“What have you got for me, Querl?” Imra asked as she stepped into the area of the Legion Headquarters that had been set aside for the use of Querl Dox, aka Brainiac 5, as a research and development center.
At the last meeting of the Legion, she had been elected as the official Leader of the Legion of Super-Heroes. She was still a bit uneasy about it, but determined to do the job she had been elected to.
She had accepted the nomination and, afterwards, ordered that a Legion Charter be created.
The finished product limited the number of active duty Legionnaires to twenty-five and authorized the creation of an auxiliary Legion as backup. It detailed the offices within the Legion and their term limits. It also set forth the Legion’s relationship with Sec-Pol and the United Planets Federation. The charter also set down rules and regulations that each member would have to agree to in order to remain in the Legion.
A few members had wanted to make sure a hard rule against the taking of a life, no matter the circumstances, was included in the Charter, but a majority had blocked such an addition. In the end, they had adopted, almost word for word, the Sec-Pol regulations regarding the use of deadly force.
“What I have is a mystery.” Querl straightened up from the computer console he had been working at when Imra entered. She walked around to see the console and noted that it was displaying one of their newer members: Luornu Durgo – Triad.
“A mystery about Triad?” She asked.
“Actually, not about her, in particular, but rather about her home world, Cargg.” Querl answered. “According to their history, Cargg was colonized just slightly under a thousand years ago. And they have clear records going all the way back to their founder and her family.”
“A single family?” Imra’s eyebrow rose. “A very small gene pool.”
“They had a good geneticist.” Querl responded. “And a lot of single bodied volunteers. The first generation were all, with the exception of the founder, single bodied. Yet all their children, from that point on, were able to split into three separate bodies.”
“So what is so mysterious about Cargg?” Imra wondered where the Coluan was going with this.
“The mystery is the founder.” Querl sat back in his seat, crossing his arm. “She was the very first natural tri-body and she was from Earth.”
“A lot of the more recent humanoid world populations can be traced back to Earth.” Imra told him.
“True.” Querl nodded. “But this is a special case. The Cargg founder’s name was Alyssa Stark and she was the daughter of Industrialist Anthony Stark and Barbara Gordon...Ironman and Batgirl. She was named, I believe, after another famous Batgirl….Alysa Wayne…originally from Otherverse in the 25th century.”
“Okay?” Imra was truly puzzled now. “And this is important why?”
Querl tapped in a command on the keyboard before him and gestured for her to look again at the monitor and the data it displayed.
“According to our history, Barbara Gordon had no children. When she passed away, she left everything in a trust fund for Jensia Gand. Jensia finally claimed that trust a couple of weeks ago.”
“So obviously the Carggians are mistaken.” Imra frowned.
“One would think so.” Querl nodded. “There is only one small catch. After her death, one of Alyssa’s bodies was entombed in a stasis unit that would preserve her body for all time. I made a trip to Cargg and, after a bit of haggling with the authorities, got permission to take a tissue sample from the body. Barbara Gordon is entombed here on Earth beside her husband, Tony Stark. Though I would rather not say how, I was able to obtain enough samples from their remains to run a few tests. There is no doubt. Alyssa Stark was, indeed, the daughter of Anthony Stark and Barbara Gordon. Interestingly enough, she seems to have also been related to Jensia. There is evidence of a form of Cytoplasmic Transference in both of their DNA that indicate that they had not two, but four parents. They share three of those parents. Barbara Gordon, Jennifer Walters-Gand, and Arisia Gand!”
“A mystery indeed.” Imra said. “And you believe this somehow ties into our mysterious Commissioner Santel?”
“I believe so.” Querl nodded. “Though I cannot see exactly how, just yet. I do know that, who ever she is, her name isn’t Santel. Maria Santel, the real one, died as a child as the result of an accident. Every thing else, all the records of her life from that period on, are faked.”
“If they are faked, then they were good enough to fool Sec-Pol.” Imra pointed out. “And Sec-Pol has some of the best equipment.”
“Bah.” Querl waved that aside. “Cora was able to fool them, for the most part.”
Imra smiled as she recalled Cora’s dismay when, after only twenty-three minutes, Querl was able to crack through the faked computer persona of Katherine Kent that Cora had developed to enter the Sec-Pol academy, then detailing the entire life of Cora Zir-El, the daughter of the previous Kryptonian Ambassador to the UPF.
“Whoever Santel is, she has a lot more experience than Cora, and was much more thorough in creating her persona.” Querl continued. He frowned as he turned back to his monitor. “But despite everything, I still have not been able to discover who she is. I even ran a simulation that would show me exactly what the real Maria Santel would have looked like if she had lived…and I come up with a picture of Commissioner Santel.”
“Could she be a Durlan?” Imra demanded.
“No.” Querl shook his head and smiled. “I ruled that out when you asked me to check into her.” He produced a small piece of stained fabric enclosed in a clear film. “This was taken from the uniform Cora was wearing when she arrived at the Spaceport. According their accounts, Santel was wounded by a stray shot and Cora picked her up and, using super-speed, got her out of the area before removing her uniform and joining us. Some of Santel’s bodily fluids from the wound stained Cora’s uniform and I was able to use that to determine that Santel is Terran, even if there are a few abnormalities.”
“What kind of abnormalities?” Imra demanded.
“I…I’m not sure.” Querl admitted. “I have never seen anything like it, though I have been able to discover a few clues that point to a joint Stark Industries – LexCorp’s effort in the late twentieth, early twenty-first century called project Mercy. And that is as far as I have been able to get.”
“Have you tried contacting either LexCorp or Stark-Wayne Incorporated?”
Imra and Querl both spun in place at the new voice. Standing in the doorway was the Commissioner herself.
“If you haven’t, don’t bother.” Santel told them as she approached them. “Though the information is still there, there is no one alive today that is aware of it and, even if they were, they would not have the necessary security codes to access it.”
“But you know what it is.” Querl ventured.
“I do.” Santel nodded. “And if you gather everyone together, I’ll give you all the information you want.”
“You knew we were checking up on you?” Imra demanded.
“Of course.” Santel nodded, looking directly at her. “I figured you would, once you realized that you couldn’t read my mind.” She laughed at Imra’s stunned expression. “Oh yes, I was well aware of your attempts.”
“You shield real well.” Imra drawled.
“I had good teachers.” Santel smiled and then sobered. “Yes, I have kept secrets. It was necessary. But that time is past and we have some serious problems. Gather your people and I will tell you what I know.”
She spun and left the two of them there, staring after her.
They gathered in the main conference room. Constructed to hold only the allowed number of Legionnaires, it still left a lot of room.
Standing at a podium, looking over the tense faces looking back at her, Commissioner Santel sighed.
Though the New Legion Charter allowed twenty-five active members, so for they numbered only nineteen: Imra Ardeen – Saturn Girl, Garth Ranzz – Livewire, Alya Ranzz – Spark, Cora Zir-El – Supergirl, Jensia Gand – Sentinel, Querl Dox – Braniac 5, Salu Digby – Shrinking Violet, Princess Projectra, Jo Nah – Ultra, Jan Arrah – Alchemist, Tinya Wazzo – Apparition, Dawnstar, Lyle Norg – Invisible Kid, Dirk Morgna – Inferno, Luornu Durgo – Triad, Reep Daggle – Chameleon, Tasmia Mallor – Umbra, Drake Burroughs – Wildfire, and Gim Allon – Leviathan.
“Where to begin?” She mused aloud, looking out over them.
“Perhaps telling us who you really are would be a good start.” Imra declared from her place in the front row of seats.
“What do you mean?” Cora, seated three seats to her right, leaned over to look at her. “We know who she is.”
“No Kat, or Cora, I should say.” Santel broke in. “Imra is quite correct.” All eyes turned back to her and there was a collective gasp as her form blurred and shifted.
“A Durlan!” Gim Allon shouted, jumping to his feet.
“No, she’s not.” Querl shouted to be heard over the ensuing muttering. “She is not Durlan, but neither is she human.”
“Querl is both right and wrong.” The woman that now stood before the podium spoke. She was taller than Santel, more slender, with short cut blond hair rather than the longer brown of Santel. “I am not a Durlan but I am not what you would call purely human.” She sighed and took the plunge. “My real name is Mercy Luthor, also known as Matrix.”
“You were there!” Jensia stood, pointing a finger at Mercy. “You were there when Senturia went to Themyscira. I saw you in the images!”
“I was.” Mercy nodded. “That was when I first discovered my true nature.” She looked at Querl. “You wanted to know what project Mercy was?” She spread her arms. “I was project Mercy. Earth had just come out of a dark period that ended with the activation of an alien apparatus called a Probability Device. Or so we thought.”
“I have done research on that.” Querl nodded. “Activated by Phantom Zone criminals, it split one reality into three. According to some theorists, that event was most likely what started the creation of the Multiverse.”
“Those theorists are wrong.” Mercy snorted. “The Multiverse existed before the Probability device was activated by the Phantom Zone Criminals. In any case, here on Earth in this Probability, the conflicts did not end with a flip of switch. Small wars and conflicts continued to rage for several years around the globe. In one of those conflicts, Mercy Graves was killed.” She took a deep breath. “I awoke in a hospital and was led to believe that I had been mortally wounded. It was not until much later, after Lex and I had been married that I discovered what had truly happened to me.” She looked at Cora. “It was soon after Kara, Rogue, the Twins, Jennifer Gand, and Lar Gand had come to the Multiverse. Lex was attempting to regain the presidency of the United Earth Government from a tyrannical would be monarch. There was an assassination attempt and I was shot. Multiple times. Imagine my surprise when, instead of dying, I simply fell backwards…and watched my body expel the bullets and heal.” She shook her head. “That is when I learned the full story. Mercy Graves did die in that war. From what I was given to understand, Lex Luthor was devastated. He considered her his right hand. And those around him did what they could to make things right. I won’t go into the details of how it was accomplished, but the essence is that they created a protoplasmic body in the exact image of Mercy Graves and put her memories in that body and then brought me slowly to life. My memories were not complete, but this they explained away as the effects of the wounds they said I had taken.”
There was a stunned silence for a moment before Querl shook himself with a frown.
“You can, I assume, prove this?” he demanded.
“If need be, yes.” Mercy/Santel nodded as her form flowed and shifted back into that of the Sec-Pol Commisioner.
“Proof would be good.” Imra nodded. “But I am, at this point, more interested in the why? Why would you take the form of a dead girl and then spend years going through the steps necessary to become Sec-Pol Commisioner?” When the others there looked her way, she shrugged. “Even faking her identity, she could not have faked the rest. She would have had to go through the academy and then worked her way up through the ranks.”
“She’s right.” Mercy/Santel nodded. “I did.” She cocked her head to one side and regarded Imra. “But you wanted to know why. The answer is simple, of course. I had to make sure I was in place when you, the Legion, showed up.”
“You knew what was going to happen, and you knew we were going to be here.” Garth demanded, standing as he tossed the accusation at her.
“I did.”
“That means…” Cora stood, her fists clenched. “That you knew my father was going to get killed. You knew…”
“No.” Mercy/Santel cut her off, shaking her head. “It doesn’t work like that. Especially not now.” She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. “Which brings me to why I wanted you all here.” She opened her eyes and looked directly at Cora. “You’re father was not supposed to die, Cora.” She said. “In fact, if history had gone the way it should have, he would have been secretly funding your new Legion.” She turned and looked at Jensia. “As would Queen Donna.” Now she let her gaze travel over all the Legionnaires gathered. “And Commissioner Santel, the real Commissioner Santel, would be your Mentor and liaison with Sec-Pol, not me.”
“The real Santel died as a child.” Querl spoke up, informing those that had not been privy to his conversation earlier with Imra.
“Yes, she did.” Mercy/Santel nodded. “In a fire that should not have happened; in a home that was supposedly fire proof. If you check, you will see that the investigators were never able to identify a cause for that fire.”
“What you are insinuating is that Santel was murdered as a child to prevent her from having an active role in the formation of this Legion.” Querl said.
“I am not insinuating a damned thing.” Mercy/Santel responded. “There is absolutely no evidence that someone intentionally travelled through time to kill a child that would one day grow up to be a Sec-Pol Commissioner. The truth of the matter is, history is not proceeding as it should. As it has already been recorded.”
“Wait a minute!” Querl shook his head. “You say you are a product of the 20th or 21st century…yet you are talking like you have extensive knowledge of OUR future.”
“I.” Mercy/Santel nodded. “It may be difficult for you to grasp, but I have already lived through this period of time. I have already seen the rise of the Legion of Super-Heroes. I have seen the great galactic wars that envelop the galaxy and span the period of time between the 45th and 50th centuries.”
“You’re a time traveler!”
“In a manner of speaking, yes. Perhaps it would be more accurate to call me a Timeline Troubleshooter.” She paused. “It is my job to seek out Temporal anomalies and make corrections, if possible, in order to restore the timeline.” She spread her hands. “This time period was one such anomaly. If I had not been at the spaceport that day, the chances were better than average that you” she pointed at Cora, Imra, the Ranzzes, Jensia, and Querl “would have all gone your own ways afterwards. I did exactly what the original Santel was supposed to have done.” She paused. “Unfortunately, our…my…initial analysis seem to have been incorrect. This is not an isolated incident. Apparently temporal anomalies are occurring through out the timeline…beginning shortly after the Probability Device was first activated in the late 20th century. Additionally, these anomalies are occurring with greater frequency…again, through out the timeline. These…anomalies have cause tremendous damage and have resulted in futures and variations that should never have developed.”
There was a brief silence and the members looked to Imra and Querl.
“If what she says is true,” Querl mused, “and I must admit my own research tends to confirm her analysis of the situation, then we dealing with events that are somehow manipulating the time stream enough to change history without causing normal splits in the time line that would result in the formation of new probabilities. That is impossible.”
“No, it isn’t.”
All eyes turned towards the entrance to the conference room as a slender, pale woman dressed in white stepped through the solid, closed doors. Before anyone could react, she had turned and opened the doors, allowing two more figures to enter.
“Nura Nal.” Imra stood, scowling at the second woman to enter. She turned to the others. “Nura has applied for entrance to the Legion but we have not yet processed her application.” She indicated the man with her and nodded. “Thom Kallor has also applied.”
“This is my sister, Mysa.” Nura stepped forward. “I am afraid I had to enlist her aid to get through this room’s defenses.” This last was said with a nod towards Querl.
“Settle down!” Mercy/Santel barked, seeing several of the seated members tensing. She turned towards Nura. “You’ve seen something?”
It was hard to tell who was more surprised, Nura and the two with her or the seated Legionnaires.
“You know her?” Imra demanded.
“Personally, no.” Mercy/Santel shook her head and then smiled. “Let’s just say that in the history I am familiar with, Dreamer and Starman” she indicated Nura and Thom, “are both members of the Legion in good standing. In fact, Nura eventually serves two terms as Legion Leader.” While every one gaped at her, she indicated the woman that Nura had identified as Mysa. “While the White Witch, not wishing to be a full time member, eventually agrees to join the Legion Substitutes.” She dropped the smile and turned back to Nura before anyone could recover from their shock. “While your scientific abilities nearly match those of Querl and Lyle, your true powers are your precognitive abilities. What have you seen?”
“Fading.” Nura responded instantly, her eyes narrowed as she looked at Mercy/Santel. “The fabric of reality unraveling. Time in upheaval. And death.”
When Mercy didn’t say anything she stepped up beside her and looked out at the gathered Legionnaires.
“I’ve seen what will happen if the Legion does not act.” She said. “And I’ve seen what may happen if it does.”
“You say ‘may happen’.” Imra demanded. “You don’t know for sure?”
“No one can.” Nura shook her head. “There is no power that can foretell what exactly what will happen in the future. I can tell you the possible futures that will arise from the actions of the Legion. Freewill and chance will still have their say in things.”
“You said you could tell us what may happen if the Legion acts.” Garth pointed out. “But right before that, you told us you could see what would happen if we did not act. You added no qualifiers to that. You did not say what ‘may’ happen. You said what ‘will’ happen. That is telling the future, isn’t it?”
“No.” Nura shook her head. “Because if the Legion does not act, then there will be no future. It will all end. Everything.”
“This has something to do with the anomalies I’ve discovered.” Querl mused, bring all eyes towards him. He quickly outlined the anomaly centered around the world of Cargg.
“So history is being screwed with.” Jensia said, looking over at Luornu. “Your world was founded by the daughter of Barbara Gordon-Stark, yet history shows she died childless.”
“I can assure you that Barbara did not die childless.” Mercy/Santel said, bring attention back to her. “In fact, I can tell you that it was her experience with your mothers on Themyscira, Jensia, that altered her genetic makeup enough to turn what should have been normal triplets into the first tri-bodied individual. The founder of your world of Cargg, Luornu.”
“I can see that.” Jensia nodded slowly. “The recordings I have seen show that, for a brief moment, Barbara Gordon was pulled into the composite being Senturia while under the Amazon’s Purple Healing Ray.”
“My people know nothing of that!” Luornu exclaimed. “That makes you, in a way, our founder’s sister!”
“I guess it does.” Jensia nodded, bemused.
“So Querl is correct. There is an anomaly.” Garth said. “History says that Barbara Gordon died childless. But if she did, then Cargg would not exist.” He looked at Mercy/Santel “You say that Cora’s father should be alive, but he is dead. The real Santel should be here, as Commissioner of Sec-Pol, but you are here instead. And now Nura here says if we don’t do something, everything is going to end.”
“Yep.” Mercy/Santel nodded. “That about sums it up.”
“Forgive me for wanting just a bit more information.” Garth growled. “What, exactly, is it we are supposed to be doing?”
“First, let me give you a bit of history.” She took a deep breath. “I am sure you have all seen the historic footage of the arrival of Superwoman to the Multiverse?” She waited as most there nodded.
“You are talking about her encounter with the hunter killer ship.” Gim Allon said. Not surprising since he had, before his encounter with a strange asteroid fragment on the surface of Mars, been a student in one of the most prestigious archeological universities in the Sol system.
“Yes.” Mercy removed a memory crystal from her breast pocket and placed it in a receptacle on the podium. Before she activated it, however, she stared for a moment at Gim. “Tell me, Leviathan, what was Mars like when you were there last?”
“Not much different.” Gim shrugged. “The terraforming process is almost complete, although the atmosphere is still too thin to leave the domes without an oxygen mask.”
“Interesting.” Santel shook her head. “And Venus?”
“Though we can put colonies on the surface, it’ll take several more centuries to reduce that cloud cover.” Gim responded, obviously annoyed. “What has that got to do with anything?”
“Not much in the here and now.” Santel admitted. “But it is another sign that something is truly wrong. In my time, both Venus and Mar were completely and almost instantly Terraformed by the Guardians of Oa and Senturia and became the new homes for the refugees from Tamaran and Graxos IV.” She let that sink in and activated the mem-crystal. “What I am going to show you now has never been seen before.” Behind her a viewscreen came to life, showing none other than Kara Zor-El, Rogue In-Zee, and Lex and Mercy Luthor seated at a table. “This is an after action report that Kara and Rogue gave Lex and I after they dealt with the Hunter-Killer.” She purposely did not turn to look at the images as Kara spoke.
The Legionnaires watched and listened, spellbound, as Kara and Rogue detailed their actions.
“I have to admit, I don’t think we could have done it had it not been for a little help from the Legion of Super-Heroes.” Kara’s voice proclaimed, causing everyone to gasp. “If Salu Digby had not hitched a ride on my cape, and then revealed herself once I was on the inside, I could not have gotten through the kryptonite shielding to cut out Brainiac’s control unit.”
Salu put a hand to her mouth, stunned, as she watched, completely unaware of the eyes that turned her way.
“Where there any more of these…Legionnaires…present?” The voice of Lex Luthor demanded.
“Not actively.” Kara Shook her head. “But after Rogue and I landed at the Museum, I was able to spot them with my telescopic and x-ray vision. They were in the crowd. I was able to recognize Garth Ranzz, his sister Alya, Imra Ranzz, Tasmia Mallor, Rok Krinn and Salu, of course.” She smiled. “For the record, I also knew them as Lightning Lad, Light Lass, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Cosmic Boy, and Shrinking Violet.”
“And why do you think they were there?” Lex asked.
“Lex, for the smartest man on Earth, you can really be dense some times.” A few of the watchers noticed that Mercy/Santel had closed her eyes and had silently mouthed the words that the Mercy on the view screen was speaking. “If you were a future society and had the ability, wouldn’t you want to go back and witness an historical event? Such as the first appearance of Kara and Rogue?”
The view ended and Mercy/Santel replaced the mem crystal with another.
“This next recording is a significant time later on Daxam after Kandor had been enlarged and Lar Gand made terrifying discovery.” She said. Jensia sat up straight at the mention of her father’s name. “This is not long after Jennifer and Arisia were at Themyscira.”
This time the view showed Kara and Rogue seated at a large conference table with Zor-El, Allura, Lar, Jennifer Walters-Gand, and Arisia Gand.
“This isn’t right.” Kara said. “When I was inside the Hunter-Killer over Metropolis, Salu informed me quite clearly that, according to her history, Daxam was a dead planet.” She shook her head. “Later, after you were enlarged here, I figured she just didn’t want to risk a time paradox by telling me what was going to happen in the future. But now, I am not so sure. She was quite sure that there had never been any Hunter-killers developed in this reality.”
“Either she lied or didn’t know.” Rogue suggested.
“No.” Lar shook his head. “Vi would have known what she was talking about. And if there was a danger of causing a time paradox, lying would have been just as dangerous as telling the truth. She would have just kept her mouth shut.”
“These are memories you have of being a member of the Legion?” Arisia asked.
As Lar nodded, the scene ended.
“Before you ask, no, I don’t know the entire story about that.” Mercy/Santel told her listeners. “All I know is that Lar had two sets of memories. One set that came with that body and one he some how attained from a future, thirty-first century version of himself. A version that was a Member of the Legion of Super-heroes and, quite incidentally, betrothed to Tasmia Mallor!” She took a moment and then continued.
“Am I correct in assuming that none of you travelled back to the twenty-first century?” She asked.
“Of course we haven’t.” Querl answered. “But that does not mean that we won’t at some time in the future. Obviously we do so after this Rok Krinn joins the Legion.”
“That isn’t going to happen.” Mercy/Santel shook her head. “In the original history, Rok Krinn would have met Garth and Imra in route to Earth. He should have been a founding member. Rok was gunned down on his home world of Braal while on his way to the Spaceport.” She looked them over. “I think you are beginning to see that there is more to this than a few simple anomalies.” She indicated the now blank view screen. “Kara saw a Legion that she could not have seen. She saw Rok Krinn, but he is dead. Salu gives Kara a false history. Hell, people, she even told Kara that the Coluan revolt against the machine masters failed! Venus and Mars are still in the colonial stages, when both should be thriving worlds full of Tamareans and Graxians! I’ve met the residents of those worlds!”
“Okay. We get it.” Imra stood again. “Obviously there is something that you think we can do to help or you would not have bothered with this... Why don’t you just tell us what it is and let’s get on with it.”
“We, I and the people I work for, have determined that the temporal disturbances can be traced to the twenty-first century. Particularly, the twenty-first century in Probability Three.”
“There was a major incident in Probability Three that required the assistance of the Green Lantern Corps of both Probabilities One and Two.” Jensia mused. “I read about it when I was on Oa.” She closed her eyes as she tried to recall. “Jennifer Gand and Arisia Gand were involved, as was Kara, Rogue, and the Twins and the group they were associated with….The Sorority, I believe it was called.” She opened her eyes and looked towards Luornu. “Barbara Gordon was there as well, and the records indicate that she was several months pregnant. But there was nothing after that. I simply assumed she lost the baby.”
“Was there anything more?” Imra demanded. Jensia shook her head.
“If there was, then the Guardians had classified that information.” She said.
“Something so classified that the Sentinel couldn’t demand to see it?” Garth asked. “Those Guardians are immortal. They knew your mothers. Just as they know what you are!”
“No, the Guardians would not have let her see classified material.” Cora surprised everyone by speaking up. “Sure, she may be the Sentinel. In the same way that I am Supergirl. But let’s face it. Compared to Kara, Rogue, Jenny, or Arisia, we are rank amateurs. Beginners. We really haven’t done anything to earn those titles.”
“That is about to change.” Mercy/Santel told them. “We believe that Qward was involved in what was going on in Probability Three. We also believe that they are getting help! We have identified at least three different…players, two of which we know from our records to have been associated with Qward. Let me make something clear here. This does not just involve the Multiverse. Our records indicate that, like the first Continuum War depicted in your history, a conflict is building in the 21st century that will, afterwards, most likely be referred to as the 2nd Continuum War. Like the first, it will involve more than one Continuverse. We know that our history records that both the Inheritor’s Continuverse, the Alterverse, the Wasteland Continuverse, Otherverse, and Primalverse were all also involved.”
Mercy/Santel let the stunned silence that followed her announcement stretch out and then went on, her tone informing everyone that she would accept no arguments.
“There will be a conflict in the 21st century. The true history, this history is not recorded in your books but happened nonetheless. That conflict, however, is immaterial to what we, as the Legion of Super-Heroes must do. In their time, the Twins conclude that the temporal anomalies and another disaster that is looming are being caused by the Probability Device and its continued presence within the Multiverse. While everyone else is engaged in the conflict throughout the Continuum, they and the Sorority have been tasked with locating the Probability Device and removing it from the Multiverse.” She paused and to a moment to look hard at each and every one of them. “We are going to the Twenty-First century Probability Three to help out, ladies and gentlemen. We are going to help the Twins and the Sorority. If we don’t then history will continue to unravel until nothing remains.” She looked at Nura, Thom, and Mysa. “You three will go with us.” She tossed a third mem-crystal to Querl. “I am aware that I am possibly creating a time paradox myself, but I don’t think it really matters at this stage of the game. On that crystal you will find designs for a time travel device. Developed by another Querl Dox.”
She looked around.
“Well? What are you waiting for, people? Let’s get to it!”
To be Continued……..
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2010 by Dylan Clearbrook (Revised/Rewritten 2014)
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of
-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric.
-- Otherverse, Multiverse, Primalverse. and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes,
-- as depicted in the Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.
-- Alterverse, The Inheritors and Rising Starr, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Eldric.
-- Wasteland, The Sorority, and Otherverse 2.0, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds
-- are original creations of Nomad (Jake H.).
-- The Realm and The Web of Shadows, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G./ Andrew Shields respectively.
-- DCM: The Merging, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- is an original creation of Chip Caroon and the stories therein remain
-- the property of the respective writers.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations
-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,
-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, John P., DTO, or Jason Froikin and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author.
-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.
-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.