Santel…no…Mercy Luthor…had given them their marching orders and then retired with the original six members, Nura Nal and Mysa Nal, otherwise known as Dreamer and the White Witch, to a smaller conference room.
There, using memory crystals taken from a special container, she gave them a quick run down on history as she knew it.
“The changes are happening with more frequency now.” She said when she finished. “Not even seven months ago, most of what you have just seen would have been common knowledge. When you saved the Kryptonian Ambassador, there was no doubt about the linage of the Solarian Monarch…She was a direct descendant of all three races in the Sol System…the Graxians, the Tammorians, and Terrans. Yet now, neither the Graxians or the Tammorians seem to exist. Seven months ago, both Mars and Venus were fully occupied, thriving worlds…now both are still the in process of being terraformed.”
She looked at Jensia.
“Your records show that Barbara Gordan-Stark died childless and left the entire Wayne-Stark fortune in trust for you. Yet we have proof, beyond my own personal experience, that Alyssa Stark, daughter of Tony and Barbara, was the original founder of Carggite…Triad’s home world…and that her inheritance from the Wayne-Stark fortune allowed her to colonize a new world.”
She turned to Cora next.
“You told me the story of Kori’s death and the loss of Kara and Rogue.” She said. “It didn’t happen that way. Trust me, I was there and Kara was one of my closest friends. It is true that both she and Rogue did disappear briefly…but not for many years later…and both Carrie and Karen…or Kari and Kori as your people called them…both lived long and fulfilled lives…and Kari never retired to Daxam. She did marry Mak-Tu…but on Earth…where he became a noted scientist working mostly for the Justice League which Kari eventually chaired as Powerwoman.”
“If I may?” Querl raised a hand and then indicated the memory crystals Mercy had used to show them the highlights of the true history. “We know that it should be impossible for anyone to change history. At most what they would accomplish is the creation of a new timeline. It is also apparent that, impossible or not, that is exactly what is happening. I do not know where you get your intel or whom you are working for, but it is quite apparent that something else is effecting the timeline. The Probability Device, and yes, I have studied it, is quite beyond any thing I have ever seen.” He shook his head. “It is a bit humbling to come across something that, by our standards, is so advanced it appears almost magical. Like one of our space cruisers would appear to a Terran Cave-man. I would venture to say that Cave-man would have better luck at understanding the Space cruiser than we would ever have understanding the working of the Probability Device.”
“Yes, it is an advanced gadget.” Mercy/Santel frowned. “Do you have a point?”
“Indeed.” Querl nodded. “Whatever else the Probability Device might be, it is not a time device. Yes, it did alter the histories of the three Probabilities. But that was merely a by-product of the original split. It did not split the worlds and then return and alter their histories…Those three worlds, when created from One, sprang into existence complete with their new histories.”
“You’re saying that we are wrong?” Mercy/Santel leaned forward.
“Apparently.” Querl scratched his chin as he considered, completely oblivious to the stares he was getting. “Since the Probability Device, cannot, on its own, cause distortions within the timelines of these Three Probabilities, then stands to reason that some one or something else is behind them.”
“Why, then, are only the three probabilities created by the device being effected?” Mercy/Santel demanded. “That seems to be a little coincidental, don’t you think?”
“Not at all.” Querl tapped a finger on one of the Memory Crystals. “While the Device might not be responsible for the time anomalies, it cannot be denied that the three probabilities are still tied together by the Device. Whoever or whatever is causing the anomalies is simply utilizing the energy that the Device is radiating, thus spreading the effects to all Three Probabilities.”
“I think I am going to get a head ache.” Garth groaned, trying to keep up.
“You suspected something like this, despite your protests, didn’t you?” Imra demanded, watching Mercy/Santel closely. “As you say, our timeline…our history…is being shifted right under our feet. As that happens, all data available to us shifts right along with it. Yet the data you have shown us does not appear to be affected. Why is that?”
“Magic.” Mysa Nal answered before Mercy could. “This entire room is encased in a strong, yet subtle, magical bubble. A shield, if you will, that prevents the changes on the outside from affecting everything within.”
“Not just this room.” Mercy corrected. “The minute we walked in here, the shield was expanded to encompass the entire Legion headquarters.” She gave a sick smile. “It would have been highly embarrassing for us to come in here, decide what needs to be done, only to emerge to find the rest of the Legion no longer knew us.”
“Magic?” Imra looked at Mercy and then to Mysa. The White Witch shrugged ever so slightly.
“It is a form I have never encountered.” She explained. “Strong…and ancient…at least by our standards.”
“I am sure that Lord Ian will be thrilled at being called ancient.” Mercy quipped. Her words had the expected result. Instantly all eyes were on her.
“History has not changed that much, Commissioner.” Mysa began. “Lord Ian was forced from the Continuum at the end of the First Continuum War.”
“He was.” Mercy nodded. “But Lord Ian was nothing if not…efficient. I will not pretend to understand how he knew all he knew. Perhaps it was some ability he gained from the Citadel at the End of Time. Not surprising, considering the previous tenant was a master of time travel and manipulation. Before the Citadel was forced from the Continuum, Lord Ian was able to put…agents in place. In time as well as location. He was also able to anticipate certain probable events and plan accordingly.”
“So this current situation is just one of many probable events…” Nura started and then trailed off, nodding to herself before she turned to the others. “Like my dreams.” She told them. “No one can tell the future with certainty. My dreams show me events that will take place if certain conditions are met….but the very fact that the outcome of my dreams can change if other actions are taken show that the future is not fixed.”
“Exactly.” Santel/Mercy agreed. “Though here in the Multiverse, it is just as likely that every possibility is fixed, that each action will simply cause another alternate reality to come into existence. In most instances, the differences are so slight that, eventually the branching reality is reabsorbed into the parent reality. In others, though it might not be instantly recognizable, the differences are great enough that the branching reality remains separated, eventually becoming a parent reality itself as its future branches.” She frowned. “Suffice it to say if it were simply a case of branching realties, there would have been no need for me or these elaborate precautions. We are not dealing with a normal branching of reality but rather the reordering of the natural history of the parent reality of which this is a branch. So not only is our reality in danger…but every single reality that can be traced to a branch from the parent reality since the early twenty-first century is in danger as well.”
Querl considered and finally nodded.
“I can see that.” He said. “Even a small change in the past could have far reaching and expanding results throughout time.”
“Like a Ripple.” Santel/Mercy gave a sour smile.
“Like the Ripple that brought Kara and all to the Multiverse?” Garth demanded. “You know what caused it, don’t you?”
“Actually, if Lord Ian was correct, it was not like that Ripple…it WAS and is and will continue to be that Ripple.” Santel/Mercy inserted another mem-crystal. Before she could speak again, however, Querl interrupted.
“That is not possible.” He proclaimed. “Though science has never been able to explain the cause of the original Ripple, it was amply demonstrated that it did not have any effect on the Multiverse or any other Universe within the Continuum. It only affected those Universes existing outside the boundaries of the Continuum at the time…Like Otherverse.”
“Exactly.” Santel/Mercy did not activate the mem-crystal. Instead, she looked at Querl, challenging him to take his observation to the next step.
“Which means,” he continued after only the briefest of pauses, “that the Ripple did not dissipate after passing through Otherverse, as it had been believed. It continued on…expanding in an every widening circle through space and time.”
“If that is the case, then why have we not seen more changes or Ripple effects since then?” Garth demanded.
“We’ve seen one.” Cora mused. She glanced over at Jensia. “Probability 10.” She said, referring to the home world of Jensia’s mother, Jennifer Walters.
“Actually, that world came into the Multiverse due to other circumstances. The original effect of the Ripple on that world should have been quite different.” Mercy corrected. “But Lord Ian theorized, with knowledge he did deign to share with me, that the Ripple is not an event that occurred and continues to occur. Rather it is a single event that takes place simultaneously throughout history! Neither did it originate completely within the Continuum. At the very instant it did or will occur here in the Multiverse it occurred or will occur in Otherverse!”
“And so we end up back with Otherverse.” Garth drawled. “Just how does what is happening with our reality in any way connected to Otherverse? Why should Otherverse even be concerned?”
“Suffice it to say that there is a …Power…in Otherverse that has decided to take a hand. It has made what is happening in Multiverse its concern!” Santel/Mercy waited for a moment and then activated the mem-crystal and waited until an image was displaying on the viewscreen. “This is why!” She pointed at the image. “This is merely a representation of what is happening…obviously it is not to scale.” She used a pointer to indicate two items identified as universe A and B. “Though I am showing these universes as being side by side, there is really no way of knowing where they actually are in relation to one another…or to us, for that matter. But these are the ones being affected. This one,” She pointed to the item labeled as Universe A, “is like our known realities only in that it has Metas. Super-powered beings. Its history is totally different than any other universe within the Continuum.” She paused and turned to her audience. “I am sure if you compared many of the Universes within the Continuum, you will discover that a majority of them have common origins, branching from one or two parent worlds. There are those that seem to be a semi-mixture of both or even, for wont of a better term, an Amalgam of those two worlds. Nevertheless, all their origins can be traced back to these two Prime Realities. Neither of which, it should be noted, are present within this Continuum. Universe A, however, cannot be traced back to either of these prime worlds. Yes, it has super-beings, but that is where the similarities end. This reality’s history is much different than our own.” She now pointed at the other item. “Universe B, on the other hand,Isn’t an unknown at all. Within the Continuum, every single Continuverse is a separate entity. With one exception. Othervere! When it was pulled into the Continuum, it never fully formed into a complete Conteinuverse. Instead, it orbited the Multivere much like our moon orbits the Earth. Whatever effects the Multiverse will effect the Otherverse. Otherverse is Universe B!”
“While this is interesting, Commissioner,” Cora finally spoke up. “I guess I am not seeing how this has anything to do with us.”
“Whatever or whoever is behind the time anomalies is only one part of the problem. Even if it is not causing the time distortions, the Probabiity Device is still responsible for what is happening with these two universes!” Mercy/Santel responded.
“If I am not mistaken,” Querl spoke up again, “then what the Commissioner is suggesting what my research has already shown.”
“You discovered something else?” Imra demanded, irritated that he had not informed her.
“I do believe so.” Querl nodded. “I have not yet completed the research, but so far what the Commissioner has said ties in with it too well for it to be coincidental.” He pointed to the image. “The Probability Device is opening a path for those two universes. A Path that will attempt to drop both entire realities right on top of our own.”
Garth looked back and forth between Garth and the Commissioner, his eyes wide.
“You’re both insane.” He said, though his voice was barely above a whisper. “Even if what you are saying is true, there is not a damned thing we could do about it.”
“Actually, that may not be the case.” Santel/Mercy responded. She touched a control on the terminal before her and a new image appeared. “Querl, you said you have studied it so you know what this is!”
The group studied the battered artifact displayed in an elaborate glass display case, but Mercy could tell by the looks in their faces that only two there recognized it. She didn’t bother looking at Imra, knowing the telepath would know the instant anyone else did.
“The Probability Device.” Querl stated without hesitation while Cora nodded.
“Exactly.” Mercy confirmed. “The device we have been discussing. When the Phantom Zone criminals activated this device in the late 20th century, it split reality into three parts, As Querl mentioned.. What we now call Probabilities One, Two, and Three. It was later determined by Lex and Dr. Reed Richards that this effect was supposed to have been temporary. The Device was created to be a teaching device and, had the device not malfunctioned, the three worlds would have merged back together within a matter of hours. It was believed that the device pulled the realities apart and then brought them back together again.”
“I don’t believe that to be the case.” Querl stood and paced in front of the others, as if completely unaware of their presence. He was silent for a moment and then stopped, looking at the image.
“No. The device malfunctioned after being activated. It was designed to exert forces to keep the realities apart for as long as it was active. Shutting it off would have caused the realities to re-merge.” He proclaimed.
“You’re saying that its on/off switch got stuck in the ON position.” Santel/Mercy ventured.
“In extremely simplistic terms, yes.” Querl nodded. He finally looked at Santel/Mercy and then at the others. “Probabilities One, Two, and Three owe their continued existence to the fact that the device was never deactivated. It is quite probable that it is creating that path for those two universes because it was never deactivated.”
“Then we just shut the damned thing off.” Garth chimed in.
“Uh, I don’t think it is quite that simple.” Cora put in, bringing all eyes towards her. “If we shut it off, what happens to us? Querl just said it is because that device is still active that Probabilities One, Two, and Three still exist as separate realities. If we shut it off, what happens then?”
“They’ll revert to their original condition.” Jensia shrugged.
“In other words, they will merge back into one Probability.” Cora proclaimed, looking around.
“Probably not.” Querl shook his head. “There is actually no way to know for sure since we do not really understand how it functions in the first place. Quite frankly, worrying about the possible outcome should the Device be deactivated is, in all likelihood, a futile mental exercise. We would have to know how to deactivate it in the first place. I do not believe I will be able to determine how to operate it or deactivate it in time.”
“And because you don’t think you can, you don’t think anyone else can?” Garth demanded.
“That is essentially correct.” Querl nodded.
“So why are we traveling back in time to find a Device not even Querl can understand?” Garth turned back to Mercy/Santel. “It seems like a waste of time.”
“We don’t need to know how to operate it to alter events, Mr. Ranzz.” Mercy/Santel scowled at the redhead. “We night not be able to deactivate it, but we can damned well move it!”
“You intend to move it out of the Multiverse.” Querl nodded. “It could work. If the Device were moved to the Bleed, then the path it is creating for the two Universes would no longer lead them to Probability 3. Of course, time would be of the essence. If the two new universes merge completely with Probability Three, then it will be too late. We will have to get the device into the Bleed before either of them has time to fully manifest!”
“This makes absolutely no sense!” Garth grumbled. “We’re talking about events that happened in the past.”
“Actually, it makes horrible sense.” Imra spoke up, cutting off any rejoinder Mercy, Cora, or Querl could make. She looked at Mercy. “According to those records of events you showed us, this is all taking place in the 21st century. Specifically, it is happening at the same time that Superwoman is leading a combined task force into Probability Three.” She turned to Querl and pointed at the image of the Probability Device. “Where is that?” she demanded.
“In a Lunar museum. The Phantom Zone Museum, to be exact.” Querl answered…and then trailed off as what Imra was getting to occurred to him. “In Probability Three!”
“In Probability Three.” Imra nodded her agreement before turning back to Mercy.
“You’re thinking that only Probability Three is in danger?” Mercy shook her head but Imra cut her off again.
“No. But don’t you find it kind of strange that at the exact same time that these Universes are being pulled in, Kara and the others are heading into Probability Three…to do battle with Brainiac?”
“Could it be something that they do that causes this to happen?” Jensia asked. “I mean, they don’t have some one like Querl with them.”
“No, but they have some one almost as good.” Cora said, looking at the Coluan. “Querl’s daughters.”
“I do not think I am ever going to get used to that.” Querl shook his head.
“Probably not.” Mercy gave a weak grin. “But Cora is correct. You have a 12th level intellect. Kari and Kori both have 11th intellects, though Kari’s is just a slight bit higher than Kori’s.”
“Wait a minute.” Cora looked confused. “I thought they were the same person! How can they be different?”
“For all practical purposes, they are…or were…the same.” Mercy confirmed. “But there are some minute differences. For instance, Kari rates slightly higher on the intellect scale while Kori has been rated as slightly more powerful. The differences are most probably due to the fact that they came from different realities.” She frowned then. “But, no matter what their intellect levels, it must be remembered that they are both products of the 21st century.”
“That would naturally limit their intellectual abilities.” Querl nodded. When the others looked at him, he went on. “They might have the intellect, but they lack the knowledge that we here in the 31st century can call upon. Having the intellect does not grant them instant knowledge…they still have to learn…to gain the knowledge necessary to use that intellectual ability.”
“Exactly.” Mercy said. “Though, from what Kara once told me, they did get a bit of a hand from a tutorial created by another version of you. They were also tutored by Kara’s father, Zor El, as well as Reed Richards and other noted Kryptonian scientists of the time. I believe they even spent time in a Class Lex developed for them.” She shook her head. “Lex counted Kara and Rogue among his closest friends, but he was never hesitant to let people know that he believed Kari and Kori would prove to be more beneficial to the entire galaxy than any other hero of the time.”
“That’s just fine.” Garth cut in. “But we still have not gotten to how we fit into all of this.”
“I thought that would be self-evident.” Querl replied. “It is obvious the Legion of Super-Heroes must go back in time…to the 21st century. While the heroes of that time are battling it out with Brainiac we must find and relocate the Probability Device.”
“You’re joking, right?” Garth looked around. “Tell me he’s joking.”
“No, he’s not.” Mercy dashed his hopes. “The Device has to be moved completely out of the Multiverse, as Querl suggested.”
“And were, exactly do we put it? Alterverse? I’m not sure, but I think they might have a bit of a problem with that.” Garth drawled.
“Actually, I already stated where it should be depositied. The Bleed.” Querl answered thoughtfully. He was rubbing his chin with his thumb and forefinger, his eyes distant as he contemplated the problem. “We just have to find the right spot in the Bleed”
“Excuse me? You want to find one particular spot in the Bleed?”
“Yes.” Querl nodded. “We discussed the Ripple earlier. I believe that this Device is some how connected with that event. I have determined that the conventional theories about the Rippel were incorrect. It did not originate within the Multivere and, despite what the Commissioner has stated, I do not believe it began in the Othervere either. I think the Ripple originated within the Bleed. We have to find the exactspot.”
“Don’t worry about finding the right spot, It will find you!” Mercy/Santel said, with a knowing grin.
“So. We just waltz in, kidnap the Twins, and steal the device and reposition it.” Garth shook his head. “When do we go?”
“As soon as Querl completes his work on the time cubes.” Mercy told them. “But it won’t be that simple.” She paused, as if hesitating to tell them the rest. “Once the time cubes are complete, Mysa will have to use her magic to…alter them.”
“What do you mean, alter?” Querl was instantly defensive.
“Think it through, Querl. Think time paradox.” Mercy responded, but she went on to explain. “If we go as is, and succeed in our task, we will have saved the Multiverse…and this time line will never have existed.”
Querl was taken aback as the implications sank in.
“Paradox. If this time line never existed, then we could not go back in time to do what we have to do.” He said.
“Exactly.” Mercy pointed at Mysa. “Mysa will be able to magically alter the time cubes before we leave. Those alterations will, once we enter the time stream, effectively remove our dependency on this time line for our existence.”
“But…” Cora had half risen from her seat. Before she could speak, Imra stood and turned to them all.
“Enough.” She spoke quietly but her words had the power of authority behind them. “We can sit here and debate the what-ifs forever. In the end, we will still have only two choices. Either we do this or we don’t. If we do, yes, our time line may cease to exist. Our homes, our families. But if we don’t, they will still cease to exist because the entire Multiverse will cease to exist. It is time we decide. Do we sit on our asses here and wait for annihilation to come…or do we go out with a fight, trying to save as much of the Multiverse as possible?”
“We go.” Garth answered first, all traces of arrogance now missing from his attitude.
“We go.” Mysa and Nura spoke together.
Jensia and Alysa stood, hand in hand and nodded their agreement without speaking.
“We go.” Cora finally agreed.
The silence stretched out as all eyes locked on Querl. For his part, the Coluan seemed unaware of the attention…lost in his own thoughts. Finally the quiet registered and his eyes lost that far away look.
“Oh…of course we’re going.” He said. “I was not aware that we were even questioning that.”
“Of course not.” Mercy laughed. “So when will the time cubes be completed?”
“hmmm? Oh, I completed them the day before yesterday. I ran the final tests this morning.” Querl responded.
“You completed them…” Mercy gritted her teeth and turned to Mysa. “How long will it take you to do your thing?”
“A matter of minutes.” The White Witch said. “I will have to make the alterations once everyone is loaded into the cubes. The Operators will have to be ready to enter the time stream the instant I am finished.” She looked at Imra. “You will have to be linked with me and the operators. If we remain in this time line even seconds after I complete the spell, we could be destroyed.”
“Consider it done.” Imra nodded and looked around. “Let’s grab the others and get ready to go.”
To be Continued……..
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2012 by Dylan Clearbrook (Revised/Rewritten 2014)
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of
-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric.
-- Otherverse, Multiverse, Primalverse. and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes,
-- as depicted in the Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.
-- Alterverse, The Inheritors and Rising Starr, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Eldric.
-- Wasteland, The Sorority, and Otherverse 2.0, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds
-- are original creations of Nomad (Jake H.).
-- The Realm and The Web of Shadows, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G./ Andrew Shields respectively.
-- DCM: The Merging, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- is an original creation of Chip Caroon and the stories therein remain
-- the property of the respective writers.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations
-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,
-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, John P., DTO, or Jason Froikin and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author.
-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.
-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.