Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes

A New Generation

Part 4

© Dylan Clearbrook


*Note: the terms Kryptonian and Daxamite are used interchangeably in these stories. Daxam was settled by the enlarged Kandorians in the early 21st century and while actual inhabitants of Daxam are now called Daxamites, the system of worlds held in the Roxal and Rao systems are called the Kryptonian Worlds.


Metropolis Spaceport
Metropolis Megaplex, Earth


Later, as she looked back over the incident, Santel would be able to recall that five plasma bolts flared from the crowd towards the Ambassador’s party.  Yet all she saw at that moment were the stunned faces of the advance guard as the bolts splashed harmlessly off of…nothing.

It was if the air directly in front of the part had solidified into an invisible, impenetrable wall.

And splashing was not quite correct.  Such energies, deflected aimlessly could easily have taken out multitudes of innocent by-standers.  Instead, the invisible wall seemed to absorb the blasts.

For an instant the scene was frozen as assassins and their targets gaped at one another, neither understanding what had just happened.

A quick glance to her left assured Santel that what ever had happened, it had nothing to do with Kat, who stood as bewildered as she.

Then all hell broke loose as the Kryptonian guards shoved the Ambassador unceremoniously to the floor and drew weapons.

The gate the Spaceport authorities had set aside for the use of the Kryptonian delegation had, of course, been cordoned off from the rest of the facility, yet even so there had to be well over three hundred people crammed into the area.  Delegates from other worlds waiting to greet the new comers, an Earth Delegation, woefully short on security, near the front. 

Amongst the empty rows of seats meant for passengers waiting to board shuttles to waiting spacecraft in orbit, news crews and their equipment.  Reporters from nearly every world in the UPF.

And scattered among them…the terrorists.

For a horrified moment, Santel thought Kryptonian guards were going to start firing indiscriminately into the crowd.  Instead, the held their fire, unable to get clear shots and unwilling to take out civilians.

Yet the number of potential assassins became horrifyingly clear soon enough. Though only five assassins had fired initially, it was clear by the fire that now raked into the guards that there were more…many more…willing to give up their own lives to snuff out the life of the Kryptonian Ambassador.

Whatever had stopped the first volley of fire was no longer operative as guard after guard fell beneath the blistering blasts of energy that streamed towards them.

Drawing her side arm, Santel started towards the row, only to rock back as a plasma bolt sizzled past her, singing her right arm.  Her vision colored by the instant pain, she was only partially conscious of Kat whisking her out of receiving area and into a hallway.

She shook her head, wincing as the movement jarred her arm. Reaching out with her left hand, she grasped Kat’s arm as she was gently lowered to the floor, her back propped against a wall.

“Kat, you’ve got to save them.  They’re getting cut to pieces in there.”

“But…” Kat straightened, looking back towards the fighting.  Then, turning back, her face grave with sudden determination, she nodded. “You’ll be okay?”

“Just give me a few hours and I’ll be as good as new.” Santel managed to smile.

Kat made a face, showing that she did not think that likely, yet she nodded once again.

“Go.” Santel pushed her away. “It’s time for Supergirl to make her appearance.”  She gasped…for she was talking to no one….Kat had vanished, only a slight breeze remaining to indicate that the girl had moved with Super-speed.   Gods but it had been so long since she had seen, or not seen as the case may be, any one move that fast!



“Damn it!” The Coluan cursed and threw his belt to the ground, diving behind a row of seats to follow it.

On the floor beside him, Jensia winced as plasma bolts seared the air near them.

“What happened?” She demanded.  “And what the hell was that?”

“A shield.” The Coluan snarled. “A personal force field.” He shook his head. “I designed it to protect a single person, not an entire party of people. The strain of expanding the coverage, coupled with the plasma bolts caused it to overload and burn out.”

“Well it lasted long enough to save the Ambassador from the first attempt.” Jensia tensed her self for action. “Now I guess it’s my turn to make sure she stays alive through the fire-fight.”

“Perhaps we can help with that.”

Jensia turned to see three other youths dive to the floor near them as plasma bolts incinerated the backs of seats above them.

One was a red-headed male and the other, a red headed female, obviously related, if appearances weren’t deceiving. The third was a blond woman, the pink emblem on her clothes marking her as a telepath from Titan.

“Is this them?” The male asked the blonde woman.

“They are.” The blond woman frowned and then looked at Jensia, her eyes wide. “Garth, she’s a Sentinel!”

“Sentinel?” the red haired girl raised up slightly to look over at Jensia. “She can’t be.”

“Excuse me for interrupting, but we do seem to have a problem at the moment.” The Coluan youth drawled.

“Right.” The youth named Garth nodded and looked at Jensia with a speculative gaze. “Okay. I am going to assume that you have powers similar to a Green Lanterns.  Correct?”

Bemused, Jensia could only nod.

“Good.  Imra, how many terrorists are we dealing with here?”

The blonde concentrated and then shook her head.

“I can pick up at least twenty five, including those that came in on our shuttle. That doesn’t mean there aren’t more.”

“Understood.  Can you identify those twenty-five and implant that information in our minds?”

“I can and…” Jensia felt a buzzing on the edge of her consciousness and suddenly names and faces flowed into her mind. “…done.”

“Great.” Garth raised his head. “Here’s what we do.  Ayla, you go to the left and try to take out those you can.  I’ll go to the left.  Sentinel….”

“Let me guess, I go up the center?”

“Well, if you have Green Lantern like powers, then you can shield yourself better than either of us can.”  Garth turned to the Coluan. “You.  See if you can get that belt working again and then you and Imra get it to the Ambassador.  If we miss any of them, she is going to need something to protect her.”

Before Garth had finished speaking the Coluan and snatched the belt and was already well into dismantling it.

“Good.” Garth looked first at Jensia and then Ayla. “Ready?”  When they both nodded, he took a deep breath. “Then let’s do it!”

Putting actions to words, Garth leapt up and Jensia was momentarily startled as lightning bolts sprang from his fingers, arcing towards a plasma pistol-wielding terrorist.

After that, she had no more time to watch as bolts flashed in her direction. Her automatic shields absorbed most of the blasts, though they were enough to force her to step backwards.

“Watch it!” the Coluan youth snapped from his place on the floor. Then “Got it…it won’t last long, though.   Now we just have to figure out how to get it to the ambassador without the guards shooting us.”

“Leave that to me.” Jensia heard the one called Imra say and then she was forced to focus her attention on the problem in front of her.

Twin blasts of green energy speared from her hands, catching a terrorist in the solar plexus, hurling him backwards into a wall where he slid to the floor.  Whether he was dead or merely unconscious did not concern Jensia.  He was out of the action for the moment and it was time to turn to the next target.


Ayla tried to bury her fear, hardly hesitating as Garth gave the command to go.

Leaping out from behind the seats she and the others had crouched behind, she snapped a kick at the nearest terrorist, pushed a reporter down to the ground and then fired a blast of lightning towards another terrorist.  The blast missed but it caused the terrorist to yelp with fear and drop behind cover.

She was grateful that she and her brothers had practiced with their powers, finding different ways of doing things.  The effort now paid off as she released a stream of electricity to deflect a plasma bolt that would have taken out a news crew.

She followed up by leaping up and over a row of seats to plant her foot in the face of the terrorist.  A small jolt of juice and the terrorist slumped to the floor.  She really hoped she hadn’t killed the man, but at the moment, she didn’t have the time to worry about it.

Landing in a crouch, she sought her next target.


Ducking and crawling, Imra and the Coluan made their way around the battle, closer to the embattled Kryptonian party.

“Querl, stop!” Imra hissed.  The Coluan looked back, shocked.

“How did you know….” He stopped, shaking his head with a wry smile. “Telepath…right.”   He crawled back, closer to her. “What’s wrong?”

“Shhhh.” Imra closed her eyes briefly and then opened them wide with alarm. “Querl, the Ambassador’s guards!  They’re Durlans!” She pointed and Querl saw the two guards, both Kryptonian in appearance, making their way slowly towards where two other guards crouched over the prostrate Ambassador. “Damn!  The real guards are wearing mental shields.  I can’t get through them in time to warn them!”

“How about the fake ones?” Querl hissed, his fists clutching the force field belt. “Can you read them?  Better yet, “ he thought furiously. “ Can you make one of them believe the other is a real guard….”

“Of course!” Imra exclaimed. She closed her eyes and Querl kept his eyes on the guards. He bit back a yell of exultation as one faltered in his advance, the plasma pistol he carried moving to cover the other fake guard.  Querl could see the guards face, could see the horror in his eyes as his arm seemed to rise of it’s own violation, his finger tightening on the hair trigger.

The bolt flashed out, engulfing the second Durlan imposter. Instantly, the guards over the Ambassador raised their own weapons and cut down the remaining Durlan imposter.  Querl knew instantly what had gone through their minds.  They had seen what they assumed to be one of their own burned down and had jumped to the obvious conclusion that the shooter had to be an imposter.

A small sound behind him caused him to turn and then lurch to catch the blonde telepath as she swooned.

Querl checked her pulse and breathed a sigh of relief.  She had merely fainted. Most probably because she had not disengaged from the Durlan’s mind before the guards cut him down.

Now what the hell was he supposed to do?  There was no way, without the telepath, that he was going to be allowed close enough to the Ambassador to get the belt on her.


It wasn’t working!  Jensia snarled as she let loose another blast, this time sending an assassin slamming into a plas-crete column.

They were taking out Terrorist left and right, but they had not allowed for the restrictions that were placed on their counter attacks by the panicking by-standers.  They were three individuals fighting three separate battles rather than a team fighting together.  Such cooperation would take practice.

Even as she flared out again, one part of her mind locked on her recent thought and she had to smile.  Something was happening here…something important and it was only loosely related to the Kryptonian Ambassador.  Whatever that something was, however, would have to wait until they go t out of this mess.  Assuming, of course, that they did get out!


“Who the hell are those people?” One of the guards crouching over the Ambassador swore.  He raised his pistol and took careful aim.   Unlike the terrorists, the guards carried lasers.  Though not nearly as deadly as the plasma weapons the terrorists were using, they were less likely to accidentally take out an innocent by-stander with the thin, controlled flashes the lasers produced.

“Who the hell cares?” the other guard snapped his weapon up and fired. “They are on our side and right now, that is all that matters!”

“It may not matter….” Whatever he was going to say was lost in the swoosh and roar of a plasma bolt that engulfed his head.  The other guard barely had time to turn before he, too was incinerated on the spot.

Coughing in the acrid smoke, the Kryptonian Ambassador struggled to her knees.  The look she threw towards the two terrorists running towards her was not one of defeat or fear…merely contempt!

“Die Kryptonian bitch!” One terrorist snarled as both raised their weapons.  They knew their chances of leaving the spaceport alive were non-existent.  There had never been plans made for an escape that they knew going in would be impossible.  But they would have achieved their goal…the Ambassador would die and the UPF would fall apart!”

The weapons discharged and both terrorists screamed as their bolts were turned back towards them!  In the instant before their eyes were melted and their bodies vaporized, they had a glimpse of red, blue, and yellow.

Supergirl turned to look at the ambassador.  She saw the look of recognition on her relative’s face and put a finger to her lips.

“Ambassador!” Both turned as a blonde, green skinned youth scurried towards them.  The youth, gapped at Supergirl for a moment and then thrust the yellow belt in his hand at the Ambassador. “Put it on.  This is the device that stopped the first attack.  It’s a personal force-field.”

“I can’t….” The Ambassador began, stopping as Supergirl touched her arm.

“Do it.”  She ordered. “I’m going to be busy and I need to know that you are safe!”

The Ambassador nodded slowly and slipped the belt around her waist.

“Touch the small stud on top of the buckle…there.” The green skinned youth ordered. “Now get down. It failed earlier and I had to do quick repairs.  I don’t know how long it will last or how many hits it will take before it over loads again.”

Supergirl waited until the Ambassador obeyed and then nodded to the youth.

“Stay with her.” She commanded.  The youth could only nod mutely as the blonde girl…as Supergirl…rose into the air.

Instantly the girl became the target of every terrorist not already occupied with the other threats. Plasma bolts came fast and furious. 

Kat winced with each strike.  No matter how powerful or invulnerable she was, those damned things STUNG!

“Enough!” she muttered…and disappeared.


Garth was sweating with the effort.  He was taking short shots, his lighting bolts tightly controlled to avoid innocents and powered down so as not to out right fry the terrorists.  It wasn’t that he had anything against killing the scum, but the more the police could take alive, the greater the possibility they could garner some useful information from them. And he was intensely interested n whatever information they could get. Perhaps he could get a line on Mekt…

For the most part, like his sister, he was relying primarily on his physical abilities to take out one terrorist at a time.

Through his peripheral vision, he could just make out the form of the Sentinel to his right as she fired blast after green blast.  Not all hit their target but those that did took one more terrorist out of action.  Beyond her, though he could not see his sister, he could see her arcs of lightning.

He spotted another terrorist and raised his hands…only to pause as the terrorist’s weapon vanished from his hands and he slumped to the ground, his form rippling as, unconscious, he resumed his natural Durlan appearance.

He yelped and stepped backwards as a blonde girl in a red, yellow, and blue suit appeared before him.

She put out a hand to stop him from falling over backwards and then gave him a little shake to get his attention.

“Get to the Ambassador.” The girl ordered. “Protect her.” She took a look around. “Take the lightning girl with you.” She waited until he nodded and then she was gone again, a rush of wind following her.


“Can you do more than shoot blasts?”

“Sweet Athena!” Jensia gasped as the blonde girl appeared next to her. Her reflexes caused her to swing her arms towards the newcomer…and she gasped and then snarled as a hand like a vise gripped her arm.

Kat stepped back, astonished as the green girl exerted her will and snatched her arm out of her grasp.

Her red eyes glowed and green energy crackled at her fingertips.

“Whoa!” Kat put up her hands. “I’m one of the good guys!”

Jensia took in the uniform and then recalled the recent news reports in Metropolis.

“Supergirl.” She guessed. Relaxing as the blonde nodded.  She nodded in turn, answering Kat’s original question. “What have you got in mind?”

“We need to get the innocents out of the way!” Kat explained. “If you can do that, I can take out the terrorists!”

Jensia considered and then shook her head.

“I have a better idea.  I know which ones are the terrorists. I’ll point them out.  You grab them and I can hold them!”

“You can do that?”

Rather than use words, Jensia concentrated and power flowed from her hands.  Energy that spun out to form a rippling, topless cage of energy around three of the fallen terrorists.

“That’ll do it!” Kat laughed and leapt into the air.

In moments it was over as, taking visual cues from Jensia, Kat snatched terrorists up, disarmed them, and deposited them in the cage.  As more were added, Jenisa merely enlarged the energy cell she had created.

Finally it was done.  The terrorists, those that lived, were enclosed in the energy cage and the panicked innocents, with the exception of one brave news crew, had made their mad dash to safety.

“Everyone….” Sec-Pol officers stormed into gate area, weapons drawn. “…freeze?” SO Terreli stood at their front, his weapon drooping as he took in the carnage.  His gaze took in the chard bodies of the Ambassador’s guards and hapless civilians, the sprawled bodies of several terrorists, the green energy cage, and the six youths that stood with the Kryptonian Ambassador.  Yet it was the blond girl in red, yellow, and blue that kept demanding his attention. “Supergirl?” he all but whispered, his disbelief apparent.

“Thank the gods that she and her friends were here, SO!”

SO Terreli turned as Santel, her injured right arm cradled in her left, stepped in behind him.  She used her chin to indicate the gate area.

“Have your men secure this area until we can arrange for a protective escort for the Ambassador.” She ordered.

“Yes ma’am!” the SO stood straighter and started to turn away before pausing. “uh, Ma’am.”  He indicated the Green girl and the energy cage. “I thought Green Lantern’s were forbidden in UPF territory. Should we take her into custody?”  The quaver in his voice said he truly did not relish the idea of trying to apprehend a Green Lantern.

“She’s not a Green Lantern, SO.” Santel locked eyes with him. “She’s the Sentinel…the New Sentinel!”

The SO looked back at the girl with wide eyes.   Here, right before him, two legends of the past, it seemed had returned to life!  Supergirl and the Sentinel!

“Yes Ma’am.” He gulped.  Everyone with even a moderate knowledge of history knew about the Sentinels.  And he knew, had the Commissioner ordered him to apprehend her, he would have wished she were only a Green Lantern.  Turning away quickly, he began barking out orders to secure the area.  Ten men he specifically ordered to take control of the prisoners the Sentinel held.   He made sure he was NOT on that detail.

Making sure the SO was doing his duty; Santel then continued walking until she was standing before the Ambassador of the Kryptonian systems.

“Ambassador Gil-El” Santel bowed low before the Ambassador. “Welcome to Earth.  I apologize….”

“Nonsense.” Ambassador Sara Gil-El waved away the apology and stepped forward to shake Santel’s hands. “This was no more your fault than it was mine.”  She took a deep breath and looked around before continuing. “I am only glad, for all our sakes, and that of the UPF that this despicable attempt did not succeed.”

Thinking of the Daxamite Battle Fleet orbiting the planet, Santel could only nod mutely.

“And…” The Ambassador turned to the six youths that stood near by. “I do believe that we owe these, heroes, a tremendous debt of gratitude.”

“That we do.” Santel muttered.

They made small talk until an escort arrived for the Ambassador…an escort that was not allowed near until Imra checked them out thoroughly.

“We will speak again, Commissioner Santel.” The Ambassador nodded and then turned to Kat. “And you, Supergirl.  I do believe that you and I should have a talk as well.   As soon as possible!”  And with that she was gone.

The prisoners were trotted out into waiting vehicles and the Sec-Pol officers withdrew, taking the news crew with them, leaving Santel alone with the youths.

She studied them for a moment and then sighed.

“Within minutes the public is going to learn of what has happened here.” She said.  She gestured towards the exit through which the news crew had followed the SO. “And every single being in the UPF is going to see the six of you in action, saving the Kryptonian Ambassador. You’re heroes…and you are also going to be targets.” She shook her head and then turned away.  Over her shoulder she called out.

“Kat, I want all of you in my office in three hours. After you’ve gotten cleaned up.”  She paused and then “That is not a request!”

She passed through the exit, leaving the six youths staring at one another.

Hadly Tower
Metropolis Megaplex, Earth
6 Months later

Santel rubbed her eyes, leaning back in her seat behind her desk.

It was late yet the monitors that showed various areas of the tower showed activity as the team on duty returned from a relatively minor mission.

It had been easier than she had thought it would be, she mused. She had expected resistance to the notion from the Amazon Sentinel, Jensia, at the least.  Yet not one of the six had balked at the notion of forming a group…a legion of Super-heroes.

Both Garth and Ayla, now code named Livewire and Spark, respectively, had let it be known that they were interested, but that they had their own agenda as well…and a agenda that included locating their wayward brother, Mekt Ranz, and bringing him to justice.

Once she had gotten them to agree, she had figured the real battle would be to get first the Earth Gov and then the UPF as a whole, to agree to recognize the Legion as a legitimate branch of Law Enforcement.  The mere mention of both Supergirl and the Sentinel was enough to quell any doubts and garner support.

Her one obstacle had come from a truly unexpected source…The Kryptonian Ambassador!  The Ambassador had finally agreed to support the Legion…on the condition that Kat Kent ceased to exist and that Supergirl reclaimed her true name…Cora Zir-El!

Kat…Cora, rather…had agreed with no cajoling needed.  As the young woman had confided to her later, it would have only been a matter of time before some bright lad or lass utilized the tremendous technology at their disposal to ferret out the truth of her identity.  She actually looked embarrassed when she admitted that it had taken the Coluan, Querl Dox, now code named Brainiac 5, all of twenty-two and a half minutes to discover her entire life story.

Imra Ardeen, code named Saturn Girl, had agreed to join the group readily enough.  Already it seemed as if she belonged and more often than not, surprisingly enough, she could be seen to take an active role in the leadership of the Legion.

That had surprised Santel.  She had expected either Cora or Jensia to take the leadership of the fledgling Legion, yet neither had seemed concerned and often deferred to the more mature telepath.

And Jensia.  The Amazon raised Sentinel!  Daughter of Lar Gand, Jennifer Walters Gand, and Arisia Gand.  Conceived well over a thousand years in the past and kept in suspended animation, allowed to grow ever so slowly over the years until her birth.

The young green skinned woman had seemed to feel as if she had found a home with the Legion.  A place where she truly belonged.

Once they had learned each others’ histories, it was a forgone conclusion that Jensia and Cora would become fast friends. Not as close, Santel sighed, as Jensia and Ayla had grown, of course.

Though the entire Hadly Tower and several of the surrounding buildings had become the New headquarters for the Legion, giving each member and any number of future members, their own quarters, it was quite rare to find either Jensia or Ayla alone in those quarters.  The two had become quite an item, much to the amusement of most and the exasperation of Garth.

Garth and Imra, for their part, did not even pretend to have separate quarters.  Indeed, there was already talk that the two would soon travel to Winrath to be married according to the customs of Garth’s people.

Of course, Cora, Ayla, and one of the new members, Luornu Durgo, Triad, were spearheading a campaign for the two to get married right here in the Legion Complex.

Thinking of Triad brought Santel’s attention to the newer members of the group.  They had started as six but over the months, their numbers had grown as member planets of the UPF offered up their heroes to join the Legion.

Not all were accepted, of course.  The six original members had set down the rules and requirements for membership and they stuck to those standards.

Triad, the Carggite that could split into three individual bodies (each with its own unique personality), was one such new member.

And then there was Salu Digby of Imsk. Shrinking Violet.  She could, at will, shrink to microscopic size, and Gym Allon of Earth…Leviathan.  With the ability to expand his size, proportionally, to extraordinary degrees.

From Orando came Princess Projectra, with her ability to cast massive illusions.  And from Rimbor, a rough fringe world, came Jo Nah…Ultra.  With, it seemed, every power Supergirl claimed….but only able to use one at a time.

The list went on…Tinya Wazzo of Bgztl, Apparition, with the ability to phase through solid objects at will; Jan Arrah of Trom, Alchemist, with the ability to transmute elements; Dawnstar of Starhaven, with her wings, her ability survive unprotected in space, and her superior tracking and navigation skills; From Earth – Drake Burroughs -  Wildfire; Lyle Norg - Invisible Kid, Dirk Morgna – Inferno. 

Surprisingly, there was even an applicant from Durla.  Reep Daggle – Chameleon.  The Legion had kept sensibly quite about his addition to its ranks…oddly enough, Reep had no real ties to Durla, having been raised away from the unrest in space by human adoptive parents.  Nevertheless, Santel had insisted on a complete background check and a thorough scanning of his mind by Imra!

From Talok VIII came Tasmia Mallor…..

“She is a very beautiful woman…”

“GaaaH!” Santel shot up from her seat, nearly tumbling over her desk as she spun towards the unexpected voice…a voice she remembered all to well.

“Don’t do that!” Santel spat, putting a hand on her chest as if to quiet a racing heart.

Behind her now spinning seat, two faint columns of green mist floated in the air.

One floated closer, as if to gaze at the computer screen which now showed Tasmia Mallor, also known as Umbra, walking down a hallway towards the quarters to which she had been assigned.

“I can see what he saw in her.” The voice, soft with memory, emanated from the mist.

“Jealousy?” Santel tried not to snarl as she stopped the chair from spinning by grasping the seat back, her knuckles whitening as she clung tightly.  “After so long?”

“Merely curiosity.”  The misty column seemed to fade slightly and then moved back to float beside the second. “Time is running out.” The softness was gone from the voice now. “Cohesiveness is threatened. The Legion must now do what it was formed to do!”

“No.” Santel gripped the seat back tighter, not noticing the metal bend under her grasp. “There has to be some other way.”

“There is no other way.” A second voice, from the other column of mist replied. “Our grasp is weakening.  We cannot hold for much longer.  It is what you were sent for!”

“Damnit, don’t tell me my job!” Santel hissed. “I know damned well why you sent for me. But things have changed. These young ones….they don’t deserve this. I…”

“You have come to care for them.” The second voice cut in, the tone one of understanding and compassion. “But there is no choice.  None at all.”

The columns seemed to solidify, becoming translucent figures of two women.

“Arisia…” Santel shook her head as she addressed the second figure. “We can’t ask this of these young ones.  They are still learning to work as teams…to function as a cohesive unit.  And what if they succeed?  Their entire reality might cease to exist.”

“And if they fail, or do not even attempt, then all of reality will cease to exist!”

Santel turned her head slightly, for it had been the other that had spoken.


“This is not right.” The ghostly figure of Jennifer Walters Gand spoke. “History has been changed and you know it…for you have lived through the true history.  History must be restored….Aisnej and the other must be stopped!”

The figures blurred and merged, forming one misty column and the voice that now issued forth was the two toned voice that she had so long ago gotten used to.

“The one you call Imra is already suspicious.  She cannot read your mind and yet cannot detect any mental shield with which she is familiar.  The one you call Querl Dox is already researching your history…and is not liking what he has been able to discover.”

Santel sagged, her head hanging.

“You must prepare them…if you must, reveal yourself…but you must get them ready for this.”  The column started to fade and then stopped.

“Be at ease, Mercy.” The voice, as gentle as it could be in that strange double sound, “If there is a way, what can be saved will be.  Things might change, but we will do what we can to preserve all that can be preserved.”

The mist faded and Santel stood alone in her office, tears rolling unheeded down her cheeks.

End SLSH: 4



-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2005 by Dylan Clearbrook

-- and may not be reprinted without permission.

-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of

-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric.  Otherverse, Multiverse,

-- and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, as depicted in the

-- Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.

-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of Eldric.

-- The Realm and The Web of Shadows, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G./ Andrew Shields respectively.

 -- Terra-verse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- is an original creation of DTO.

-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations

-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,

-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, John P., DTO,  or Jason Froikin and may not

-- be used without express permission of the respective author.

-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.

-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.