Probability 1 - Chapter 25


Supergirl and the LSH – Chapter 7:


Part One

*Author’s Note: This chapter combines the 21st century and 31st century storylines.


© Dylan Clearbrook


Green Lantern Corps HQ – Oa
(Probability One)

“So what are we looking at?”

They were gathered in the conference room the heroes had taken over since arriving on Oa. The major players were present.  Kara, Rogue, Jenny, Arisia, Tony Stark, Barbara Gordon, the two female Guardians named Shandra…one each from Probability One and Probability Two…and Hal Jordan and the Guardian named Ganthet, both from Probability 9. 

“Well, we’re a day late and a dollar short as far as the relief fleet goes.” Tony spoke first. “We don’t have to worry about the Zoners.  It seems the locals have already taken care of that problem.”

The group then remained silent as Hal laid out the information they had gained when he, Kara, Rogue, and Tony had transferred over to Probability Three to scout out the situation. (Author’s note: See Rising Starr Chapter 9: Vanishing Probability)

The scouting mission had been Jenny’s idea.  Not only could it provide them with important information, it also served to keep Kara and Rogue busy.   When Kent had winked in, told them to wait, and then vanished with The Twins, Chas, and Alyssa without so much as a “by-your-leave”, Jenny had expected Kara to lose it.  Surprisingly, it had been Rogue that had damned near gone ape-shit.

“I swear, I am going to let Kara fry his ass, next time!” the red-head had stormed.

Yet the calmness Kara had shown was even scarier.

“Never again.” The blond Kryptonian had said. “Once this is over, I want some way found to keep that man out of Multiverse. His sphere is Alterverse….he has no authority here and he needs to be reminded of that….by whatever means!”

Now, after the small team had returned from Probability Three, she hoped that the two would remain focused and not allow their anger at the Alterverse Wizard to cloud their judgment.

“So we are looking at a two-pronged assault.” She spoke up when Hal finished with his report. “Which means at least two teams.”   She considered briefly and then shook her head.

“There is something not quite right about this.” She said. “It is too easy.”

“I don’t know about that.”  Hal shook his head. “Yeah, the Brainiac Fleet approaching Earth will probably be a cakewalk, but the assault on Oa will be something else altogether.”

“It is too easy because it is a diversion!”

Every one turned to the entrance of the Conference room and Jenny cursed as both Kara and Rogue leapt to their feet, their eyes glowing red with barely suppressed heat vision.

“We do not have time for this.” Kent Nelson stepped into the room, with the Twins, Chas, Jade, and Alyssa trailing him. “We will have to address our issues at another time.” He spoke directly to Kara and Rogue. “This is not the time.”

He turned and regarded everyone in the room.

“Wasteland is gone.” He broke the news bluntly. “Completely and irrevocably gone.  Billions of sentient beings snuffed out in an instant.”

“We just about went with it.” Carrie spoke up, nodding to confirm Kent’s words.

Kent went on to describe current events, the five Sorority members in the room adding bits and pieces here and there. (Author’s note: To read about the adventures of Sorority in Wasteland, read The Inheritors chapter 49: Return of the Shadow, chapter 50: Journey into Madness, Sorority Chapter 2: Ragnarök, and Sorority Chapter 3: Hangover)

“Are you suggesting we not go at all?” Jenny demanded once they had wound down.

“Not at all.” Kent shook his head. “As Kara rightfully pointed out, I have no authority here.  But I do not think it would be wise to leave an enemy at your back while you traipse off to take care of other matters.”

“Not to mention the small problem of allowing the Probability Three Earth to fall to Brainiac.” Rogue sniped.

“There is that, as well.” Kent nodded. He waved a hand towards the Twins. “These two have informed me of the issues you are facing here in Multiverse. I agree with your assessment. You have to take care of the problems with Brainiac and Oa in Probability Three….but more importantly, you have to find that Probability Device and neutralize it!”  He shook his head. “Believe me, had any of us in Alterverse or the Inheritor’s Continuverse had any clue that Device still existed and was still functional, we would have joined with you in finding it.”

“Why?” Rogue demanded, her suspicion plain.

Jenny, watching the twins, noted their surprise and dismay at Rogue’s new attitude towards the Alterverse Wizard. She caught Carrie’s eyes when she, her face stern and set, opened her mouth to rebuke her foster mother and shook her head.  She was relieved when the brasher of the twins swallowed her anger and shut her mouth.

“You have seen what that Device has done and is doing here in Multiverse.” Kent explained. “It would have just as devastating effects wherever it was activated.”  He shook his head. “I must return to Alterverse. I will send messages to the Inheritors, letting them know what is going on here in Multiverse and to be ready if you should need their help.”  He turned as if to go and then stopped, turning back to face Kara and Rogue. “I have no ill feelings towards either of you.  I respect you both.  But I suggest that you put your feelings for me aside for the time being and focus on the matters at hand. Do not let your anger at me damage our efforts more than it already has.”  He let his eyes rest on the twins to let Kara and Rogue know what he was talking about and then turned, stepping out of the room.

Silence settled over the room as they all tried to digest the news of an entire Continuverse being wiped out.

“Okay people.”  Jenny shook herself. “We can’t do anything for Wasteland, but it is clear that we need to take care of this issue in Probability Three as quickly as possible.”

“Before we go, I think I need to get this information to Lex and Reed.” Tony said. “They can get the word out and start making plans for whatever we need to do next.”

“Agreed.” Jenny nodded. “Be sure that you let them know that they need to contact the leaders in both Alterverse and the Inheritors Continuverse….we’re obviously going to have to start coordinating rather closely.”

And with that, the group settled in to make their final plans for Probability Three.

“One last thing.” Hal announced much later as they group broke up and prepared to transfer over.

“Appearances.”  He had announced. “It might seem like a little thing, but it is important.”  As he talked, people Kara recognized as being crewmen from the orbiting support fleet had entered the conference room, each carrying a small bundle.

“We need you all to be instantly recognizable.”  He had gone on. “I contacted your Barbara Gordon and she had these made for you.”

Unwrapping the bundles, they had discovered new costumes. Or, in some cases, recreations of old costumes.

Kara had eyed hers with mixed emotions.

“This is what I was wearing when the Anti-Monitor killed me.”  She had whispered, holding up a red head band decorated with Kryptonian figures. The blouse she then held up was blue and red and yellow, the red that surrounded the stylized S sweeping up and over the shoulders.

Rogue was eyeing the red and blue jumpsuit she had worn when they had first come to the Multiverse.  A small stylized S positioned over the right breast.

Both Jenny and Arisia had black and white jumpsuits, each with a large green star emblazoned on the chest. 

The twins held their original costumes. Karen held white leotards with red trimming and a pair of white thigh-high boots with red trimming. Carrie held up a costume of similar style, only colored blue with red trimming.  Both had the red and yellow stylized S on the chests.

After a bit of cajoling by Hal, the costumes had been donned.  Jenny and Arisia had then merged to form Senturia and the gate to Probability Three opened.


Dark Side of the Moon
(Probability Three)

There was no flashing lights, no elaborate visual effects and, obviously in the airless void of the Lunar surface, no sound to announce their arrival. Between one moment and the next, the desolate landscape seemed to sprout three new, cubical, landmarks.

“No indication that we have been detected.” Querl announced from his position at the control panel of Time Cube One. He studied his sensor readings a bit longer and then looked up. “But I am picking up a substantial disturbance in orbit on the other side of the planet.”

“That is probably the task force arriving from Probability One.” Mercy nodded. “Is there anyway we can get a probe over there to see what they are doing?”

“I’ll go.” Lyle Norg, aka Invisible Kid, volunteered. He lifted his hand to display his Legion Flight Ring. “This will furnish life support for a short time and allow me to communicate with you.”

When the others looked at him, considering, he shrugged.

“I’ll be less likely to be detected than any mechanical probe.” He said.

“He’s right.” Imra nodded. To her credit, she did not look to Mercy for approval, but rather made the command decision of a leader on her own. “Alright, Lyle, the job is yours.  Just get over there and let us know what they are doing.”

“On my way.”

In ages past, the journey from Lunar orbit on one side of the planet Earth to the equivalent distance on the other side would have taken days. With the Legion flight ring, the trip would only take minutes.

While they waited, Querl’s fingers were flying over the controls of the time cube.

“This is strange.”  He mused as he studied his readings.  He looked up and over at Imra. “According to my readings, we are on the opposite side of the moon from the Phantom Zoners base. But that base is abandoned.  I am reading absolutely no life forms.  I can, however, detect some automated defenses.”

“There should be close to thirty of them.” Mercy proclaimed. She then shook her head. “Some might be on the planet.”

“No.”  Imra shook her head. “I’ve been scanning the area. I can just pick up some of the thoughts of the new arrivals…Kara Zor-El among them.  According her thoughts, some new data they received indicated that the Phantom Zone Criminals have already been dealt with by the locals.”

“Well, if that is true, then that is one threat we don’t have to worry about.” Mercy/Santel breathed a sigh of relief though Imra noticed a sudden look of worry on her face.

 “WOW!” Lyle’s voice finally came back over the comm unit. “I wish you guys could see this. It’s fantastic.

“You’re not there to sight see, Lyle.” Imra tried not to smile. “What’s going on?”

Sorry.”  There was a slight pause. “I’m in position and there are a lot of Green Lanterns here.  Several ships…but not near as many as we thought might be here.”

If they determined that the Zoners are no longer a problem, they probably decided the relief ships would not be needed.  Those ships are probably loaded with armaments.” Mercy/Santel commented.

 “I think you are right.” Lyle’s voice came back. “It looks like everyone is trying to get their bearings, but a smaller group of Green Lanterns are unloading the ships.  I can see a group that seems to be gathered together….that will probably be the leaders in a final briefing.”  There was a slight pause before Lyle continued. “Okay, they are splitting apart now …oh wow!

“What is it, Lyle?” Imra demanded. “You might not be aware of it, but oh wow is not very descriptive.”

Uh..Right. Sorry. I just saw Superwoman.  She seems to be heading down to the planet surface.” A pause. “Correction, she is heading to a rather large station that seems to be in geosynchronous orbit above the city of Metropolis!”  Another pause.  “There are three Oan Guardians here.  They seem to be dividing the Green Lanterns into to two different groups. I can see…oh crap. Hold on! Keep quiet!

They waited in terse silence for several moments before Lyle resumed.

Querl, if you can cloak those cubes, now would be a good time.” He said in a hurry. Imra nodded to Querl and then returned her attention to the comm unit.

“What’s going on, Lyle?” she demanded.

Kari, Kori, the entire Sorority team, Andromeda, and a golden skinned red head and a blonde I don’t recognize just passed me.  It looks like they are heading in your direction. They are being accompanied by a smaller group of Green Lanterns.

“The two unidentified are most probably Starfire and Ms. Marvel.  Princess Koriand’r and Carol Danvers.” Mercy supplied when Imra looked to her.  She shook her head. “But why are they coming here?  And why split up?” She looked at Imra and shrugged. “While the twins sometimes went off together, it was very rare for Kara and Rogue…you know her as Andromeda…to work separately. There is also no record of Sorority being with the Twins.”

“Wait a minute.” Jensia spoke up. “The records on our Oa indicate that Sorority did join the twins.  Right after Kent Nelson delayed the invasion by transferring all of Sorority, including the Twins, to Wasteland for an urgent mission.”

“Another time anomaly.” Mercy/Santel grimaced. “The problem is, this time, I don’t have a clear understanding of which outcome is the anomaly.”

“What do you mean?” Imra demanded.

“The intelligence I have stated that, at the time Kent Nelson needed Sorority, the Twins were on OA…without any other members of Sorority…and MV was temporary blocked off from the rest of the Continuum.  He was forced to send the rest of Sorority to Wasteland without the Twins.  None of them survived!”

“Well, someone got their wires crossed.” Lyle’s voice came back at them. “Because that is definitely Sorority, though there appear to be a few more of them than our history tapes account for, and they are heading your way!”

 “I will take this discrepancy to mean that your knowledge of past events do not include this one.” Imra sighed. “And judging from your earlier expression, I think it would be safe to assume that you expected the Zoners to be here.”

“Unfortunately, you’re right.” Mercy confirmed. “The History I know says Kara and crew came here, defeated the Zoners and then took on Brainiac. There was absolutely no mention of Sorority or of the Zoners having already been dealt with when they arrived!”

“Right then.” Imra considered for a moment and then nodded. “Okay. I was hoping that we could keep our presence here a secret.  I don’t think that is going to be possible.”  She turned to Querl. “Analysis.  What are they doing?”

“It’s obvious.” Querl responded without hesitation. “Not counting those Green Lanterns trailing Andromeda and The Sorority, the Guardians are dividing them up into two groups.  Obviously one group will remain here to take on the fleet of ships approaching. The other group will probably be detailed to some other location.  Where that might be is anyone’s guess.”

“Not a guess.” Imra said after a moment. “According to the thoughts I am getting, they are going to this Probability’s version of Oa.”

“Oa?” Mercy/Santel cursed. “What in the hell is going on here?   There was nothing about Oa in my briefing!”

“Another anomaly.”  Imra sighed.

“Those Green Lanterns remaining are obviously preparing to meet the Brainiac Fleet. My sensors indicate that the fleet is approaching from above the ecliptic plane, so I would expect that group to head out soon to try to confront them as far from Earth as they can.” He paused and looked at Imra. “Since the Sorority is heading in this direction, it is obvious that they are along to aid the Twins in locating and neutralizing the Probability Device.”

“With Andromeda and those with her riding herd...Right.” Imra nodded.  She considered for a moment longer and then sighed. She flipped a switch, connecting her to the other cubes. “Here’s what we do.  We split up. Garth, Sula, Ayla, Luornu, Dawnstar and I will join with Sorority.  The rest of you will seek out one of the Sentinels, Jennifer or Arisia. Join with them and aid their efforts. Except for Cora and Jensia.  I want Cora to find Kara and stick close to her!”

“No, We can’t do that, Imra!” A voice Imra recognized as belonging to Dreamer came over the com.

“You’ve had a premonition?” Imra demanded. While the others might have qualms about even considering Nura’s visions, Imra had come to the conclusion that listening to them hurt no one. While Dreamer’s visions showed possible futures that MIGHT occur if certain actions were taken, they were not usually set in stone.

“I have.” Nura’s voice came back. “Sorority is already adjusting to new team dynamics and dealing with the shock of their experiences in Wasteland. Their success or failure is not, as we thought, going to be determined by the Twins. Forcing five new team members with another leader into the mix will simply confuse things and could possibly jeopardize the mission.” She explained. “Dawnstar should go with them…her presence is critical, though I cannot see exactly what role she will play.”

Imra considered and looked first at Mercy and then at Garth.  The latter shrugged.

“She has a point.” Livewire admitted. “Besides, I can’t see what we could add to the group. Honestly, I think the five of us would be better off remaining here and helping Superwoman take out Brainiac.”

When Mercy nodded her agreement, Imra sighed.

“Okay then. That’s the way will do it. the Jennifer Walters-Gand wants to keep her Kryptonians away from those Hunter-Killers and their Kryptonite, we would probably be wise to keep her away as well.  Or she could join with Rogue and her team, I will leave that up to her. And if Jennifer leads a group to Oa, I would rather Jensia remain to aid the Green Lanterns here.”

Probably Rogue.” Cora’s voice came back from Cube Two. “I might be a bit, uncomfortable, being around my many times great grandmother!

“Querl, I know that you were intent on aiding the Twins with the Device, but honestly, I do not believe that there is anything that you could do that they cannot.  Since your line originated with Brainiac, you might prove to be more valuable here.”

“If the natives don’t mistake me for Brainiac and kill me out of hand.” Querl responded sourly.

“I think we’ll take that chance.” Imra hid a smile and continued. “Everyone clear on what we are doing?”

There were a chorus of affirmatives and then Imra turned to Mercy.

“I won’t tell you where to go.”  She said.

“Though you would probably like to.” Mercy quipped, smiling.  “Seriously, though I would like to remain here and help out, I think I would be of more use with the team going to Oa..”

 “Right.” Imra shook her head and then turned to look at those in the cube with her. “So what are we waiting for?  Let’s get to it, people.”


“So we know where we’re going and what we’re doing?” Jenny demanded, looking at each of the people gathered around her. When everyone answered affirmatively, she nodded. “Then let’s get to it.

“If you see Buddy, tell him I said Hi.” Rogue told Kara as she spun her around for a kiss. “You be careful down there.  Those people might not be too fond of Kryptonians after dealing with the Zoners.”

“You be careful as well. I’ll see what I can do to get the ball rolling and then join you.”  Kara hugged her hard and then turned to look at the twins, with the rest of Sorority arrayed behind them. “That goes for you girls as well.  All of you.”  She made it a point to hug all the girls, but if she spent a little extra time with the Twins, no one blamed her. “Do what you have to do and get back here as soon as you can!”

All the girls nodded and, with Rogue, Koriand’r, and the elder Carol Danvers keeping pace and a handful of Green Lanterns trailing, turned to speed towards the abandoned Zoner base on the Moon.

Kara watched them until they disappeared from normal sight and turned to Tony Stark.

“Since Jenny is going to be heading off to Oa with the GLs from Probability Two, that is going to leave you and Tomar-Re in charge of the probability One GLs and the ships while the rest of us take care of any Man-Hunters and coordinate with the Locals.  Speaking of which, try to keep everyone out of range of the planet.  I don’t think the people in charge here would be happy with us if we started a panic.”  She paused and then fixed Tony with a glare. “Now, which ship is she on?”

Tony sighed and pointed out one of the ships that had transferred across carrying weapons and armaments.

“Talk to Jenny before she heads out and get one of those Life-Support rings for her and tell her to get ready.  She’s going with me.  I’ll be damned if I leave a pregnant woman in the middle of a battle!” She demanded.

“Yes, Ma’am.”  Tony sighed. Though she could not see his face through his Ironman helmet, Kara thought she caught a hint of relief in his voice.




 “Okay, does anyone have a clue on how to get into this place without setting off every alarm?” Rogue demanded as her group approached the Zoner’s lunar base. “As much as I would like go in and beat the hell out of anyone in our way, I don’t think we have the time.  We need to get to that device as quickly as possible.”

“The problem with that is that we don’t know exactly where in the base it is.”  Karen spoke up, knowing her words would be carried through the airless void via the rings Jenny had given them. She grimaced. “We should have thought to construct something that would help us find it.”

“Don’t stress over it.” Carol Danvers spoke up. “We were pressed for time.”  She thought and shook her head. “I hate to say it, but we might have to split up. Two groups, one of the twins to each group.”

“Perhaps we might be able to help?”

The voice did not come over their communication system but rather seemed to sound directly within their minds.

“Do not be alarmed.” The voice sounded again. “Stay where you are, we are almost at your position.”

“I thought Hal said the Zoners were gone!” Carrie muttered.

“That wasn’t a Zoner.” Rogue was scanning the lunar surface as she spoke. “There was something familiar about that voice.”  She paused and then shook her head. “It has to be one of Kara’s memories and I don’t have the time to dig through them and find them.”

“That has got to be irritating at times.”  Carol shook her head. She knew the story behind Rogue’s powers and history and knew that the way Rogue’s mind had locked the memories she had accidently stolen from Kara into a compartment within her brain…a compartment she had to actively search through to find anything…was different from the way it had worked in her past.

“It is.”  Rogue nodded. “Though, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She glanced over the other woman. “The memories I stole from the other Carol Danvers almost drove me mad.”

Ms. Marvel shuddered. She knew that the incident Rogue referred to had happened long ago, before Rogue had decided to use her powers for good with the X-Men and to another Carol Danvers…one that later turned out to be an alcoholic…still…

“There!” Koriand’r broke in, pointing towards a group of individuals approaching. Rogue spun and activated her telescopic vision.

“AH!”  She nodded as group came into focus. “They are friends. If I read the insignia correctly they are the Legion of Super…”  Her voice trailed off as she focused on one member of the group. “It can’t be!”  She breathed. The others looked at her questioningly but she remained quiet until the group reached them.

“Hello Rogue, Carol, Karen, Carrie.” Mercy stepped forward and smiled.  She then looked at Koriand’r. “I am sorry but we have not yet met in person, Your Highness.”

“Mercy Luthor,” Rogue demanded. “What the hell are you doing here?  You’re supposed to be back on our Earth with Lex.”

“And I am.” Mercy nodded. “It’s a long story, Rogue.  And if any of you ever get back home, I have to ask that you don’t mention meeting me to…me.”

“She’s from the future.” Karen spoke up, putting it together instantly.

“A Mercy Luthor from the future.  With the Legion of Super-Heroes, no less.”  Rogue shook her head. “So what are you doing here?”

Mercy shook her head.

“I’m just here as a go between. As soon as I am finished here, I am off to join our other team.”  She said, motioning to the blonde girl beside her. “This is Imra Ardeen.”

The memory clicked and Rogue nodded.

“Saturn Girl.”  She said. “The telepath.”

“And current leader of the Legion of Super-Heroes.”  Mercy added. “This is her show.”

“Alright then.” Rogue turned to Imra. “I’ll ask you then.  What are you doing here?”

“We’re here to help.” Imra answered, as if it were obvious. “That Probability Device is screwing with the entire time lines of Earths one, two, and three. While most of us will be helping with the Brainiac invasion or Oa, this small group is here to help Sorority get that device out of the Multiverse!”

“I take it you have a way of pin pointing its location?” Karen asked, her eyes still on the green skinned male.

“I should be able to track it.” the woman that spoke up looked like a Native American with great white and brown wings.

“Dawnstar.”  Rogue accessed Kara’s memories and put the code name to the face. She then noticed the young woman wearing a variation of Kara’s costume.  She was not the only one to notice.

“Do I know you?” Karen demanded, looking straight at the young woman.

“I don’t see how that would be possible.”  The young woman answered, smiling.  To Rogue it appeared as if that smile was somewhat forced.

“We do know the location of the base and we have what we believe to be an accurate schematic showing the locations of automated defenses as well as possible locations for the Device.”  Imra broke in, bringing attention back to herself.   She paused for a moment and then looked to Rogue. “I should tell you that, if you go any further with us, then you will miss a forward scouting party of Manhunters that are already in the system and scouting out defenses!  And yes, they are in contact with Brainiac!” She paused and turned her attention to Alysa. “If it is okay with you, Dawnstar will join with your team.  She can get you through the base defenses and help you locate the Device.”  She now turned to Rogue. “The rest of our people will be leaving momentarily to join up with Jennifer Walters-Gand. The eight of us will remain here with you to help defeat Brainiac.”

Alysa considered the new comers for a moment and then turned to Rogue. Though new to the position, there was no doubt who the leader of the group was.

“You go take care of the Manhunters.  We can take it from here.”  She said.  She then turned back to Dawnstar and motioned for her to lead the way before Rogue could respond.

“I think we have just been dismissed.”  The elder Carol Danvers stifled a laugh at the expression on Rogue’s face.

“Well.”  Rogue paused and then shook her head with a small smile. “I think you are right.”  She gathered Carol, Koriand’r, the Green Lanterns, and the eight newcomers with her eyes and sped away to deal with the Manhunters. She had not gotten far when she noticed the young future Supergirl was sticking close to her.

 “So why aren’t you going with Sorority?”  Rogue demanded, pausing to let the young woman catch up. “Too many Kryptonians?”

“No, ma’am.”  The young woman answered. “I am supposed to stick with you.. Imra didn’t want me near the Hunter-Killers and we thought it might be a bit…distracting…for me to be with the Sorority team.”


“Yes Ma’am.”  The young woman answered. “You see, my name is Cora Zir-El.  Karen is my many times removed grandmother!”

Rogue was about to respond when Tony’s voice came over her comm. unit.




“Really Kara, I can take care of myself!”  Barbara Stark grumbled.   It was not the first time she had flown with Kara, but it was the first time that she was cradled like an invalid in Superwoman’s arms.

“Oh really?” Kara responded as she sped towards the Project Infinity Satellite.  It had come as no surprise to learn, after giving Tony his marching orders, that at least some of the Locals were already aware of their arrival.  Obviously it had taken them a bit of time to figure out how to communicate, yet once they did, it was only to send terse instructions to rendezvous at the satellite.

“Well, if they expect us all to rendezvous there, they are going to be disappointed.” Jenny had shrugged. “We go as planned.”  She paused and then nodded. “Rogue, Ms. Marvel, and Starfire have already made contact with a group of Man-Hunters so our time is running out.  Kara, if you got this, we’re heading out. If you finish up here before us, meet us at Oa.”

Kara could only imagine what the people on the Project Infinity Satellite were thinking when over half of the Green Lanterns and various others suddenly winked out.

“Yes, really.” Barbara Stark grumped, bringing Kara’s mind back to the present.

“You know, Babs, I think you really need to give this whole maternal thing another thought.  I don’t think you’ve got it down yet.” She responded.  “Most soon-to-be-mothers don’t throw themselves into the middle of battle.”

Barbara grimaced, not having a ready come-back.  Instead she turned her attention to the matter at hand.

“Its probably best I came with you in any case.” She said. “Quite frankly, I am surprised Jenny left this task to you.”

“Don’t think I can handle it?” Kara frowned.

“In the past, maybe.  Now?  I’m not so sure.” Barbara answered honestly. “Face it Kara.  Ever since Reed Richards and Dr. Strange put your spirit in that body, you’ve been a lot more hot headed than you used to be. You aren’t the same Kara I knew before…before…”

“Before I died?” Kara answered calmly. “You have to admit, something like that might change a person.”

“Perhaps.”  Barbara agreed. “But it is more than that.  Here lately, you have been acting just like your cousin used to.  Back when both you and I would gripe about it.  Back then, you pointed out exactly what the problem was, even if he could not see it.”

Kara paused her flight and considered her friend.

“If you have something to say, spit it out, Babs.” She ordered. “We are a bit pressed for time here.”

“Okay…then here it is.” Barbara steeled herself to say what needed to be said. “Back then you recognized what Kal’s problem was.  He was developing a god complex.  He felt as if the weight of the galaxy was on his shoulders and only he could handle it.  You’re getting the same way.  There are problems everywhere…and only you can take care of those problems.”  She tossed an arm out and pointed at the Satellite that was just barely visible in the distance. “Take them, for instance. We haven’t even talked to them yet, and already you have your back up.  Did you expect them to welcome the high and mighty Kara Zor-El as their one and only savior?”

“Babs!” Kara let her arms drop and Barbara floated free, turning to face her in the weightlessness of space. “You know damned well I don’t think like that!”

“Of course I do.” Babs responded. “But just look how you have been acting!   Take Kent Nelson. I can understand Rogue being irritated at him for snatching the twins without pausing to explain.  And yes, I heard everything that happened in that room…I was listening through Tony’s suit.  Your problem with him goes back even further….and unlike Rogue, I don’t think it all revolves around the twins.  I think it has to do with the fact that he hasn’t been asking YOUR permission before he acts.  Your Kal got to be the same way.   No, you are not doing it purposely….but you are doing the same thing he did….He was afraid that if he did not micro-manage everyone, control would be lost.  He felt responsible for everyone and everyone’s actions.   I hate to break it to you, Kara…but you aren’t a goddess. You may be Kryptonian…but down deep you are just as human as the rest of us.  You can’t control everything and you can’t take charge of every situation you find yourself in.  The weight of the galaxy, or in this case, the Multiverse, is not on your shoulders.  You just think it is.”

Babs pointed at the Satellite again

“This is their Probability, Kara, not ours. We are here to help…nothing more. Once we finish here, we will go home….and they will still be here.  I think you need to think about that before you talk to them.”  She grabbed Kara’s face in both her hands and pulled her close. “You know damned well I have always loved you like a sister.  You’ve been my best friend…you still are.  You just told me a hard truth about myself.  Perhaps I am not being a careful as I should be at a time like this.   I expect that from you and hope you never stop.  But the reverse is true.  If I have to, I will step up and tell you the things you need to hear…things no one else will tell you!  You’re Kara Zor-El.  Superwoman.  Not Atlas.”  She let go and gently patted Kara’s cheek.  “Now wipe that expression off your face and let’s go.  Just think about it!”

Before Kara could respond, Tony Stark’s voice came over the comm. units.

“Heads up, People.”  Tony snapped. “Brainiac has arrived!”


To be Continued…….. 



-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2015 by Dylan Clearbrook

-- and may not be reprinted without permission.

-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of

-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric.  

-- Otherverse, Multiverse, Primalverse. and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes,

-- as depicted in the Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.

-- Alterverse, The Inheritors and Rising Starr,  as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of Eldric.

-- Wasteland, The Sorority, and Otherverse 2.0,  as depicted in the Continuum Worlds

-- are original creations of Nomad (Jake H.).

-- The Realm and The Web of Shadows, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G./ Andrew Shields respectively.

 -- DCM: The Merging, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- is an original creation of Chip Caroon and the stories therein remain

-- the property of the respective writers.

 -- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations

-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,

-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, John P., DTO,  or Jason Froikin and may not

-- be used without express permission of the respective author.

-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.

-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.