with the same lightning, and it hasn’t fully returned.”
“Kent,” Mary implored, “what do you mean? I’m certainly Mary Marvel.”
“No Mary, you’re not.” Kent emphasized. “You are the sole heir to the power of Shazam and you don’t have enough invulnerability to leave the atmosphere. You used to race Captain Marvel around the Sun.”
“That’s true.” Mary admitted. “I was surprised that I couldn’t leave the atmosphere. I figured it was because I had used the mystic flame to change to Mary Marvel.” (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – chapter 2). “I was more surprised that my power levels didn’t increase when I called the lightning here.” (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 5).
“You haven’t tried to change back to Mary Batson, have you?”
“It wouldn’t have worked anywhere but here. The lightning is at its most powerful here. Mary, the Wizard damaged the Rock of Eternity and I don’t know how to undo it. I also don’t think Jay Garrick is dead.”
“I think he wound up where the Wizard was going to send you. As insane as he was, I think his plan was to weaken you severely and exile you. Jay Garrick just got in the way. That said: I don’t know where or when he was exiled.”
A golden glow approached.
“Welcome to the fiasco, Alan.” Kent greeted. “We’re discussing Mary’s reduced power levels.”
“I wondered about that when she couldn’t join us in space under her own power. She’s been space bound in the past.” (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 4). Alan recounted, “Mary beat Billy when they raced around the sun. She never let him forget it!”
Mary tried an innocent look. She failed.
“I just didn’t want him to suffer from a swelled head!” She smiled. “Oh my, it’s so good to remember the happy days.”
“They’re ever closer, grandfather.” The young spirit sensed.
“We can only hope they can find us.” The older spirit was desperate. “It is our only chance. They must sense the gateway. Only then can we proceed.”
“We must have faith, grandfather. It was our lack of faith that doomed us.”
“And why we are here alone.”
The Rock of Eternity
“Dad and Cousin Mary, give me your hands.” Alanna Scott reached for them. “Now hold each other’s hands.”
“You’re sensing something through the Dark Force.” Kent surmised. “That’s why the three are necessary.”
“I think so, Kent. I think I’m the conduit. Mary is the anchor. Dad is the power source.” She grinned. “We were wrong. He doesn’t glow gold because he’s tapping the Rock of Eternity. He’s glowing gold because the Rock of Eternity is attracting that aspect of his power. It feels different, but it’s still his power, not the power of Shazam.”
Alan nodded agreement.
“You’re probably right. That’s why only the color changed. Let’s do this. Ready?”
The Sentinel and his Shadow repeated the same word.
Kent and Diana stood alone at the Rock of Eternity.
“Where are we?” Mary held their hands while she looked around.
“Someplace it’s impossible to be.” Alanna seemed jittery. “But we are still following the trail.”
“How do you follow it, Alanna?” Alan was puzzled.
“It’s really strange. There’s a thread that leads from Mary. I can see it because your light brightens everything but that thread. That’s why it takes all three of us. Mary anchors the thread and you make the thread visible. This way.”
“They are here.” The old spirit agonized. “Can they forgive us?”
“Grandfather, I wonder if it is their forgiveness we must seek?”
“I do not know. Let us find out.”
“Now what, Alanna?” Mary frowned.
Alanna nodded thoughtfully.
“We’ve gone as far as we can. It is they who will come to us.”
“They, who?”
“Mary, we’re in a world of shadows. They must make themselves available to us.”
“Who, Alanna?”
Alanna pointed behind Mary. Two spectral images appeared.
“We who cannot rest. We who damned our world. We who hobbled the power of Shazam.”
“Billy?” Alan asked. “The Shazam Wizard? It’s been almost two thirds of a century.”
“What is the passage of time to those who have destroyed everything they believe in?” The old Wizard droned.
“Billy, what happened to you?” Mary asked the small spirit. “Where is Freddy?”
The small spirit lightened.
“Once Alan was killed, he seemed to break out of the trance. The Wizard had destroyed our access to power, but that didn’t stop Freddy. He knew we owed a debt. He chose to help protect Daria Scott. His final act was to kill a Kayzik warrior who had trapped her. She got away, but Freddy didn’t.”
“So I owe my existence to Freddy Freeman?” Alanna felt unexpected gratitude towards the newsboy.
The small spirit nodded.
“And then there was nothing left for me. My sister hated me and still does.” The spirit greyed. “I just wanted to die and I did. I let them take me without a fight. Then I found that wasn’t the end of my misery.”
“Nor mine.” The older spectre spoke. “But there is still hope for the other.”
“Jay Garrick?”
“Yes, Green Lantern. He whom we trapped in the lightning.”
“How did you do that?”
“I cast a spell that strengthened the J’Dinn’s power in our world. It disabled the lightning. The spell required the soul of one of our opponents. That opponent was absorbed into the lightning itself. After the spell was cast, the lightning lost its power.”
“Then what can we do?”
“Green Lantern, you must fight the lightning. The three of you combined must take it on. You must purify it. You must challenge it and win. There is a spell you must cast, but it is very dangerous.”
The Wizard paused.
“How can I trust you?” Mary glared at the Wizard. “You are responsible for the deaths of most of my family.”
“I am responsible for the deaths of every member of your family. I am not proud of that. Everyone you loved, I killed.” The old wizard’s speech tinged with regret. “We can only hope to undo a fraction of what we’ve done. That, and we can free the Power of Shazam.”
“What must we do?” Alan asked.
“You must call the lightning and fight it.” The wizard recounted. “The dangers are these. You may lose the battle. You may die. You may lose yourself again. I do not expect this will be an easy battle for you, but it is your battle to fight. They must anchor you and you must fight it.”
“We’ve called it before.” Mary noted. “It hasn’t battled us.”
“That is why you must call it here and now. You can face it head on, here.”
They separated from the spirits. The Scott family joined hands. They yelled in unison.
The lightning raged and poured into them. At first, it passed into all three. In moments, it chose to focus its rage on Alan Scott. Lightning met mystic flame. Mary Marvel and the Shade were forced away. The lightning crackled. Mystic flames burned. The lightning grew in intensity. It struck the Green Lantern with all its power. He screamed in agony.
The lightning ceased. Mary Marvel and the Shade floated alone.
“Alan! Cousin! Where are you?”
“I can’t see him among the Shadows, Cousin Mary!”
“Old Wizard, what happened?” Mary shouted. “Where is he?”
“I’m sorry, my child. He is not here. I had not expected this. The magic would drive him towards his natural anchor - the soul closest to him. I was sure it was you. He must have loved Daria very much. I find no trace of him in this universe.”
The small spirit darkened.
“I’m so sorry, Sis. I didn’t know!”
“I know, Billy.” Mary floated in shock. “I know it’s not your fault. But what do we do now? Where do we go from here?”